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Browsing publications by Dan Jackson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Chloe Hinchliffe
Dr Rana Rehman
Dan Jackson
Dr Kristen Davies
Victoria Macrae
et al.
Evaluation of walking activity and gait to identify physical and mental fatigue in neurodegenerative and immune disorders: preliminary insights from the IDEA-FAST feasibility study2024
Amie Turner
Dan Jackson
Ellie Officer
Zosia Zielinska
Divya Dinraj
et al.
Can wrist-worn devices and a smartphone application influence arm activity in children with hemiplegia? A proof of concept study2023
Dan Jackson
Dr Jessica Blickwedel
Tom Nappey
Professor Tim Rapley
Dr Jill Cadwgan
et al.
Can wrist-worn devices and a smartphone application influence arm activity in children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy? A proof-of-concept study2023
Dr Chloe Hinchliffe
Dr Rana Rehman
Dan Jackson
Dr Kristen Davies
Victoria Macrae
et al.
Identification of Fatigue and Sleepiness in Immune and Neurodegenerative Disorders from Measures of Real-World Gait Variability2023
Dr Anna Basu
Janice Pearse
Dan Jackson
Grace Edmonds
Dr Yu Guan
et al.
Wrist-Worn Devices to Encourage Affected Upper Limb Movement in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: Participatory Design Workshops2022
Dr Beth Little
Ossama Alshabrawy
Dr Daniel Stow
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Dr Rosin McNaney
et al.
Deep learning-based automated speech detection as a marker of social functioning in late-life depression2021
Dr Bing Zhai
Dr Yu Guan
Dan Jackson
Patient-centred measurement of recovery from day-case surgery using wrist worn accelerometers: a pilot and feasibility study2021
Stuart Nicholson
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Dr Adrian Clear
Dan Jackson
Dr Robert Comber
et al.
Sustaining a networked community resource: Findings from a longitudinal situated display deployment2021
Rosanna Bellini
Professor Simon Forrest
Dan Jackson
Dr Jan Smeddinck
Choice-Point: Fostering Awareness and Choice with Perpetrators in Domestic Violence Interventions2020
Grace Edmonds
Dan Jackson
Dr Yu Guan
Gladys -
Wrist-worn devices to improve arm movement in hemiplegic cerebral palsy: participatory design workshops2020
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Dr Kirby Sainsbury
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Frauke Becker
et al.
Behavioural intervention for weight loss maintenance vs. standard weight advice in adults with obesity: a randomised controlled trial in the UK (NULevel Trial)2019
Anja Thieme
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Developing technology to enhance learning interpersonal skills in counsellor education2019
Katy Stockwell
Dan Jackson
Dr Anna Basu
Professor Patrick Olivier
Professor Lindsay Pennington
et al.
Feasibility of communication training for parents of preschool children with motor disorders with remote coaching using smartphone apps2019
Katy Stockwell
Dan Jackson
Dr Anna Basu
Professor Patrick Olivier
Professor Lindsay Pennington
et al.
Feasibility of parent communication training with remote coaching using smartphone apps2019
Sunil Rodger
Dan Jackson
Dr John Vines
James McLaughlin
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
JourneyCam: Exploring Experiences of Accessibility and Mobility among Powered Wheelchair Users through Video and Data2019
Ruth Da Silva
Sarah Moore
Dr Lisa Shaw
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
Dan Jackson
et al.
Proceedings of SRR: Wristband accelerometers to motivate arm exercise after stroke (WAVES): A pilot randomized controlled trial2018
Ruth Da Silva
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
Dr Lisa Shaw
Sarah Moore
Dan Jackson
et al.
Wristband accelerometers to motivate arm exercise after stroke (WAVES): Activity data from a pilot randomised controlled trial2018
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Nils Hammerla
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Dr Michael Firbank
et al.
A study of wrist-worn activity measurement as a potential real-world biomarker for late-life depression2017
Emma Simpson
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Ivan Poliakov
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Iterative Development of an Online Dietary Recall Tool: INTAKE242017
Dan Jackson
Dr Nils Hammerla
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dr Vincent van Hees
et al.
Large scale population assessment of physical activity using wrist worn accelerometers: The UK biobank study2017
Dr Kyle Montague
Dan Jackson
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Gerard Wilkinson
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Prototyping Ubiquitous Imaging Surfaces2017
Ebtisam Abdulqader
Katy Stockwell
Dr Kyle Montague
Dan Jackson
Dr Madeline Balaam
et al.
Understanding the Therapeutic Coaching Needs for Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy2017
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Daniel Stow
Nils Hammerla
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Dr Michael Firbank
et al.
A study of wrist-worn activity measurement as a potential real-world biomarker for late life depression2016
Anja Thieme
Dr John McCarthy
Dr Karim Ladha
Dan Jackson
Diana Nowacka
et al.
Challenges for Designing new Technology for Health and Wellbeing in a Complex Mental Healthcare Context2016
Sarah Moore
Ruth Da Silva
Dr Madeline Balaam
Lianne Brkic
Dan Jackson
et al.
Wristband Accelerometers to motiVate arm Exercise after Stroke (WAVES): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial2016
Dr Anne Preston
Dr Madeline Balaam
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Ashur Rafiev
Dan Jackson
et al.
Can a kitchen teach languages? Linking theory and practice in the design of context-aware language learning environments2015
Amey Holden
Dr Rosin McNaney
Dr Madeline Balaam
Dr Nils Hammerla
Dr Thomas Ploetz
et al.
CueS: Cueing for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Stroke2015
Amey Holden
Roisin McNaney
Dr Madeline Balaam
Nils Hammerla
Dr Thomas Ploetz
et al.
CueS: cueing for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke2015
Roisin McNaney
Dr Madeline Balaam
Amey Holden
Dr Guy Schofield
Dan Jackson
et al.
Designing for and with People with Parkinson's: A Focus on Exergaming2015
Emma Simpson
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Ivan Poliakov
Dr Emma Foster
Dan Jackson
et al.
Iterative development of an online dietary recall tool, INTAKE242015
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Stephan Dombrowski
et al.
The NULevel trial of a scalable, technology-assisted weight loss maintenance intervention for obese adults after clinically significant weight loss: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial2015
Dr Brook Galna
Dr Gillian Barry
Dan Jackson
Dadirayi Mhiripiri
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Accuracy of the Microsoft Kinect sensor for measuring movement in people with Parkinson’s disease2014
Dan Jackson
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Patrick Olivier
Augmenting the servicescape with ubiquitous interactive surfaces: Fibreshelf technology2014
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dr Madeline Balaam
Dr Ashur Rafiev
Dan Jackson
et al.
Kitchen as Classroom: Shifting perspectives in the design and evaluation of new technologies for learning2014
Dan Jackson
Professor Andrew Monk
Relational approach to knowledge engineering for POMDP-based assistance systems as a translation, of a psychological model2014
Dr Brook Galna
Dan Jackson
Dr Guy Schofield
Roisin McNaney
Mary Webster
et al.
Retraining function in people with Parkinson’s disease using the Microsoft kinect: game design and pilot testing2014
Cuong Pham
Dan Jackson
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
FoodBoard: Surface Contact Imaging for Food Recognition2013
Dan Jackson
James Nicholson
Anja Thieme
Professor Patrick Olivier
Panopticon: A Parallel Video Overview System2013
Reuben Kirkham
Seb Mellor
Dave Green
Dr Karim Ladha
Dr Cassim Ladha
et al.
The Break-Time Barometer: An Exploratory System for Workplace Break-time Social Awareness2013
Diana Nowacka
Dr Karim Ladha
Dr Nils Hammerla
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Touchbugs: Actuated Tangibles on Multi-touch Tables2013
Dr Anne Preston
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Dr Philip Heslop
et al.
Can a kitchen teach me French?: Using digital technology to learn French language and cuisine2012
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Panopticon: A Parallel Video Overview Technique2012
Dr Clare Hooper
Dr Anne Preston
Dr Madeline Balaam
Professor Paul Seedhouse
Dan Jackson
et al.
The French Kitchen: Task-Based Learning in an Instrumented Kitchen2012
Visalakshmi Suresh
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan
Professor Paul Watson
Cuong Pham
Dan Jackson
et al.
Distributed event processing for activity recognition2011
Visalakshmi Suresh
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan
Professor Paul Watson
Cuong Pham
Dan Jackson
et al.
Distributed Event Processing For Activity Recognition2011
Professor Andrew Monk
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
N-backer: An auditory n-back task with automatic scoring of spoken responses2011
Jurgen Wagner
Dr Thomas Ploetz
Cuong Pham
Professor Paula Moynihan
Dan Jackson
et al.
Towards a pervasive kitchen infrastructure for measuring cooking competence2011
Dr Sally Jane Norman
Dr Sian Lawson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Professor Paul Watson
Anita Chan
et al.
AMUC: Associated Motion Capture User Categories2009
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Design and Prototype of a Device to Engage Cognitively Disabled Older Adults in Visual Artwork2009
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Design and prototype of a device to engage cognitively disabled older adults in visual artwork2009
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
ePAD: Engaging Platform for Art Development2009
Dan Jackson
Dr Tom Bartindale
Professor Patrick Olivier
FiberBoard - Compact multi-touch display using channeled light2009
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
FiberSense – Multi-touch Fibre Optic Sensing on Non-Planar Surfaces2009
Dan Jackson
Dr Tom Bartindale
Professor Patrick Olivier
Jim Kitson Kitson
IBookmark: Locative texts and place-based authoring2009
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Katie Brittain
Stephen Lindsay
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Keeping In Touch Everyday (KITE) project: developing assistive technologies with people with dementia and their carers to promote independence2009
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Smart Phone Interaction with Registered Displays2009
Professor Patrick Olivier
Guy Schofield
Dan Jackson
The IRIS network of excellence: Future directions in interactive storytelling2009
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Display registration for device interaction a proof of principle prototype2008
Han Cao
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Enhancing privacy in public spaces through crossmodal displays2008
Professor Patrick Olivier
Han Cao
Dan Jackson
Professor Christian Kray
CROSSBOARD: Crossmodal Access of Dense Public Displays2007
Professor Patrick Olivier
Han Cao
Dan Jackson
Crossmodal Ambient Displays2007
Dr Sally Jane Norman
Dr Sian Lawson
Professor Patrick Olivier
Professor Paul Watson
Anita Chan
et al.
Data Services for Associated Motion Capture User Categories. AHRC/EPSRC E-Science Demonstrator EP/E005624/12007
Han Cao
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Enhancing privacy in public spaces through crossmodal displays2007
Han Cao
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Mobile Devices in Crossmodal Interfaces2007
Professor Patrick Olivier
Han Cao
Dan Jackson
Professor Christian Kray
CrossBoard: Crossmodal Access of Dense Public Displays2006
Professor Patrick Olivier
Han Cao
Dan Jackson
Professor Christian Kray
Crossmodal Attention in Public-Private Displays2006
Han Cao
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Enhancing privacy in public spaces through crossmodal displays2006
Dr Amy Guo
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dr Pushpendra Singh
Hai Ha
et al.
Future Traveller Information Systems: Impacts on Modal Shift2006
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
LEXICLECS: A Real-world Architecture for the Synthesis of Spontaneous Gesture2006
Han Cao
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dan Jackson
Mobile Devices in Crossmodal Interfaces2006