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Browsing publications by Professor Susan Chilton.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Morgan Beeson
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Citizen Preferences and BCA: A Model of Willingness-to-Pay behind a Veil of Ignorance2025
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Darren Duxbury
Dr Irene Mussio
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Dr Smriti Sharma
et al.
A double-bounded risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk: Evidence from India2024
Dr Irene Mussio
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Darren Duxbury
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
A risk-risk trade-off assessment of climate-induced mortality risk changes2024
Dr Irene Mussio
Professor Susan Chilton
A Novel Application of Risk–Risk Tradeoffs in Occupational Health: Nurses’ Occupational Asthma and Infection Risk Perceptions Related to Cleaning and Disinfection during COVID-192022
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Rebecca McDonald
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Altruism and Efficient Allocations in Three-Generation Households2021
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Dr Rachel Baker
et al.
A scoping study on the valuation of risks to life and health: the monetary value of a life year (VOLY)2020
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor John Wildman
Beyond COVID‐19: How the ‘dismal science’ can prepare us for the future2020
Professor Susan Chilton
Public resource allocation, strategic behavior, and status quo bias in choice experiments2020
Dr Morgan Beeson
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
et al.
Can a 'veil of ignorance' reduce the impact of distortionary taxation on public good valuations?2019
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Improving the Risk-Risk Trade-Off Method for Use in Safety Project Appraisal Responses2019
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
A new approach to environmental valuation for New Zealand2018
Professor Susan Chilton
Association between time preference, present-bias and physical activity: implications for designing behavior change interventions2018
Matthew Taylor
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Comparing increments in utility of health: An individual-based approach2017
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Evidence of variable discount rates and non-standard discounting in mortality risk valuation2017
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Gain and loss of money in a choice experiment. The impact of financial loss aversion and risk preferences on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy extarnalities2017
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Professor Susan Chilton
Valuing Safety: Principal Limitations of the J-Value Model2017
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Dread and latency impacts on a vsl for cancer risk reductions2016
Professor Susan Chilton
Molecular tools for bathing water assessment in Europe: Balancing social science research with a rapidly developing environmental science evidence-base2016
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
The impact of latent risk preferences on valuing the preservation of threatened lynx populations in Poland2016
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Response to 'Testing the validity of the "value of a prevented fatality" (VPF) used to assess UK safety measures'2015
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Valuing gains in life expectancy: clarifying some ambiguities2015
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Wildfires in Poland: the Impact of Risk Preferences and Loss Aversion on Environmental Choices2015
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Did people "buy" what was "sold"? A qualitative evaluation of a contingent valuation survey information set for gains in life expectancy2014
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Rebecca McDonald
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Does the WTA/WTP Ratio Diminish as the Severity of a Health Complaint is Reduced? Testing for Smoothness of the Underlying Utility of Wealth Function2012
Dr Anna Bartczak
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Dr Sonia Pellegrini
et al.
Economic valuation of air pollution mortality: A 9-country contingent valuation survey of value of a life year (VOLY)2011
Dr Rachel Baker
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Cam Donaldson
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Emily Lancsar
et al.
Searchers vs surveyors in estimating the monetary value of a QALY: resolving a nasty dilemma for NICE2011
Professor Susan Chilton
Bias in Choice Experiments for Public Goods2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How would you like your gain in life expectancy to be provided? An experimental approach2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How would you like your gain in Life Expectancy to be provided? An experimental approach.2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How would you like your gain in Life Expectancy to be provided?An experimental approach2010
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Rebecca McDonald
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Willingness to Pay, Willingness to Accept and “Smooth vs Kinked” Utility of Wealth Functions: An Empirical Test of a Theoretical Debate2010
Professor Jytte Seested Nielsen
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
How do you prefer your gain in life expectancy to be delivered? An experimental approach linking hypothetical and incentivised choices2009
Professor Susan Chilton
Necessary conditions for demand revelation in double referenda2009
Dr Rachel Baker
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Valuing lives equally in a benefit-cost analysis of safety projects: a method to reconcile theory and practice2009
Anthony Burton
Professor Susan Chilton
Why do people non-demand reveal in hypothetical double referenda for public goods?2009
Dr Rachel Baker
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Valuing lives equally: Defensible premise or unwarranted compromise?2008
Dr Rachel Baker
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
A face-validity test of response strategies to 'dread risks'2007
Professor Susan Chilton
Contingent valuation and social choices concerning public goods: An overview of theory, methods and issues2007
Anthony Burton
Professor Susan Chilton
Resolving questions about bias in real and hypothetical referenda2007
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Valuation of health and safety benefits: Dread Risks2007
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Francis Kiraly
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Dread risks2006
Professor Susan Chilton
Dr Hugh Metcalf
The Relationship between Economic Growth and AIDS Prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Kuznets Curve Approach2006
Professor Susan Chilton
The relative value of farm animal welfare2006
Professor Susan Chilton
Testing the internal consistency of the lottery equivalents method using health outcomes: A comment to Oliver2005
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Professor Graham Loomes
Dr Hugh Metcalf
Valuation of Health Benefits Associated with Reductions in Air Pollution2004
Professor Susan Chilton
A qualitative examination of how respondents in a contingent valuation study rationalise their WTP responses to an increase in the quality of the environmental good2003
Anthony Burton
Professor Susan Chilton
An experimental investigation of explanations for inconsistencies in responses to second offers in double referenda2003
Dr Rachel Baker
Professor Susan Chilton
Professor Cam Donaldson
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Dr Hugh Metcalf
et al.
Determining the societal value of a QALY by surveying the public in England and Wales: a research protocol2003
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Professor Graham Loomes
Public perceptions of risk and preference-based values of safety2002
Professor Susan Chilton
Empirical Evidence of Inconsistency in Standard Gamble Choices Under Direct and Indirect Elicitation Methods2001
Riccardo Scarpa
Professor Susan Chilton
Parametric and non-parametric estimates of willingness to pay for forest recreation in Northern Ireland: A discrete choice contingent valuation study with follow-ups2001
Riccardo Scarpa
Professor Susan Chilton
Importance of forest attributes in the willingness to pay for recreation: A contingent valuation study of Irish forests2000
Anthony Burton
Professor Susan Chilton
Martin Jones
The WTP/WTA discrepancy: A preliminary qualitative examination2000
Riccardo Scarpa
Professor Susan Chilton
Valuing the recreational benefits from the creation of nature reserves in Irish forests2000
Professor Susan Chilton
Combining preference ordering and contingent valuation methods to assess non market benefit of alternative afforestation projects1999
Professor Susan Chilton
Exploring divergence between respondent and researcher definitions of the good in contingent valuation studies.1999
Professor Susan Chilton
Focus groups and the contingent valuation process: A reply1999
Professor Susan Chilton
Some further implications of incorporating the warm glow of giving into welfare measures: A comment on the use of donation mechanisms by Champ et al.1999
Professor Susan Chilton
Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee
Professor Graham Loomes
On the contingent valuation of safety and the safety of contingent valuation: Part 2 - The CV/SG "chained" approach1998