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Browsing publications by Dr Rebecca Darlay.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Heather Cordell
Genetic complexity of diagnostically unresolved Ehlers-Danlos syndrome2024
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Bernard Keavney
Professor Heather Cordell
Whole -genome survival analysis of 144 286 people from the UK Biobank identifies novel loci associated with blood pressure2024
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor David Jones
Corrigendum to: “An international genome-wide meta-analysis of primary biliary cholangitis: Novel risk loci and candidate drugs” [J Hepatol 75 (2021) 572-581, (S0168827821003342), (10.1016/j.jhep.2021.04.055)]2023
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Heather Cordell
Professor Quentin Anstee
Professor Ann Daly
A multiancestry genome-wide association study of unexplained chronic ALT elevation as a proxy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with histological and radiological validation2022
Dr Wei-yu Lin
Dr Sarah Fordham
Dr Nicola Sunter
Dr Claire Elstob
Dr Yaobo Xu
et al.
Author Correction: Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for acute myeloid leukemia (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (6233), 10.1038/s41467-021-26551-x)2022
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor David Jones
Corrigendum to ‘An international genome-wide meta-analysis of primary biliary cholangitis: Novel risk loci and candidate drugs’ [J Hepatol 2021;75(3):572–581]2022
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Heather Cordell
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Chris Day
Dr Steven Masson
et al.
Corrigendum to: 'A genetic risk score and diabetes predict development of alcohol-related cirrhosis in drinkers' [J Hepatol 2022 (76) 275–282] (Journal of Hepatology (2022) 76(2) (275–282), (S0168827821021115), (10.1016/j.jhep.2021.10.005))2022
Dr Olivier Govaere
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Julien Peltier
Dr Jeremy Palmer
Dr Massimo Younes
et al.
Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 mediates lipid-induced inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease2022
David Langton
Rohan Bhalekar
Professor Tom Joyce
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Rebecca Darlay
et al.
The influence of HLA genotype on the development of metal hypersensitivity following joint replacement2022
Nardeen Eldafashi
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Ruchi Shukla
Misti McCain
Robyn Watson
et al.
A pdcd1 role in the genetic predisposition to nafld-hcc?2021
Professor Heather Cordell
James Fryett
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor David Jones
An international genome-wide meta-analysis of primary biliary cholangitis: Novel risk loci and candidate drugs2021
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Chris Day
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Heather Cordell
et al.
Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis on alcohol-related liver cirrhosis identifies novel genetic risk factors2021
Dr Wei-Yu Lin
Dr Sarah Fordham
Dr Nicola Sunter
Dr Claire Elstob
Dr Yaobo Xu
et al.
Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for acute myeloid leukemia2021
David Langton
Professor Stephen Bourke
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Carlos Echevarria
The influence of HLA genotype on the severity of COVID-19 infection2021
Professor Quentin Anstee
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Olivier Govaere
Dr Dina Tiniakos
et al.
Genome-Wide Association Study of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Steatohepatitis in a Histologically-Characterised Cohort2020
Dr Olivier Govaere
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Dina Tiniakos
Dr Rachel Queen
Dr Massimo Younes
et al.
Transcriptomic profiling across the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease spectrum reveals gene signatures for steatohepatitis and fibrosis2020
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Kristin Ayers
Dr Lynsey Hall
Professor David Jones
Professor Heather Cordell
et al.
Amino acid residues in five separate HLA genes can explain most of the known associations between the MHC and Primary Biliary Cholangitis2018
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Aisling Stewart
Dr Yaobo Xu
Dr Heather Lambert
Dr Mauro Santibanez Koref
et al.
Erratum: Publisher Correction: Genome-wide linkage and association study implicates the 10q26 region as a major genetic contributor to primary nonsyndromic vesicoureteric reflux (Scientific reports (2017) 7 1 (14595))2018
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Aisling Stewart
Dr Yaobo Xu
Dr Mauro Santibanez Koref
Professor John Sayer
et al.
Genome-wide linkage and association study implicates the 10q26 region as a major genetic contributor to primary nonsyndromic vesicoureteric reflux2017
Professor Quentin Anstee
Dr Yang-Lin Liu
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Heather Cordell
Professor Ann Daly
et al.
Transcriptional regulation of PNPLA3 and its impact on susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver Disease (NAFLD) in humans2017
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Kristin Ayers
Professor David Jones
Dr Peter Donaldson
Professor Heather Cordell
et al.
Immunochip analysis identifies amino acid residues in five separate HLA genes driving the association between the MHC and primary biliary cirrhosis2015
Dr Anna Mitchell
Katie MacArthur
Dr Jolanta Weaver
Dr Bijayeswar Vaidya
Dr Rebecca Darlay
et al.
Linkage Analysis in Autoimmune Addison’s Disease: NFATC1 as a Potential Novel Susceptibility Locus2015
Dr Michael Rushton
Dr Louise Reynard
Professor David Young
Dr Colin Shepherd
Dr Rebecca Darlay
et al.
Methylation of cartilage DNA is a mediator of genetic risk at several OA susceptibility loci2015
Dr Michael Rushton
Dr Louise Reynard
Professor David Young
Dr Colin Shepherd
Dr Fiona Gee
et al.
Methylation quantitative trait locus (meQTL) analysis of osteoarthritis links epigenetics with genetic risk2015
Dr Richard Howey
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Heather Cordell
Examination of previously identified associations within the Genetic Analysis Workshop 19 data2014
Dr Rebecca Darlay
The heritability of abortion in pedigree Charollais flocks2014
Professor Quentin Anstee
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Julian Leathart
Yilei Liu
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
A candidate-gene approach to validation of genetic modifier associations using a large cohort with histologically characterised non-alcoholic fatty liver disease2013
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Ana Topf
Valentina Mamasoula
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Rachel Soemedi
et al.
Genome-wide association study identifies loci on 12q24 and 13q32 associated with Tetralogy of Fallot2013
Dr Valerie Wilson
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Katrina Wood
Professor Claire Harris
Dr Eva-Maria Hunze
et al.
Genotype/Phenotype Correlations in Complement Factor H Deficiency Arising From Uniparental Isodisomy2013
Professor Quentin Anstee
Dr Yang-Lin Liu
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Chris Day
et al.
Mapping Expression Quantitative Traits Loci (EQTL) for PNPLA3 Gene Identifies Additional SNPs Associated with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Independent of rs7384092013
Rachel Soemedi
Dr Ian Wilson
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Ana Topf
Dr Simon Zwolinski
et al.
Contribution of Global Rare Copy-Number Variants to the Risk of Sporadic Congenital Heart Disease2012
Professor Quentin Anstee
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Julian Leathart
Professor Helen Reeves
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
Genome-Wide Association Analysis Confirms Importance of PNPLA3 and Identifies Novel Variants Associated With Histologically Progressive Steatohepatitis in NAFLD2012
Rachel Soemedi
Dr Ana Topf
Dr Ian Wilson
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Thahira Rahman
et al.
Phenotype-specific effect of chromosome 1q21.1 rearrangements and GJA5 duplications in 2436 congenital heart disease patients and 6760 controls2012
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Novel polymorphisms in ovine immune response genes and their association with abortion2011
Professor Heather Cordell
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Heather Lambert
Professor Tim Goodship
Dr Rajko Kenda
et al.
Whole-Genome Linkage and Association Scan in Primary, Nonsyndromic Vesicoureteric Reflux2010
Professor Judith Goodship
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Rajko Kenda
Professor Heather Cordell
Whole-genome linkage and association scan in primary, non-syndromic vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) and reflux nephropathy2009