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Browsing publications by Professor Andy Large.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Andy Large
Professor Andrew Henderson
Anthropogenic impacts on the water chemistry of a transboundary river system in Southeast Asia2024
Dr Colin Cremin
Professor Andy Large
Causes and consequences of tipping points in river delta social-ecological systems2024
Hannah Runeckles
Dr Christopher Hackney
Professor Andy Large
“Local people want to keep their sand”: Variations in community perceptions and everyday resistance to sand mining across the Red River, Vietnam2023
Professor Andy Large
Aligning the Global Delta Risk Index with SDG and SFDRR Global frameworks to assess risk to socio-ecological systems in river deltas2023
Dr Richard Walton
Dr Tarun Bisht
Professor Andy Large
Professor Andrew Henderson
Dr Anh Vu
et al.
Building resilience in South and Southeast Asian mega-deltas2023
Professor Andy Large
Professor Andrew Henderson
Dammed deltas: sinking Asian deltas in a warming world2023
Professor Andy Large
Professor Andrew Henderson
Libby Wood
Locally led adaptation is key to ending deforestation2023
Professor Andy Large
Securing the sustainable future of tropical deltas through mangrove restoration: lessons from the Indian Sundarban2023
Dr Matthew Perks
Dr Borbala Hortobagyi
Professor Andy Large
Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP-Flood2022
Professor Andy Large
Overcoming challenges for implementing nature-based solutions in deltaic environments: insights from the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh2022
Daryl Hughes
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Andy Large
Alethea Goddard
et al.
The influence of 4D landscape visualisation on attitudes to reservoir renaturalisation2022
Dr Matthew Perks
Professor Andy Large
Jane Davis
Dr Catherine Gandy
Patrick Orme
et al.
Effect of an extreme flood event on solute transport and resilience of a mine water treatment system in a mineralised catchment2021
Professor Andrew Henderson
Professor Andy Large
Dr Christopher Hackney
Tropical Asian mega-delta ponds: Important and threatened socio-ecological systems2021
David Blauvelt
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andy Large
Controls on jökulhlaup-transported buried ice melt-out at Skeiðarársandur, Iceland: implications for the evolution of ice-marginal environments2020
Professor Andy Large
Global food security in the context of COVID-19: A scenario-based exploratory analysis2020
Professor Andy Large
A new method for assessing river ecosystem services and its application to rivers in Scotland with and without nature conservation designations2019
Professor Andy Large
Strong and recurring seasonality revealed within stream diatom assemblages2019
Ed Rollason
Professor Andy Large
Evaluating the success of public participation in integrated catchment management2018
Ed Rollason
Professor Andy Large
Rethinking flood risk communication2018
Professor Andy Large
Sediment continuity through the upland sediment cascade: geomorphic response of an upland river to an extreme flood event2018
Ed Rollason
Professor Andy Large
The importance of volunteered geographic information for the validation of flood inundation models2018
Dr Eleanor Starkey
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
Professor Andy Large
Dr Paul Quinn
et al.
Demonstrating the value of community-based (‘citizen science’) observations for catchment modelling and characterisation2017
Professor Andy Large
Dr Eleanor Starkey
Ecosystem Service-Based Approaches for Status Assessment of Anthropocene Riverscapes2017
Dr Eleanor Starkey
Mhari Barnes
Dr Paul Quinn
Professor Andy Large
Insightful monitoring of natural flood risk management features using a low-cost and participatory approach2016
Dr Matthew Perks
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andy Large
Technical Note: Advances in flash flood monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)2016
Professor Andy Large
Using Google Earth, a virtual-globe imaging platform for ecosystem services-based river assessment.2015
Professor Andy Large
Dr Jennine Jonczyk
Dr Matthew Perks
High frequency variability of environmental drivers determining benthic community dynamics in headwater streams2014
Professor Andy Large
Magnetic tracing of fine-sediment over pool-riffle morphology2014
Professor Andy Large
Professor Andrew Russell
Dr Anne-Sophie Meriaux
The role of multiple glacial outburst floods in proglacial landscape evolution: The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, Iceland2013
Professor Andy Large
Current and future challenges in managing natural system variability for river conservation in European river basins2012
Professor Andy Large
Filtering spatial error from DEMs: Implications for morphological change estimation2011
Professor Andy Large
Mapping hydraulic biotopes using terrestrial laser scan data of water surface properties2010
Professor Andy Large
Influence of survey strategy and interpolation model on DEM quality2009
Professor Andy Large
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Newson
Professor Claire Walsh
A predictive typology for characterising hydromorphology2008
Professor Andy Large
Riverine hydroecology: Advances in research and applications.2008
Dr Will Mayes
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Andy Large
Caustic / vitriolic: wetland treatment at extremes of pH2007
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Andy Large
Tunnel channel formation during the November 1996 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland2007
Professor Andy Large
Dr Will Mayes
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Newson
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Using long-term monitoring of fen hydrology and vegetation to underpin wetland restoration strategies2007
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Professor Andy Large
Professor Ian Calder
An institutional approach for understanding farmers strategies and land management2006
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Newson
Professor Andy Large
'Natural' rivers, 'hydromorphological quality' and river restoration: A challenging new agenda for applied fluvial geomorphology2006
Professor Claire Walsh
Professor Chris Kilsby
Professor Andy Large
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Newson
Typology approach to assessing the impact of climate change in instream physical habitat2006
Professor Andy Large
M Charlton
Derivation of annual reach-scale sediment transfers in the River Coquet, Northumberland, UK2005
Professor Andy Large
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Newson
Hydromorphological Quality - a policy template for channel design in river restoration.2005
Dr Will Mayes
Professor Andy Large
Professor Paul Younger
The impact of pumped water from a de-watered Magnesian limestone quarry on an adjacent wetland: Thrislington, County Durham, UK2005
Professor Andy Large
Dr Graham Jewitt
Channel hydraulics and geomorphic effects of an extreme flood event on the Sabie River, South Africa2004
Professor Ian Calder
Dr Graham Jewitt
Professor Andy Large
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Dr Robert Hope
et al.
Global Governance of Water and the Blue Revolution - Can we achieve better outcomes from land and water policies?2004
M Charlton
Professor Andy Large
Application of airborne lidar in river environments: The River Coquet, Northumberland, UK2003
Professor Andy Large
Estimating extreme flood magnitude in bedrock-influenced channels using representative reach-based channel resistance data2003
Professor Andy Large
Geostatistical analysis of ground-survey elevation data to elucidate spatial and temporal river channel change2003
Professor Andy Large
Quantifying channel development and sediment transfer following chute cutoff in a wandering gravel-bed river2003
Professor Andy Large
M Charlton
Reach-scale sediment transfers: An evaluation of two morphological budgeting approaches2003
Dr David Passmore
Professor Andy Large
Annual sediment budgets in an unstable gravel-bed river: the River Coquet, northern England2002
Dr David Passmore
Professor Andy Large
Annual sediment budgets in an unstable gravel-bed river: the River Coquet, northern England.2002
Professor Andy Large
Tracer pebble entrainment and deposition loci: influence of flow character and implications for riffle-pool maintenance2002
Dr David Passmore
Professor Andy Large
M Charlton
Annual sediment budgets in an unstable gravel bed river; the River Coquet, northern England2001
Professor Andy Large
Influence of flow magnitude and duration upon tracer movement through pool-riffle-bar topography2001
Professor Andy Large
Reversing Spontaneous Succession to Protect High-Value Vegetation: Assessment of Two Scottish Mires Using Rapid Survey Techniques2001
Professor Andy Large
Reversing spontaneous succession to protect high-value vegetation: Assessment of two Scottish mires using rapid survey techniques2001
Professor Andy Large
M Charlton
Stage dependent variability in tractive force distribution through a riffle-pool sequence2001
Professor Andy Large
The February 2000 floods on the Sabie River, South Africa: an examination of their magnitude and frequency.2001
Professor Andy Large
Magnetic tracing of sand through a riffle-pool sequence.2000
Professor Andy Large
Reach-scale sediment and barform dynamics of the wandering gravel-bed river Nent, Cumbria, UK.2000
Professor Andy Large
Dr David Passmore
Biotic response to late Holocene floodplain evolution in the River Irthing catchment, Cumbria1999
Professor Andy Large
Jacqueline Ann Cotton
Dr David Passmore
Biotic response to late Holocene floodplain evolution in the River Irthing catchment, Cumbria1999
Professor Andy Large
Dr Christopher Brunsdon
Influence of particle shape and sorting upon sample size estimates for a coarse-grained upland stream1999
Professor Andy Large
Plants and water in streams and rivers1999
Professor Andy Large
Ecology of the floodplain of the regulated River Trent: implications for rehabilitation1998
Professor Andy Large
Ecology of the floodplain of the regulated River Trent: implications for rehabilitation1998
Professor Andy Large
Problems associated with the degradation of rivers in the north east Region and initiatives to achieve rehabilitation.1998
Professor Andy Large
Problems associated with the degradation of rivers in the Northumbria and Yorkshire Region and initiatives to achieve rehabilitation1998
Professor Andy Large
Rehabilitation of degraded river habitat: an introduction1998
Professor Andy Large
Rehabilitation of degraded river habitata: an introduction1998
Professor Andy Large
Rehabilitation of Rivers: Principles and Implementation1998
Professor Andy Large
Rehabilitation of rivers: Principles and Practice1998
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Andy Large
Professor Adam Jarvis
The creation of floodplain wetlands to passively treat polluted minewaters1998
Professor Andy Large
Environmental science: The natural environment and human impact by Andrew Jackson and Julie Jackson1997
Professor Andy Large
Environmental Science: the natural environment and human impact. Jackson, ARW & Jackson, JM1997
Professor Andy Large
Floodplain Rivers: Hydrological Processes and Ecological Significance1997
Professor Andy Large
Floodplain Rivers; Hydrological Processes and Ecological Significance1997
Professor Andy Large
Linking floodplain hydrology and ecology: the scientific basis for mangement1997
Professor Andy Large
Floodplain Ecology and Management: The Luznice River in the Trebon Biosphere Reserve, central Europe1996
Professor Andy Large
Historical channel - Floodplain dynamics along the River Trent: Implications for river rehabilitation1996
Professor Andy Large

Groundwater surface water ecotones at the upstream part of confluences in former river channels

Professor Andy Large
River and floodplain rehabilitation in Western Europe: opportunities and constraints.1995
Professor Andy Large
Alteration of patch boundaries on the floodplain of the regulated River Trent, UK1994
Professor Andy Large
Restoration of floodplains: a UK perspective.1993
Professor Andy Large
The distribution, extent and causes of peat loss in central and north-west Ireland.1991