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Browsing publications by Dr Stephen Blenkinsop.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Owen Jeffries
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Development of local and regional understanding of heat risk2024
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Amy Green
Professor Paul Davies
Precipitation extremes in 20232024
Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Selma Guerreiro
Professor Hayley Fowler
Towards new design rainfall profiles for the United Kingdom2024
Dr Anna Whitford
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr David Pritchard
Professor Hayley Fowler
A gauge-based sub-daily extreme rainfall climatology for western Europe2023
Dr David Pritchard
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Luis Patino Velasquez
Dr Anna Whitford
et al.
An Observation-Based Dataset of Global Sub-Daily Precipitation Indices (GSDR-I)2023
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Climate change: Attitudes and concerns of, and learnings from, people with neurological conditions, carers, and health care professionals2023
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
COVID-19 Restriction Movement Control Order (MCO) Impacted Emissions of Peninsular Malaysia Using Sentinel-2a and Sentinel-5p Satellite2023
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
The creation and climatology of a large independent rainfall event database for Great Britain2023
Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Selma Guerreiro
Dr Tess O'Hara
Professor Hayley Fowler
et al.
Sub-hourly resolution quality control of rain-gauge data significantly improves regional sub-daily return level estimates2022
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
The Combined Impacts of ENSO and IOD on Global Seasonal Droughts2022
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Carbon emission savings and short-term health care impacts from telemedicine: An evaluation in epilepsy2021
Dr David Lewis-Smith
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Climate change and epilepsy: Insights from clinical and basic science studies2021
Motasem Darwish
Dr Mari Tye
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
New hourly extreme precipitation regions and regional annual probability estimates for the UK2021
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Dr David Pritchard
Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Fergus McClean
et al.
Quality control of a global hourly rainfall dataset2021
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Haider Ali
Dr Renaud Barbero
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Steven Chan
et al.
Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes2021
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Atmospheric precursors for intense summer rainfall over the United Kingdom2020
Nor Eliza Alias
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Community responses on effective flood dissemination warnings—A case study of the December 2014 Kelantan Flood, Malaysia2020
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Renaud Barbero
Dr Jingjing Yu
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
et al.
Global distribution of the intensity and frequency of hourly precipitation and their responses to ENSO2020
Qinqin Kong
Dr Selma Guerreiro
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Professor Hayley Fowler
et al.
Increases in summertime concurrent drought and heatwave in Eastern China2020
Dr Jingjing Yu
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
et al.
UKGrsHP: a UK high-resolution gauge–radar–satellite merged hourly precipitation analysis dataset2020
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Jingjing Yu
Dr David Pritchard
et al.
A Newly Recognized Large-scale Circulation System Governing the Western Tibetan Climate — the Western Tibetan Vortex2019
Dr Renaud Barbero
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Dr Steven Chan
et al.
A synthesis of hourly and daily precipitation extremes in different climatic regions2019
Professor Chris Kilsby
Dr Aidan Burton
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw
et al.
Downscaling climate change of mean climatology and extremes of precipitation and temperature: Application to a Mediterranean climate basin2019
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Fergus McClean
Dr Renaud Barbero
Dr Selma Guerreiro
et al.
GSDR: A Global Sub-Daily Rainfall Dataset2019
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Dr Xilin Xia
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Matthew Perks
Recommendations for Improving Integration in National End-to-End Flood Forecasting Systems: An Overview of the FFIR (Flooding From Intense Rainfall) Programme.2019
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Sensitivity of extreme rainfall to temperature in semi-arid Mediterranean regions2019
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Professor Hayley Fowler
Synoptic-Scale Precursors of Extreme U.K. Summer 3-Hourly Rainfall2019
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Jingjing Yu
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
et al.
Thermodynamic controls of the Western Tibetan Vortex on Tibetan air temperature2019
Motasem Darwish
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Mari Tye
A regional frequency analysis of UK sub-daily extreme precipitation and assessment of their seasonality2018
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
A rule based quality control method for hourly rainfall data and a 1 km resolution gridded hourly rainfall dataset for Great Britain: CEH-GEAR1hr2018
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Aidan Burton
Climate change impacts on agro-climatic indices derived from downscaled weather generator scenarios for eastern Denmark2018
Dr Selma Guerreiro
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Renaud Barbero
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
et al.
Detection of continental-scale intensification of hourly rainfall extremes2018
Dr Steven Chan
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Large-scale predictors for extreme hourly precipitation events in convection-permitting climate simulations2018
Angelo Forestieri
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation in Sicily (Italy)2018
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
State of the climate in 20172018
Angelo Forestieri
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
The impact of climate change on extreme precipitation in Sicily, Italy.2018
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Renaud Barbero
Dr Steven Chan
Dr Selma Guerreiro
et al.
The INTENSE project: using observations and models to understand the past, present and future of sub-daily rainfall extremes2018
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr David Pritchard
et al.
The Karakoram/Western Tibetan Vortex: seasonal and year-to-year variability2018
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Steven Chan
Understanding how changing rainfall may impact on urban drainage systems; lessons from projects in the UK and USA2018
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
When will we detect changes in short-duration precipitation extremes?2018
Dr Renaud Barbero
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Is the intensification of precipitation extremes with global warming better detected at hourly than daily resolutions?2017
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Xiaofeng Li
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr David Pritchard
et al.
Karakoram temperature and glacial melt driven by regional atmospheric circulation variability2017
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Steven Chan
New climate change rainfall estimates for sustainable drainage2017
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Elizabeth Lewis
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Quality-control of an hourly rainfall dataset and climatology of extremes for the UK2017
Professor Claire Walsh
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
John Richmond
Professor Richard Dawson
et al.
Adaptation of water resource systems to an uncertain future2016
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Downturn in scaling of UK extreme rainfall with temperature for future hottest days2016
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Professor Chris Kilsby
Simulating multimodal seasonality in extreme daily precipitation occurrence2016
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
The characteristics of summer sub-hourly rainfall over the southern UK in a high-resolution convective permitting model2016
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Andrew Hardy
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Chris Kilsby
et al.
A detailed cloud fraction climatology of the Upper Indus Basin and its implications for near surface air temperature2015
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Exploring objective climate classification for the Himalayan arc and adjacent regions using gridded data sources2015
Angelo Forestieri
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Objective regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation in Sicily, Italy2015
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Temperature influences on intense UK hourly precipitation and dependency on large-scale circulation2015
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
An Hourly and Multi-Hourly Extreme Precipitation Climatology for the UK and Long-Term Changes in Extremes2014
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
John Richmond
Professor Chris Kilsby
et al.
Application of a stochastic weather generator to assess climate change impacts in a semi-arid climate: The Upper Indus Basin2014
Dr Mari Jones
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Professor Chris Kilsby
Objective classification of extreme rainfall regions for the UK and updated estimates of trends in regional extreme rainfall2014
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Projected increases in summer and winter UK sub-daily precipitation extremes from high-resolution regional climate models2014
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
The value of high-resolution Met Office regional climate models in the simulation of multi-hourly precipitation extremes2014
Professor Hayley Fowler
Professor Chris Kilsby
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
An assessment of changes in seasonal and annual extreme rainfall in the UK between 1961 and 20092013
Dr Steven Chan
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Does increasing the spatial resolution of a regional climate model improve the simulated daily precipitation?2013
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
John Richmond
Professor Hayley Fowler
Downscaling transient climate change with a stochastic weather generator for the Geer catchment, Belgium2013
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
John Richmond
Professor Hayley Fowler
A multi-model ensemble of downscaled spatial climate change scenarios for the Dommel catchment, Western Europe2012
Michelle Van Vliet
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Climate change impacts on the leaching of a heavy metal contamination in a small lowland catchment2012
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Downscaling future wind hazard for SE London using the UKCP09 regional climate model ensemble2012
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Modeling the impacts of future climate change on water resources for the Gallego river basin (Spain)2012
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
How can large scale integrated surface - subsurface hydrological models be used to evaluate long term climate change impact on groundwater reserves2011
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
John Richmond
Professor Hayley Fowler
Modeling climate change impacts on groundwater resources using transient stochastic climatic scenarios2011
Mervyn Jones
Professor Hayley Fowler
Professor Chris Kilsby
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
An updated regional frequency analysis of United Kingdom extreme rainfall from 1961-20092010
Professor Sean Wilkinson
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Chris Kilsby
Challenges for the Assessment of Future Design Wind2010
Michelle Van Vliet
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Climate change impact on the leaching of a heavy metal contamination in a small lowland catchment2010
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Climate Change, Water Resources and Pollution in the Ebro Basin – Towards an integrated approach2010
John Richmond
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Chris Kilsby
Downscaling transient climate change using a Neyman–Scott Rectangular Pulses stochastic rainfall model2010
Emma O'Connell
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Greg O'Donnell
Professor Jim Hall
Evaluating strategies for adaptation investment in a highly variable climate2010
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Dr Isabella Bovolo
HYDRO - Climate and water cycle at the basin scale2010
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on the Ebro River Basin2010
John Richmond
Dr Vassilis Glenis
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
et al.
Stochastic rainfall modelling for the assessment of urban flood hazard in a changing climate2010
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Professor Chris Kilsby
Supplement to: Brown S, Boorman P, McDonald R, Murphy J, 2009. Interpretation for use of surface wind speed projections from the 11-member Met Office Regional Climate Model ensemble2010
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Stuart Hallett
Professor Hayley Fowler
The CREW project: Towards a toolkit for the use of probabilistic climate change projections2010
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
How can large scale integrated surface - subsurface hydrological model be used to evaluate long term climate change impact on groundwater reserves2009
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Large scale surface-subsurface hydrological model to assess climate change impacts on groundwater reserves.2009
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Observed and modelled influence of atmospheric circulation on Central England Temperature extremes2009
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
John Richmond
Climate investigations on a river basin scale and prediction of pollutants: a success story from the Ebro basin2008
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Developing climatic scenarios for pesticide fate modelling in Europe2008
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Development of agro-environmental scenarios to support pesticide risk assessment in Europe2008
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Probabilistic estimates of climate change impacts on flows in the River Eden, Cumbria2008
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Changes in drought frequency, severity and duration for the British Isles projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models2007
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Changes in European drought characteristics projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Chapter 1: Water Resources2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Estimating change in extreme European precipitation using a multimodel ensemble2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Future climate scenarios and rainfall-runoff modelling in the Upper Gallego catchment (Spain)2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Linking climate change modelling to impacts studies: Recent advances in downscaling techniques for hydrological modelling2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Linking probabilistic climate scenarios with downscaling methods for impact studies2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Probabilistic projections of change in UK extreme rainfall using the PRUDENCE regional climate models2007
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Chris Kilsby
Can regional climate models reproduce the historic magnitude and frequency of severe UK extreme rainfall events, and how will this change under global warming?2006
Professor Hayley Fowler
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Chris Kilsby
Changes in UK extreme rainfall projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models2006
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Professor Hayley Fowler
Regional Climate Model (RCM) performance for European catchments and future changes in drought2006
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
Evaluating the perception of uncertainty in alternative visualization strategies2000