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Browsing publications by Dr Daryl Shanley.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Daryl Shanley
Strengths and opportunities in research into extracellular matrix ageing: A consultation with the ECMage research community2024
Sharmilla Chandrasegaran
Rebekah Scanlan
Dr Peter Clark
Dr Louise Pease
Dr James Wordsworth
et al.
Systems Biology of Ageing2023
Dr Louise Pease
Rebekah Scanlan
Dr Daryl Shanley
The DNA repair enzyme, aprataxin, plays a role in innate immune signaling.2023
Dr Alvaro Martinez Guimera
Dr Peter Clark
Dr James Wordsworth
Dr Daryl Shanley
Systems modelling predicts chronic inflammation and genomic instability prevent effective mitochondrial regulation during biological ageing2022
Dr James Wordsworth
Hannah O'Keefe
Dr Peter Clark
Dr Daryl Shanley
The damage-independent evolution of ageing by selective destruction2022
Krutik Patel
Sharmilla Chandrasegaran
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor David Young
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
TimiRGeN: R/Bioconductor package for time series microRNA–mRNA integration and analysis2021
Dr Daryl Shanley
Cytosolic self-DNA—A potential source of chronic inflammation in aging2021
Alvaro Martinez Guimera
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Carole Proctor
Modelling the role of redox-related mechanisms in musculoskeletal ageing2019
Alvaro Martinez Guimera
Ciaran Welsh
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
'Molecular habituation' as a potential mechanism of gradual homeostatic loss with age2018
Dr Craig Stamp
Dr Anze Zupanic
Ashwin Sachdeva
Dr Elizabeth Stoll
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Predominant Asymmetrical Stem Cell Fate Outcome Limits the Rate of Niche Succession in Human Colonic Crypts2018
Dr ciaran Welsh
Dr Nicola Fullard
Dr Carole Proctor
Alvaro Martinez Guimera
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
PyCoTools: a Python toolbox for COPASI2018
Dr Louise Pease
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Simon Cockell
Cross platform analysis of transcriptomic data identifies ageing has distinct and opposite effects on tendon in males and females2017
Annette King
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Explaining sex differences in lifespan in terms of optimal energy allocation in the baboon2017
Dr Joost Van Den Heuvel
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Growing more positive with age: The relationship between reproduction and survival in aging flies2017
Dr Joost Van Den Heuvel
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Pervasive gene expression responses to a fluctuating diet in Drosophila melanogaster: The importance of measuring multiple traits to decouple potential mediators of life span and reproduction2017
Ciaran Welsh
Dr Glyn Nelson
Dr Daryl Shanley
Systems modelling ageing: From single senescent cells to simple multi-cellular models2017
Philip Hall
Dr Daryl Shanley
A systems study reveals concurrent activation of AMPK and mTOR by amino acids2016
Lewis Tomalin
Dr Alison Day
Zoe Underwood
Dr Graham Smith
Dr Piero Dalle Pezze
et al.
Increasing extracellular H2O2 produces a bi-phasic response in intracellular H2O2with peroxiredoxin hyperoxidation only triggered once the cellular H2O2-buffering capacity is overwhelmed2016
Dr Anze Zupanic
Dr Catherine Meplan
Grazielle Huguenin
Professor John Hesketh
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Modeling and gene knockdown to assess the contribution of nonsense-mediated decay, premature termination, and selenocysteine insertion to the selenoprotein hierarchy2016
Dr Daryl Shanley
Alex Houston
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
A dynamic framework for the study of optimal birth intervals reveals the importance of sibling competition and mortality risks2015
Dr Matthew Barter
Maria Tselepi
Dr Rodolfo Gomez
Steven Woods
Dr Graham Smith
et al.
Genome-wide microRNA and gene analysis of mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis identifies an essential role and multiple targets for miR-140-5p2015
Dr David Dolan
Dr Anze Zupanic
Dr Glyn Nelson
Philip Hall
Dr Satomi Miwa
et al.
Integrated Stochastic Model of DNA Damage Repair by Non-homologous End Joining and p53/p21- Mediated Early Senescence Signalling2015
Dr Anze Zupanic
Dr Catherine Meplan
Dr Sushma Grellscheid
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Detecting translational regulation by change point analysis of ribosome profiling data sets2014
Dr Piero Dalle Pezze
Dr Glyn Nelson
Gisela Otten
Professor Viktor Korolchuk
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Dynamic Modelling of Pathways to Cellular Senescence Reveals Strategies for Targeted Interventions2014
Dr Joost Van Den Heuvel
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
The plastic fly: the effect of sustained fluctuations in adult food supply on life-history traits2014
Dr Graham Smith
Dr Daryl Shanley
Computational modelling of the regulation of Insulin signalling by oxidative stress2013
David Dolan
Dr Glyn Nelson
Dr Anze Zupanic
Dr Graham Smith
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Systems Modelling of NHEJ Reveals the Importance of Redox Regulation of Ku70/80 in the Dynamics of DNA Damage Foci2013
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
The Predictive Adaptive Response: Modeling the Life-History Evolution of the Butterfly Bicyclus anynana in Seasonal Environments2013
Piero Dalle Pezze
Dr Daryl Shanley
A Dynamic Network Model of mTOR Signaling Reveals TSC-Independent mTORC2 Regulation2012
Dr Daryl Shanley
A modelling-experimental approach reveals insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-dependent regulation of adenosine monosphosphate-dependent kinase (AMPK) by insulin2012
Piero Dalle Pezze
Dr Daryl Shanley
A modelling–experimental approach reveals insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-dependent regulation of adenosine monosphosphate-dependent kinase (AMPK) by insulin2012
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Gabriele Saretzki
et al.
A Stochastic Step Model of Replicative Senescence Explains ROS Production Rate in Ageing Cell Populations2012
Armin Rashidi
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Evolution of Asymmetric Damage Segregation: A Modelling Approach2012
Dr Daniel Swan
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor John Hesketh
Glutathione Peroxidase 4 has a major role in protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage and maintaining oxidative phosphorylation complexes in gut epithelial cells2012
Piero Dalle Pezze
Dr Daryl Shanley
Response to Comment on "A Dynamic Network Model of mTOR Signaling Reveals TSC-Independent mTORC2 Regulation": Building a Model of the mTOR Signaling Network with a Potentially Faulty Tool2012
Dr Graham Smith
Dr Daryl Shanley
Modelling the Response of FOXO Transcription Factors to Multiple Post-Translational Modifications Made by Ageing-Related Signalling Pathways2010
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
The connections between general and reproductive senescence and the evolutionary basis of menopause2010
Dr Daryl Shanley
An evolutionary perspective on the mechanisms of immunosenescence2009
Armin Rashidi
Dr Daryl Shanley
Evolution of the menopause: life histories and mechanisms2009
Armin Rashidi
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Metabolic evolution suggests an explanation for the weakness of antioxidant defences in beta-cells2009
Armin Rashidi
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
On the Surprising Weakness of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Antioxidant Defences: An Evolutionary Perspective2009
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor David Lydall
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Modelling the checkpoint response to telomere uncapping in budding yeast2007
Dr Daryl Shanley
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Testing evolutionary theories of menopause2007
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
BASIS: an internet resource for network modelling.2006
Dr Daryl Shanley
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Caloric restriction does not enhance longevity in all species and is unlikely to do so in humans2006
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr John Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Computer modeling in the study of aging2006
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
Tools for the SBML community2006
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr John Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Computer Modeling in the Study of Aging2005
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Food restriction, evolution and ageing2005
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Darren Wilkinson
et al.
Modelling the actions of chaperones and their role in ageing2005
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
Web-services for the biology community: the BASIS project2005
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Darren Wilkinson
et al.
A mathematical model of ageing in yeast2004
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Towards an e-biology of ageing: Integrating theory and data2003
Dr Daryl Shanley
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Caloric restriction, life-history evolution, and bioenergetics: Response to Mitteldorf2001
Dr Daryl Shanley
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Evolution of the human menopause2001
Dr Daryl Shanley
The fitness of twin mothers: Evidence from rural Gambia2001
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Caloric restriction, hormesis and life history plasticity2000
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Caloric restriction, hormesis and life-history plasticity2000
Dr Daryl Shanley
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Calorie Restriction and Aging: A Life-History Analysis2000
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Dr Daryl Shanley
Evolution, stress, and longevity2000