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Browsing publications by Professor Simon Bailey.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Alex Hagan
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Sarah Verity
Barriers to the use of Methylphenidate in Pediatric Neuro-oncology Services2024
Professor Simon Bailey
Brain stem tumors in children less than 3 months: Clinical and radiologic findings of a rare disease2024
Professor Simon Bailey
Correction to: Clinical Trials in High-Risk Medulloblastoma: Evolution of the SIOP-Europe HR-MB Trial (Cancers, (2022), 14, 2, (374), 10.3390/cancers14020374)2024
Dr Claire Keeling
Dr Jack Goddard
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Debbie Hicks
et al.
MDB-31. The clinical significance of sub-total surgical resection in childhood medulloblastoma: a multi-cohort analysis of 1100 patients.2024
Dr Marion Mateos
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Marina Danilenko
Dr Jack Goddard
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
MDB-64. Novel transcripts associate with survival in childhood medulloblastoma.2024
Dr Florence Burté
Magretta Adiamah
Dr Fatma Scerif
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Ed Schwalbe
et al.
Metabolite profiles of medulloblastoma for rapid and non-invasive detection of molecular disease groups2024
Dr Claire Keeling
Dr Jack Goddard
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Debbie Hicks
et al.
The clinical significance of sub-total surgical resection in childhood medulloblastoma: a multi-cohort analysis of 1100 patients2024
Professor Simon Bailey
The type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in relapsed/refractory pediatric low-grade glioma: the phase 2 FIREFLY-1 trial2024
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Gail Halliday
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Professor Simon Bailey
A Primary Spinal Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumor With Multiple Intracranial Metastases in a Toddler2023
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Applying machine learning classifiers to automate quality assessment of paediatric dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC-) MRI data2023
Dr Jack Goddard
Jemma Castle
Emily Southworth
Anya Fletcher
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
Molecular characterisation defines clinically-actionable heterogeneity within Group 4 medulloblastoma and improves disease risk-stratification2023
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Outcomes of Infants and Young Children With Relapsed Medulloblastoma After Initial Craniospinal Irradiation-Sparing Approaches: An International Cohort Study2023
Professor Simon Bailey
Radiotherapy quality assurance in paediatric clinical trials: first report from six QUARTET-affiliated trials2023
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Timing is everything: A connection between medulloblastoma prognosis and foetal cerebellar development2023
Dr Frederik van Delft
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
Dr Geoff Shenton
Dr Peter Carey
et al.
Unusual relapse of low hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in a family with Li-Fraumeni syndrome2023
Alex Hagan
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Sarah Verity
Barriers to the use of methylphenidate in paediatric neuro-oncology services2022
Dr Marion Mateos
Dr Nikhil Birdi
Dr Anna Basu
Dr Michael Wright
Dr Srinivas Annavarapu
et al.
Developmental delay and progressive seizures in 2-month-old child with diffuse MRI abnormalities2022
Dr Paul Morgan
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Dynamic susceptibility-contrast magnetic resonance imaging with contrast agent leakage correction aids in predicting grade in pediatric brain tumours: a multicenter study2022
Dr Ricky Tirtakusuma
Dr Katarzyna Szoltysek
Professor Vasily Grinev
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Epigenetic regulator genes direct lineage switching in MLL/AF4 leukemia2022
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
How Can Genomic Innovations in Pediatric Brain Tumors Transform Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?2022
Dr Jack Goddard
Jemma Castle
Emily Southworth
Anya Fletcher
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
MEDB-71. Molecular characterisation of Group 4 medulloblastoma improves risk-stratification and its biological understanding2022
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
Medulloblastoma group 3 and 4 tumors comprise a clinically and biologically significant expression continuum reflecting human cerebellar development2022
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Professor Simon Bailey
Metabolite selection for machine learning in childhood brain tumour classification2022
Professor Simon Bailey
Pediatric high-grade gliomas and the WHO CNS Tumor Classification - Perspectives of pediatric neuro-oncologists and neuropathologists in light of recent updates2022
Dr Rebecca Hill
Professor Steven Clifford
Professor Simon Bailey
Relapsed medulloblastoma in pre-irradiated patients: Current practice for diagnostics and treatment2022
Dr Marina Danilenko
Dr Claire Keeling
Dr Stephen Crosier
Dr Martina Finetti
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Single-cell DNA sequencing identifies risk-associated clonal complexity and evolutionary trajectories in childhood medulloblastoma development2022
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor ELizabeth Molyneux
Towards zero percent treatment abandonment of patients with common and curable childhood cancer types in Blantyre, Malawi2022
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Acceptance and commitment therapy for young brain tumour survivors: Study protocol for an acceptability and feasibility trial2021
Dr Stephen Crosier
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Daniel Williamson
Amanda Smith
et al.
Advanced molecular pathology for rare tumours: A national feasibility study and model for centralised medulloblastoma diagnostics2021
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Professor Simon Bailey
Classification of paediatric brain tumours by diffusion weighted imaging and machine learning2021
Professor Simon Bailey
Clinical and genetic characteristics of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Li–Fraumeni syndrome2021
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Combining multi-site magnetic resonance imaging with machine learning predicts survival in pediatric brain tumors2021
Dr Ugo Offor
Professor Simon Bailey
Improving the early detection and management of constipation in children and young people living with cancer in the North East of England.2021
Dr Vickyanne Carruthers
Dr Rebecca Hill
Ian Coulter
Christopher Cowie
Dr Gail Halliday
et al.
Perioperative corticosteroid use in paediatric neuro-oncology2021
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Reza Rafiee
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Christopher Howell
Dr Janet Lindsey
et al.
The molecular landscape and associated clinical experience in infant medulloblastoma: prognostic significance of second-generation subtypes2021
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Peter Carey
Professor Stephen O'Brien
Professor Anthony Moorman
Emilio Barretta
et al.
Challenges of starting treatment protocols for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in a low-income setting — the Blantyre experience2020
Dr Stephen Crosier
Professor Simon Bailey
Infant High-Grade Gliomas Comprise Multiple Subgroups Characterized by Novel Targetable Gene Fusions and Favorable Outcomes2020
Professor Simon Bailey
Outcome at the end of treatment of patients with common and curable childhood cancer types in Blantyre, Malawi2020
Dr Yura Grabovska
Dr Stephen Crosier
Dr Martina Finetti
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Rebecca Hill
et al.
Pediatric pan-central nervous system tumor analysis of immune-cell infiltration identifies correlates of antitumor immunity2020
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Stacey Richardson
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Janet Lindsey
et al.
Time, pattern, and outcome of medulloblastoma relapse and their association with tumour biology at diagnosis and therapy: a multicentre cohort study2020
Dr Martina Finetti
Yura Grabovska
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Daniel Williamson
Translational Genomics of Malignant Rhabdoid Tumours: Current Impact and Future Possibilities2020
Professor Simon Bailey
Diagnostics and treatment of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: where do we stand?2019
Dr Marion Mateos
Dr Nikhil Birdi
Dr Vankateswara Ramesh
Dr Anna Basu
Dr Srinivas Annavarapu
et al.
Neoplasia or Neonatal Alexander Disease?2019
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Debbie Hicks
et al.
Second-generation molecular subgrouping of medulloblastoma: an international meta-analysis of Group 3 and Group 4 subtypes2019
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Alex Blain
Alex Newman
Dr Masood Zaka
Dr Ugo Offor
et al.
Sporadic and endemic Burkitt lymphoma have frequent FOXO1 mutations but distinct hotspots in the AKT recognition motif2019
Professor Simon Bailey
The utility of routine surveillance screening with magnetic resonance imaging to detect tumor recurrence/progression in children with high-grade central nervous system tumors: a systematic review2019
Dr Morven Brown
Professor Simon Bailey
“They've got a lot of needs and I don't think they're being met fully”: A qualitative study of the multi‐professional team approach to the management of children with optic pathway gliomas2018
Professor Simon Bailey
A framework to develop adapted treatment regimens to manage pediatric cancer in low- and middle-income countries: The Pediatric Oncology in Developing Countries (PODC) Committee of the International Pediatric Oncology Society (SIOP)2018
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amir Enshaei
Alex Newman
Dr Amy Erhorn
Amy Barnard
et al.
A genomic classification model enables risk stratification of paediatric endemic Burkitt lymphoma2018
Dr Peixun Zhou
Dr Amir Enshaei
Alex Newman
Dr Amy Erhorn
Amy Barnard
et al.
A Genomic Classification Model Enables Risk Stratification of Paediatric Endemic Burkitt Lymphona in Malawi2018
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Professor Simon Bailey
Application of pattern recognition techniques for classification of pediatric brain tumors by in vivo 3T 1H-MR spectroscopy - A multi-center study2018
Professor Simon Bailey
Clinical, radiologic, pathologic, and molecular characteristics of long-term survivors of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A collaborative report from the International and European Society for Pediatric Oncology DIPG registries2018
Dr Peixun Zhou
Alex Newman
Filbert Adlar
Casey Broadbent
Dr Alison Blain
et al.
Investigation of FOXO1 mutations in paediatric endemic and sporadic Burkitt lymphoma2018
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Pamela Kearns
The utility of routine surveillance screening with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect tumour recurrence in children with low-grade central nervous system (CNS) tumours: a systematic review2018
Professor Simon Bailey
Triple therapy of vincristine, bleomycin and etoposide for children with Kaposi sarcoma: Results of a study in Malawian children2018
Professor Simon Bailey
Development of the SIOPE DIPG network, registry and imaging repository: a collaborative effort to optimize research into a rare and lethal disease2017
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Stephen Crosier
Amanda Smith
et al.
Novel molecular subgroups for clinical classification and outcome prediction in childhood medulloblastoma: a cohort study2017
Professor Simon Bailey
SIOP PODC Adapted treatment guidelines for low grade gliomas in low and middle income settings2017
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Kevin Windebank
Professor Stephen O'Brien
Dr Peter Carey
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
The use of anthracyclines in the treatment of endemic Burkitt lymphoma2017
Professor Simon Bailey
TPMT, COMT and ACYP2 genetic variants in paediatric cancer patients with cisplatin-induced ototoxicity2017
Dr Morven Brown
Professor Roderick Skinner
Professor Simon Bailey
A School Passport as Part of a Protocol to Assist Educational Reintegration After Medulloblastoma Treatment in Childhood2016
Dr Stephen Crosier
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Daniel Williamson
Sarah Nicholson
et al.
Centralised Molecular Pathology for Rare Tumours: A National Feasibility Study of Real-Time Medulloblastoma Diagnostics2016
Faye Fraser
Dr Morven Brown
Professor Roderick Skinner
Professor Simon Bailey
Developing A Model Of Reintegration Into Education Post-Medulloblastoma Treatment In Children: A Thematic Analysis2016
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Professor Simon Bailey
Development of clinical guidelines for the treatment of low grade gliomas in lower and lower middle income countries - a SIOP PODC initiative2016
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Janet Lindsey
Professor Steven Clifford
Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence2016
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Stephen Crosier
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Identification of medulloblastoma molecular subgroups using metabolite profiles2016
Dr Richard McNally
Professor Simon Bailey
Incidence and survival of children and young people with central nervous system embryonal tumours in the North of England, 1990-20132016
Dr Martina Finetti
Matthew Selby
Dr Matthew Bashton
Dr Ruth Cranston
Dr Stephen Crosier
et al.
Integrated pathway analysis of malignant rhabdoid tumour identifies key SMARCB1-pathways and therapeutic opportunities2016
Dr Martina Finetti
Alicia Del Carpio Pons
James Barker
James Wood
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
et al.
Integrated pathway analysis of rhabdoid tumor subtypes identifies key SMARCB1-dependencies and therapeutic opportunities2016
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr James Hayden
Intensive treatment of high-risk medulloblastoma (HR-MB): How to learn from toxicities in an European setting of radiotherapists and physicists of the SIOP Brain Tumor Working Group2016
Matthew Selby
Dr Martina Finetti
Dr Matthew Bashton
Dr Ruth Cranston
Alicia Del Carpio Pons
et al.
Investigating the biology of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors by whole genome CRISPR/CAS9 screening2016
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Christopher Howell
Dr Reza Rafiee
et al.
Molecular and Prognostic Heterogeneity within MYC and MYCN Amplified Medulloblastomas2016
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Risk stratification of childhood medulloblastoma in the molecular era: the current consensus2016
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Reza Rafiee
Dr Matthew Bashton
Dr Amir Enshaei
et al.
Routine Diagnostic Medulloblastoma Subgrouping Using Low-Cost, Low-Input DNA Methylomics: Application to Trials Cohorts Previously Refractory-to-Analysis2016
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Reza Rafiee
Dr Matthew Bashton
Dr Amir Enshaei
et al.
Routine molecular subgrouping of medulloblastoma: Bridging the divide between research and the clinic using low-cost, mass spectrometry-based DNA methylomics2016
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Reza Rafiee
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Christopher Howell
Dr Janet Lindsey
et al.
Subgroup-Directed Stratification of Risk in Infant Medulloblastoma2016
Professor Simon Bailey
The impact of routine surveillance screening with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect tumour recurrence in children with central nervous system (CNS) tumours: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis2016
Dr Morven Brown
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
The long-term psychosocial impact of cancer: the views of young adult survivors of childhood cancer2016
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Stephen Crosier
Amanda Smith
et al.
The Transcriptional Landscape of Medulloblastoma: Group 3 and Group 4 Tumours Comprise a Single Clinically Significant Expression Continuum2016
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Karen Barker
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Combined MYC and P53 Defects Emerge at Medulloblastoma Relapse and Define Rapidly Progressive, Therapeutically Targetable Disease2015
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Matthew Selby
Dr James Hayden
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Cross-species epigenetics identifies a critical role for VAV1 in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma maintenance2015
Dr Peixun Zhou
Alex Newman
Dr Amy Erhorn
Dr Christopher Bacon
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Investigation of prognostic markers in endemic Burkitt lymphoma2015
Dr Dipayan Mitra
Professor Simon Bailey
SIOP PODC Adapted Treatment Recommendations for Standard-Risk Medulloblastoma in Low and Middle Income Settings2015
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
The long-term psychosocial impact of cancer - the views of young adult survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer2015
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Kevin Windebank
Dr Peter Carey
Professor Simon Bailey
The Role of Anthracyclines in the Treatment of Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma2015
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Sandeep Potluri
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
TERT promoter mutation and aberrant hypermethylation are associated with elevated expression in medulloblastoma and characterise the majority of non-infant SHH subgroup tumours2014
Dr Martina Finetti
Alicia Del Carpio Pons
Ben Skalkoyannis
Matthew Selby
Amanda Smith
et al.
A Systems Biology Approach to Identify Mechanism of Tumourigenesis Caused by Loss of SMARCB1 in Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors (BACR28)2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor David Ellison
Professor Steven Clifford
An Exploration of Associations between Health Related Quality of Life and Medulloblastoma Molecular Subgroup Status in Survivors from the SIOP UKCCSG PNET3 Trial2014
Dr Martina Finetti
Matthew Selby
Dr Stephen Crosier
Ben Skalkoyannis
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Characterising critical pathways in ATRT tumourigenesis: a genome-wide analysis of primary tumours and functional genomic models2014
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr James Hayden
Professor David Ellison
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Cross-Species Epigenetics Identifies a Critial Role for VAV1 in the Maintenance of Sonic Hedgehog Subgroup Medulloblastomas2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Janet Lindsey
Professor Steven Clifford
Cytogenetic Prognostication Within Medulloblastoma Subgroups2014
Dr Nicholas Bown
Dr Sujith Samarasinghe
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
FLT3 internal tandem duplication and NPM1 mutations in paediatric AML: a single centre experience2014
Dr Thomas Pope
Professor Simon Bailey
Graphene Sculpturene Nanopores for DNA Nucleobase Sensing2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor David Ellison
Professor Steven Clifford
Improved health-related quality of life outcomes associated with SHH subgroup medulloblastoma in SIOP-UKCCSG PNET3 trial survivors2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Intracystic interferon therapy in childhood craniopharyngioma: Who, when and how?2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Management of Children with Wilms Tumor in Africa and Europe; Thoughts About Costs, Priorities and Collaboration2014
Dr Martina Finetti
Ben Skalkoyannis
Matthew Selby
Dr Stephen Crosier
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Mechanism of tumourigenesis caused by loss of SMARCB1 in malignant rhabdoid tumors2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Dr Daniel Williamson
Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013: a report from the third annual meeting of the International Medulloblastoma Working Group2014
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Sarra Ryan
et al.
MYC and TP53 defects emerge and interact at medulloblastoma relapse, define rapidly progressive disease and can be targeted therapeutically2014
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Karen Barker
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
MYC and TP53 defects interact at medulloblastoma relapse to define rapidly progressive disease and can be targeted therapeutically2014
Dr Martina Finetti
Matthew Selby
Alicia Del Carpio Pons
Ben Skalkoyannis
Amanda Smith
et al.
Next-generation sequencing identifies the mechanism of tumourigenesis caused by loss of SMARCB1 in malignant rhabdoid tumours2014
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Debbie Hicks
Dr Reza Rafiee
Dr Amir Enshaei
Sandeep Potluri
et al.
Routine molecular subgrouping of medulloblastoma: Bridging the divide between research and the clinic using low-cost DNA methylomics2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Wilms Tumour in Malawi: Surgical Staging to Stratify Postoperative Chemotherapy?2014
Professor Simon Bailey
Wilms Tumour in Malawi: Surgical Staging to Stratify Postoperative Chemotherapy?2014
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Daniel Williamson
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dolores Hamilton
Sarra Ryan
et al.
DNA methylation profiling of medulloblastoma allows robust subclassification and improved outcome prediction using formalin-fixed biopsies2013
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr James Hayden
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Rebecca Hill
Sarah Nicholson
et al.
Histologically defined central nervous system primitive neuro-ectodermal tumours (CNS-PNETs) display heterogeneous DNA methylation profiles and show relationships to other paediatric brain tumour types2013
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
et al.
Subgroup-Specific Prognostic Implications of TP53 Mutation in Medulloblastoma2013
Dr Peter Carey
Claire Schwab
Dr Lucy Chilton
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Professor Roderick Skinner
et al.
Treating childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Malawi2013
Dr Sarra Ryan
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Mike Cole
Yuan Lu
Dr Meryl Lusher
et al.
MYC family amplification and clinical risk-factors interact to predict an extremely poor prognosis in childhood medulloblastoma2012
Professor Graham Jackson
Professor Christine Harrison FRCPath FMedSci
Professor Simon Bailey
Burkitt's lymphoma2012
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Daniel Williamson
Kieran O'Toole
Dr Meryl Lusher
et al.
Epigenetic sub-classification and risk-stratification of medulloblastoma using DNA methylomics2012
Sarah Wilkinson
Amy Bradburn
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Christopher Bacon
Dr Vikki Rand
et al.
High-resolution genome-wide analysis of endemic Burkitt Lymphoma using DNA extracted from fine-needle aspirates preserved at ambient temperature2012
Dr Janet Lindsey
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes2012
Dr Jonathan Fisher
Lisa Price
Dr Juliet Hale
Professor Steven Clifford
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
The importance of biopsy following radiological diagnosis of relapsed medulloblastoma2012
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
Dr Peter Carey
Professor Anthony Moorman
Acute lymphoblastic leukarmia (ALL) in Malawi, progress in the first Malawi ALL protocol2011
Professor David Ellison
Dr Hisham Megahed
Dr Meryl Lusher
Dr Sarra Ryan
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Definition of Disease-Risk Stratification Groups in Childhood Medulloblastoma Using Combined Clinical, Pathologic, and Molecular Variables2011
Professor David Ellison
Sarah Nicholson
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Dr Richard Gilbertson
et al.
Medulloblastoma: clinicopathological correlates of SHH, WNT, and non-SHH/WNT molecular subgroups2011
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Janet Lindsey
Debbie Straughton
Mike Cole
Dr Hisham Megahed
et al.
Rapid Diagnosis of Medulloblastoma Molecular Subgroups2011
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Hisham Megahed
Dr Meryl Lusher
Dr Ed Schwalbe
et al.
TP53 Mutations in Favorable-Risk Wnt/Wingless-Subtype Medulloblastomas2011
Dr Akash Sinha
Dr Peter Avery
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Timothy Cheetham
Vitamin D Status in Paediatric Patients With Cancer2011
Professor David Ellison
Dr Hisham Megahed
Dr Sarra Ryan
Dr Meryl Lusher
Sarah Nicholson
et al.
Clinical, pathological, and molecular variables define risk-stratification groups in childhood medulloblastoma2010
Dr Hisham Megahed
Dr Sarra Ryan
Dr Meryl Lusher
Sarah Nicholson
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Clinical, Pathological, and Molecular Variables Define Risk-Stratification Groups in Childhood Medulloblastoma2010
Dr Ed Schwalbe
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Meryl Lusher
Kieran O'Toole
Sarah Nicholson
et al.
DNA methylomics identifies clinically significant epigenetic subgroups of medulloblastoma2010
Dr James Hayden
Dr Matthew Allen
Dr Sarra Ryan
Sarah Nicholson
Dr Ed Schwalbe
et al.
Molecular Mechanisms in Supratentorial CNS-PNET development2010
Dr Jun Ma
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor David Ellison
MYB upregulation and genetic aberrations in a subset of pediatric low-grade gliomas2010
Professor Steven Clifford
Dr Sarra Ryan
Mike Cole
Dr Meryl Lusher
Kieran O'Toole
et al.
MYC gene family amplification and expression in childhood medulloblastoma: Biological significance and utility for high-risk disease stratification2010
Sarina Sulong
Professor Anthony Moorman
Professor Julie Irving
Marian Case
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
A comprehensive analysis of the CDKN2A gene in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia reveals genomic deletion, copy number neutral loss of heterozygosity, and association with specific cytogenetic subgroups2009
Professor Simon Bailey
Activation of the ERK/MAPK pathway: a signature genetic defect in posterior fossa pilocytic astrocytomas.2009
Professor David Ellison
Professor Simon Bailey
Activation of the MAPK Pathway: A Signature Genetic Defect in Posterior Fossa Pilocytic Astrocytomas2009
Dr Sarra Ryan
Professor David Elliott
Professor David Ellison
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
et al.
Amplification and overexpression of Hsa-miR-3ob, Hsa-miR-30d and KHDRBS3 at 8q24.22-q24.23 in medulloblastoma2009
Kate Wilson
Marian Case
Lynne Minto
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Nicholas Bown
et al.
Flow minimal residue disease monitoring of candidate leukemic stem cells defined by the immunophenotype, CD34+CD38lowCD19+ in B-lineage childhoood acute lymphoblastic leukemia2009
Dr James Hayden
Professor David Ellison
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
Frequent IDH1 mutations in supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (sPNET) of adults but not children2009
Professor Timothy Cheetham
Professor Simon Bailey
Hypercalcemia in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: An Overview.2009
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
Paediatric Haematology and Oncology2009
Dr James Hayden
Dr David Saunders
Professor Simon Bailey
Prolonged detection of viral DNA in blood following life-threatening chickenpox in an immunocompromised child2009
Jennifer Anderton
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Meryl Lusher
Dr Richard Gilbertson
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Global analysis of the medulloblastoma epigenome identifies disease-subgroup-specific inactivation of COL1A22008
Marian Case
Elizabeth Matheson
Lynne Minto
Dr Nicholas Bown
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Mutation of genes affecting the RAS pathway is common in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia2008
Marian Case
Elizabeth Matheson
Lynne Minto
Professor Christine Harrison FRCPath FMedSci
Dr Nicholas Bown
et al.
Somatic mutation of genes impacting on the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway is the most common genetic abnormality in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, is implicated in disease progression and provides a rationale for therapeutic targeting2008
Kerrie Wilson
Marian Case
Lynne Minto
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
et al.
The CD34+ CD38Low CD19+ Candidate Leukemic Stem Cell Phenotype Revisited: Useful for Flow MRD Monitoring?2008
Dr Andrew Hall
Sarina Sulong
Professor Christine Harrison FRCPath FMedSci
Lynne Minto
Dr Nicholas Bown
et al.
Assessment of aneuploidy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia using high density oligonucleotide arrays.2006
Professor Simon Bailey
Characterization of the t(17;19) translocation by gene-specific fluorescent in situ hybridization-based cytogenetics and detection of the E2A-HLF fusion transcript and protein in patients' cells2006
Sarina Sulong
Professor Julie Irving
Marian Case
Lynne Minto
Dr Nicholas Bown
et al.
Comprehensive analysis of p16(INK4a) in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia reveals homozygous deletion, haploinsufficiency and acquired isodisomy at the 9p locus with intact p16(INK4a).2006
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Meryl Lusher
Dr Gordon Strathdee
Robert Brown
Dr Richard Gilbertson
et al.
Epigenetic inactivation of MCJ (DNAJD1) in malignant paediatric brain tumours2006
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Meryl Lusher
Dr Gordon Strathdee
Dr Richard Gilbertson
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Epigenetic inactivation of MCJ (DNAJD1) in malignant paediatric brain tumours2006
Dr Poonam Dharmaraj
Dr Stephen Ball
Dr HC Johnstone
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Steven Clifford
et al.
Hypercalcaemia in relapsed medulloblastoma 8 years post-diagnosis; evidence to support PTHrP production by medulloblastoma cells2006
Dr Debbie Scott
Debbie Straughton
Mike Cole
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor David Ellison
et al.
Identification and analysis of tumor suppressor loci at chromosome 10q23.3-10q25.3 in medulloblastoma2006
Professor Julie Irving
Lynne Minto
Elizabeth Matheson
Marian Case
Professor Simon Bailey
et al.
Mutation in genes impacting on the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway are found at high incidence in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia at both diagnosis and at relapse.2006
Professor Julie Irving
Lynne Minto
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Andrew Hall
Loss of heterozygosity and somatic mutations of the Glucocorticoid receptor gene are rarely found at relapse in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia but may occur in a subpopulation early in the disease course2005
Dr Janet Lindsey
Dr Meryl Lusher
Jennifer Anderton
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Richard Gilbertson
et al.
Identification of tumour-specific epigenetic events in medulloblastoma development by hypermethylation profiling2004
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Andrew Hall
Professor Andrew Pearson
Dr Chris Redfern
The role of AP-1 in glucocorticoid resistance in leukaemia2001
Professor Simon Bailey
The United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group's second germ cell tumor study: Carboplatin, etoposide, and bleomycin are effective treatment for children with malignant extracranial germ cell tumors, with acceptable toxicity2000
Professor Simon Bailey
Dr Andrew Hall
Professor Andrew Pearson
Dr Michael Reid
Dr Chris Redfern
et al.
Glucocorticoid resistance and the AP-1 transcription factor in leukaemia1999
Professor Simon Bailey
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, The Wellington Experience 1980-19921996
Professor Simon Bailey
Professor Roderick Skinner
Dr Helen Lucraft
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
Nicholas Todd
et al.
Pineal tumours in the north of England 1968-931996