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Browsing publications by Dr Leendert Hamoen.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Declan Gray
Gillian Dugan
Dr Pamela Gamba
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
et al.
Extreme slow growth as alternative strategy to survive deep starvation in bacteria2019
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Assessing membrane fluidity and visualizing fluid membrane domains in bacteria using fluorescent membrane dyes2018
Christopher Sauer
Rita Cruz
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Professor Colin Harwood
Exploring the Nonconserved Sequence Space of Synthetic Expression Modules in Bacillus subtilis2018
Derk te Winkel
Declan Gray
Dr Kenneth Seistrup
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
et al.
Analysis of antimicrobial-triggered membrane depolarisation using voltage sensitive dyes2016
Dr Tomas Kloosterman
Rok Lenarcic
Clare Willis
Dr David Roberts
Dr Leendert Hamoen
et al.
Complex polar machinery required for proper chromosome segregation in vegetative and sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis2016
Dr Pamela Gamba
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Dr Richard Daniel
Cooperative Recruitment of FtsW to the Division Site of Bacillus subtilis2016
Christopher Sauer
Simon Syvertsson
Rita Cruz
Professor Colin Harwood
Dr Leendert Hamoen
et al.
Effect of Genome Position on Heterologous Gene Expression in Bacillus subtilis: An Unbiased Analysis2016
Simon Syvertsson
Dr Leendert Hamoen
When Phase Contrast Fails: ChainTracer and NucTracer, Two ImageJ Methods for Semi-Automated Single Cell Analysis Using Membrane or DNA Staining2016
Dr Pamela Gamba
Eva Rietkotter
Dr Richard Daniel
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Tetracycline hypersensitivity of an ezrA mutant links GalE and TseB (YpmB) to cell division2015
Dr Sven Halbedel
Maki Kawai
Dr Leendert Hamoen
SecA is required for membrane targeting of the cell division protein DivIVA in vivo2014
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
The actin homologue MreB organizes the bacterial cell membrane2014
Suey van Baarle
Ilkay Celik
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Dr Sven Halbedel
Protein-Protein Interaction Domains of Bacillus subtilis DivIVA2013
Ilkay Celik
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Structural and genetic analyses reveal the protein SepF as a new membrane anchor for the Z ring2013
Ilkay Celik
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Structural and genetic analyses reveal the protein SepF as a new membrane anchor for the Z ring2013
Katarina Surdova
Dr Pamela Gamba
Dr Dennis Claessen
Professor Jeff Errington
Dr Leendert Hamoen
et al.
The Conserved DNA-Binding Protein WhiA Is Involved in Cell Division in Bacillus subtilis2013
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Finding the corners in a cell2012
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Cell division blockage: but this time by a surprisingly conserved protein2011
Erkam Gundogdu
Dr Yoshikazu Kawai
Dr Nada Pavlendova
Professor Jeff Errington
Dr Leendert Hamoen
et al.
Large ring polymers align FtsZ polymers for normal septum formation2011
Dr Ulrike Mader
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Connecting parts with processes: SubtiWiki and SubtiPathways integrate gene and pathway annotation for Bacillus subtilis2010
Dr Sven Halbedel
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Features critical for membrane binding revealed by DivIVA crystal structure2010
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Membrane potential is important for bacterial cell division2010
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Using modelling to understand protein localization in bacteria2010
Rok Lenarcic
Dr Sven Halbedel
Dr Ling Juan Wu
Professor Jeff Errington
Dr Leendert Hamoen
et al.
Localisation of DivIVA by targeting to negatively curved membranes2009
Dr Pamela Gamba
Dr Jan-Willem Veening
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Dr Richard Daniel
Two-Step Assembly Dynamics of the Bacillus subtilis Divisome2009
Dr Jan-Willem Veening
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Bet-hedging and epigenetic inheritance in bacterial cell development2008
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Localization of general and regulatory proteolysis in Bacillus subtilis cells2008
Dr Leendert Hamoen
A single, specific thymine mutation in the ComK-binding site severely decreases binding and transcription activation by the competence transcription factor ComK of Bacillus subtilis2007
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Antirepression as a second mechanism of transcriptional activation by a minor groove binding protein2007
Dr Reindert Nijland
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Changing a single amino acid in Clostridium perfringens β-toxin affects the efficiency of heterologous secretion by Bacillus subtilis2007
Dr Reindert Nijland
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Heterologous production and secretion of Clostridium perfringens beta-toxoid in closely related Gram-positive hosts2007
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Novel methods for genetic transformation of natural Bacillus subtilis isolates used to study the regulation of the mycosubtilin and surfactin synthetases2007
Dr Jan-Willem Veening
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Temporal separation of distinct differentiation pathways by a dual specificity Rap-Phr system in Bacillus subtilis2007
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Expression of transcription activator ComK of Bacillus subtilis in the heterologous host Lactococcus lactis leads to a genome-wide repression pattern: a case study of horizontal gene transfer2006
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Functional analysis of the competence transcription factor ComK of Bacillus subtilis by characterization of truncation variants2006
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Professor Jeff Errington
SepF, a novel FtsZ-interacting protein required for a late step in cell division2006
Dr Jan-Willem Veening
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Single cell analysis of gene expression patterns of competence development and initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis grown on chemically defined media2006
Dr Jan-Willem Veening
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Phosphatases modulate the bistable sporulation gene expression pattern in Bacillus subtilis2005
Dr Sierd Bron
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Stripping Bacillus: ComK auto-stimulation is responsible for the bistable response in competence development2005
Dr Reindert Nijland
Dr Sierd Bron
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Differential expression of two paralogous genes of Bacillus subtilis encoding single-stranded DNA binding protein2004
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Genome2D: a visualization tool for the rapid analysis of bacterial transcriptome data2004
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Mechanism of transcription activation at the comG promoter by the competence transcription factor ComK of Bacillus subtilis2004
Dr Jan-Willem Veening
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Visualization of Differential Gene Expression by Improved Cyan Fluorescent Protein and Yellow Fluorescent Protein Production in Bacillus subtilis2004
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Controlling competence in Bacillus subtilis: shared use of regulators2003
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Professor Jeff Errington
Polar targeting of DivIVA in Bacillus subtilis is not directly dependent on FtsZ or PBP 2B2003
Dr Leendert Hamoen
The Bacillus subtilis transition state regulator AbrB binds to the -35 promoter region of comK2003
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Improving the predictive value of the competence transcription factor (ComK) binding site in Bacillus subtilis using a genomic approach2002
Dr Leendert Hamoen
The bdbDC operon of Bacillus subtilis encodes thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases required for competence development2002
Dr Leendert Hamoen
Regulation of bacteriocin production in Lactobacillus plantarum depends on a conserved promoter arrangement with consensus binding sequence2001
Dr Leendert Hamoen
The Bacillus subtilis Competence Transcription Factor, ComK, Overrides LexA-imposed Transcriptional Inhibition without Physically Displacing LexA2001
Dr Leendert Hamoen
The pleiotropic response regulator DegU functions as a priming protein in competence development in Bacillus subtilis2000
Dr Leendert Hamoen
DNA-microarrays and food-biotechnology1999