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Browsing publications by Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
European Defense Spending: Trade-Offs and Consequences of Non-Alignment2024
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Security and Defence2022
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Sociotechnical Imaginaries of EU Defence: The Past and the Future in the European Defence Fund2021
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Impact of Brexit on European Defence Industry2020
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Contemporary European Security2019
Professor Kyle Grayson
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Scopic regimes and the visual turn in International Relations: Seeing world politics through the drone2019
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Armaments Decision-Making: Are European States Really Different?2018
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Dr Katharine A. M. Wright
NATO, the UK and post-Brexit security cooperation2018
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Emergence of the European Defence Research Programme2018
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
External Facets of Justice, Freedom and Security2017
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Comparing Militaries: The Challenges of Datasets and Process-Tracing2016
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
European Security at Twenty Five2016
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Strategy in European Security and Defence policy: does it matter?2016
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
THe EU, Strategy and Security Policy: Regional and Strategic Challenges2016
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The National Priorities of Germany, France and the UK: Enabling or Constraining a Joined-Up EU Strategy2016
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Uncovering EU Strategy in its Security Policy: an (In)coherent Actor?2016
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
France, the UK and the European Defence Agency2015
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Liegenschaftskonversion in Europa im Vergleich: Historische Erinnerung als Herausforderung2015
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Supporting European security and defence with existing EU measures and procedures2015
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Students' Skills, Employability and the Teaching of European Studies: Challenges and Opportunities2014
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
A European Agenda for Security Technology: From Innovation Policy to Export Controls2013
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Interpreting Missile Defence: A Comparative Study of European Reactions2013
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The A400M Project: From Flagship Project to Warning for European Defence Cooperation2013
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Common Security and Defence Policy as an Act of American Hegemony2013
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The UK, the EU and European Security: A German Perspective2013
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Entente Cordiale. Eine erste Bilanz französisch-britischer Zusammenarbeit in der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik2012
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Towards an EU Defence and/or Security Market? Are two becoming one?2011
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Turning Away from CSDP: Franco-British Bilateralism in Security and Defence Policy2010
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
European Union Armaments Policy: Options For Small States?2008
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
L'industria europea degli armamenti nel contesto dell'integrazione europea: alcune contraddizioni2008
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
EU Research and Innovation Policy and the Future of the Common Foreign and Security Policy2006
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
France: Missile Defence à la française2005
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
France’s Silent Revolution on Missile Defence2005
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Update: Arms and Resources2005
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Arms, Agencies and Accountability: The Case of OCCAR2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Dealing with the Offset Question: Comparing British and German Offset Strategies2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Europe and the Global Armament Agenda: Security, Trade and Accountability2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Parliamentary Involvement in Armament and Disarmament Policy: The Challenge of Europeanisation2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Restructuring and Conversion of Defense Industry2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Arming of the European Union: Explaining the Armaments Dimension of European Security and Defence Policy2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Commission Moves into Defence Research2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Policy Choices Ahead for the EU on Armaments2004
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Communiqué on Defence Equipment: Creating a European Armaments Policy?2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Die Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik in einer kooperativen Weltordnung2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Equipping the Rapid Reaction Force - options for and constraints on a European Defence Equipment Strategy2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
On the Way to a Common European Armaments Policy?2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Surplus Weapons2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The European Union and Defence Industrial Policy2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
Une Vision Européenne pour l’Industrie des Armes Légères Militaires2003
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Britain2002
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Germany2002
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
The Gap between Rhetoric and Reality: Weapons Acquisition and ESDP2002