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Browsing publications by Professor Anvar Shukurov.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Yasin Qazi
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Devika Tharakkal
Dr Fred Gent
Non-linear magnetic buoyancy instability and turbulent dynamo2024
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Understanding the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies and its cosmological evolution2024
Dr Devika Tharakkal
Andrew Snodin
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Cosmic rays and random magnetic traps2023
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Irina Makarenko
Professor Nick Parker
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Francisco Figueiredo
et al.
Human Stem Cells for Ophthalmology: Recent Advances in Diagnostic Image Analysis and Computational Modelling2023
Dr Devika Tharakkal
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Fred Gent
Dr Graeme Sarson
Andrew Snodin
et al.
Steady states of the Parker instability2023
Dr Devika Tharakkal
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Fred Gent
Dr Graeme Sarson
Dr Andrew Snodin
et al.
Steady states of the Parker instability: the effects of rotation2023
James Hollins
Dr Graeme Sarson
Can Evirgen
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
et al.
Mean fields and fluctuations in compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows2022
Dr Laura Wadkin
Professor Majlinda Lako
Professor Nick Parker
Professor Anvar Shukurov
A mathematical modelling framework for the regulation of intra-cellular OCT4 in human pluripotent stem cells2021
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Sirio Orozco Fuentes
Dr Irina Neganova
Professor Majlinda Lako
Dr Andrew Baggaley
et al.
OCT4 expression in human embryonic stem cells: spatio-temporal dynamics and fate transitions2021
Amit Seta
Professor Paul Bushby
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Toby Wood
On the saturation mechanism of the fluctuation dynamo at PrM >= 12020
Dr Luke Chamandy
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Parameters of the supernova-driven interstellar turbulence2020
Professor Robin Henderson
Dr Irina Makarenko
Professor Paul Bushby
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
et al.
Statistical Topology and the Random Interstellar Medium2020
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Sirio Orozco Fuentes
Dr Irina Neganova
Professor Majlinda Lako
Professor Anvar Shukurov
et al.
The recent advances in the mathematical modelling of human pluripotent stem cells2020
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Professor Paul Bushby
James Hollins
A physical approach to modelling large-scale galactic magnetic fields2019
Dr Francesco Carrer
Dr Graeme Sarson
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Ethnoarchaeology-Based Modelling to Investigate Economic Transformations and Land-Use Change in the Alpine Uplands2019
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Dr Luke Chamandy
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Evolution of galactic magnetic fields2019
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Andrew Snodin
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion of cosmic rays2019
Professor Anvar Shukurov
IMAGINE: Modeling the galactic magnetic field2019
Dr Sirio Orozco Fuentes
Dr Irina Neganova
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Anvar Shukurov
et al.
Quantification of the morphological characteristics of hESC colonies2019
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Sirio Orozco Fuentes
Dr Irina Neganova
Dr Sanja Bojic
Dr Alex Laude
et al.
Seeding hESCs to achieve optimal colony clonality2019
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Kandaswamy Subramanian
The origin of large-scale magnetic fields in low-mass galaxies2019
Can Evirgen
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Paul Bushby
The supernova-regulated ISM – VI. Magnetic effects on the structure of the interstellar medium2019
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Sirio Orozco Fuentes
Dr Irina Neganova
Dr Alex Laude
Professor Majlinda Lako
et al.
Correlated random walks of human embryonic stem cells in vitro2018
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Amit Seta
Professor Anvar Shukurov
IMAGINE: A comprehensive view of the interstellar medium, Galactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays2018
Amit Seta
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Toby Wood
Professor Paul Bushby
Andrew Snodin
et al.
Relative distribution of cosmic rays and magnetic fields2018
Dr Aritra Basu
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Statistical properties of Faraday rotation measure in external galaxies – I: intervening disc galaxies2018
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The evolution of large scale magnetic fields in spiral galaxies2018
Dr Irina Makarenko
Professor Paul Bushby
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Robin Henderson
Dr Nikolai Makarenko
et al.
Topological data analysis and diagnostics of compressible MHD turbulence2018
Dr Irina Makarenko
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Robin Henderson
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Professor Paul Bushby
et al.
Topological signatures of interstellar magnetic fields - I. Betti numbers and persistence diagrams2018
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Andrew Snodin
Amit Seta
Professor Paul Bushby
Dr Toby Wood
et al.
Cosmic rays in intermittent magnetic fields2017
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Irina Neganova
Professor Nick Parker
Dr Valeria Chichagova
Georgina Kay-Black
et al.
Dynamics of single human embryonic stem cells and their pairs: a quantitative analysis2017
Dr Laura Wadkin
Dr Sirio Orozco Fuentes
Professor Nick Parker
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Irina Neganova
et al.
Human embryonic stem cell colony formation: statistical analysis and agent-based modelling2017
James Hollins
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Fred Gent
et al.
Supernova-regulated ISM. V. Space and Time Correlations2017
Can Evirgen
Fred Gent
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Paul Bushby
et al.
The distribution of mean and fluctuating magnetic fields in the multiphase interstellar medium2017
Andrew Snodin
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Paul Bushby
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
et al.
Global diffusion of cosmic rays in random magnetic fields2016
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Magnetic and gaseous spiral arms in M832016
Dr Luke Chamandy
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Statistical Tests of Galactic Dynamo Theory2016
Dr Luiz Felippe Rodrigues
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Paul Bushby
Dr Andrew Fletcher
et al.
The Parker instability in disk galaxies2016
Dr Irina Makarenko
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
3D morphology of a random field from its 2D cross-section2015
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Editorial Special issue: Macroscopic randomness in astrophysical plasmas: The legacy and vision of Ya. B. Zeldovich2015
Dr Luiz Santiago Rodrigues
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Galactic magnetic fields and hierarchical galaxy formation2015
Cameron Van Eck
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Magnetic fields in a sample of nearby spiral galaxies2015
Dr Luke Chamandy
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Magnetic spiral arms and galactic outflows2015
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Dr Kate Henderson
Dr Robert Shiel
Productivity of Premodern Agriculture in the Cucuteni-Trypillia Area2015
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Dr Kate Henderson
Dr Robert Shiel
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
et al.
Productivity of Premodern agriculture in the Cucuteni–Trypillia area2015
Dr Rodin Stepanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
An observational test for correlations between cosmic rays and magnetic fields2014
Yameng Ji
Dr Laura Cole
Professor Paul Bushby
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Asymptotic solutions for mean-field slab dynamos2014
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Constraining regular and turbulent magnetic field strengths in M 51 via Faraday depolarization2014
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Depolarization of synchrotron radiation in a multilayer magneto-ionic medium2014
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Non-linear galactic dynamos: a toolbox2014
Dr Daniel Henderson
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Graeme Sarson
et al.
Regional variations in the European Neolithic dispersal: the role of the coastlines2014
Kavita Gangal
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The Near-Eastern Roots of the Neolithic in South Asia2014
Kumanan Subramaniam
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Galactic spiral patterns and dynamo action - I. A new twist on magnetic arms2013
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Galactic spiral patterns and dynamo action - II. Asymptotic solutions2013
Fred Gent
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Dr Graeme Sarson
The supernova-regulated ISM - I. The multiphase structure2013
Fred Gent
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Dr Andrew Fletcher
The supernova-regulated ISM - II. The mean magnetic field2013
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Andrew Golightly
et al.
Bayesian inference for a wave-front model of the neolithization of Europe2012
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Carlo Barenghi
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Emeritus Professor Yuri Sergeev
Coherent vortex structures in quantum turbulence2012
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Andrew Golightly
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
et al.
Inference for population dynamics in the Neolithic period2012
Professor Anvar Shukurov
New constraints on the galactic halo magnetic field using rotation measures of extragalactic sources toward the outer galaxy2012
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Magnetic fields and spiral arms in the galaxy M512011
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Modeling the Magnetic Field in the Galactic Disk Using New Rotation Measure Observations from the Very Large Array2011
Professor Anvar Shukurov
A Survey of Extragalactic Faraday Rotation at High Galactic Latitute: the Vertical Magnetic Field of the Milky Way Toward the Galactic Poles2010
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Early pottery makers in Eastern Europe: Centres of Origins, Subsistence and Dispersal2010
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Carlo Barenghi
Kumanan Subramaniam
Fluctuation dynamo based on magnetic reconnections2010
Dr Graeme Sarson
Hannah Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Modelling the Neolithic transition in a heterogeneous environment2010
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Contour-Crossing Statistics for Small Scale Structure on Radio Polarized Intensity Maps of the Interstellar Medium2009
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dynamically dominant magnetic fields in the diffuse interstellar medium2009
Dr Kate Henderson
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Multiple sources of the European Neolithic: Mathematical modelling constrained by radiocarbon dates2009
Dr Kate Henderson
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Multiple sources of the European Neolithic: mathematical modelling constrained by radiocarbon dates2009
Dr Francois Feugier
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Population spread along self-organised paths2009
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Carlo Barenghi
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Reconnecting flux-rope dynamo2009
Dr Andrew Baggaley
Professor Carlo Barenghi
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Stretching in a model of a turbulent flow2009
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The East European Plain on the Eve of Agriculture2009
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Graeme Sarson
The spread of the neolithic in the south east european plain: Radiocarbon chronology, subsistence, and environment2009
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Kate Henderson
Dr Graeme Sarson
The Spread of the Neolithic in the South East European Plain: Radiocarbon Chronology, Subsistence, and Environment2009
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Course 4 Astrophysical dynamos2008
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Rodion Stepanov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Dynamo action in Möbius flow2008
Dr Kate Henderson
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
A pan-European model of the Neolithic2007
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Depolarization canals and interstellar turbulence2007
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Evolution of waterways and early human settlements in the eastern Baltic area: Radiocarbon-based chronology2007
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Kumanan Subramaniam
Galactic dynamos supported by magnetic helicity fluxes2007
Andrew Snodin
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetic fields in barred galaxies V. Modelling NGC 13652007
Samantha Wilkin
Professor Carlo Barenghi
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Magnetic structures produced by the small-scale dynamo2007
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Canals in Milky Way radio polarization maps2006
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Evolving turbulence and magnetic fields in galaxy clusters2006
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Kumanan Subramaniam
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Galactic dynamo and helicity losses through fountain flow2006
Andrew Snodin
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Mr AJW William Mee
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Simulating field-aligned diffusion of a cosmic ray gas2006
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Stars, bars and magnetic fields2006
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The origin and evolution of cluster magnetism2006
Dr Kate Henderson
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The role of waterways in the spread of the Neolithic2006
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Introduction to galactic dynamos2005
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetic fields and mass inflow in central regions of barred galaxies2005
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Andrew Snodin
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
Magnetic fields in barred galaxies2005
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Andrew Snodin
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
et al.
Magnetic fields in barred galaxies IV. NGC 1097 and NGC 13652005
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Mesoscale Magnetic Structures in Spiral Galaxies2005
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Neolithic in Northern Eurasia2005
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Reply to Y. V. Kuzmin, S. G. Keates (Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (2004) 141-143)2005
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Accretion disc dynamos opened up by external magnetic fields2004
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
K statistike radiouglerodnoi chronologii rannego neolitha Yuga vostochnoi i centralinoi Evropy2004
Peter Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Modelling the Neolithic dispersal in northern Eurasia2004
Ashley Willis
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Emeritus Professor Andrew Soward
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Non-local effects in the mean-field disc dynamo: II - Numerical and asymptotic solutions2004
Dr Brigitta von Rekowski
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Dr Wolfgang Dobler
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Outflows from dynamo-active protostellar accretion discs2004
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Self-regulating supernovae heating in interstellar medium simulations2004
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Dr Graeme Sarson
Professor Axel Brandenburg
The effects of spiral arms on the multi-phase ISM2004
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The magnetic field of M 31 from multi-wavelength radio polarization observations2004
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Faraday ghosts: Depolarization canals in the Galactic radio emission2003
Dr Brigitta von Rekowski
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Dr Wolfgang Dobler
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Structured outflow from a dynamo active accretion disc2003
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Systematic bias in interstellar magnetic field estimates2003
Peter Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
An improved chronology for the neolithic of Central and Eastern Europe2002
Peter Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Colonisation of Northern Eurasia by early modern humans as viewed through the evidence of radiocarbon dating2002
Professor Pavel Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Colonization of Northern Eurasia by modern humans: Radiocarbon chronology and environment2002
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetic fields in barred galaxies - I. The atlas2002
Dr Wolfgang Dobler
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Nonlinear states of the screw dynamo2002
Professor Anvar Shukurov
On the origin of galactic magnetic fields2002
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Summary of the discussion2002
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The origin of magnetic fields in elliptical galaxies2002
Dr Rodion Stepanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Wavelet tomography of the Galactic magnetic field - I. The method2002
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Galactic dynamos with captured magnetic flux and an accretion flow2001
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Hydrostatic equilibrium in a magnetized, warped Galactic disc2001
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. II. Dynamo models2001
Peter Dolukhanov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Radiocarbon chronology of upper palaeolithic sites in eastern Europe at improved resolution2001
Dr Rodion Stepanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Structures in the rotation measure sky2001
Dr Anne Bardou
Dr Brigitta von Rekowski
Dr Wolfgang Dobler
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Professor Anvar Shukurov
et al.
The effects of vertical outflows on disk dynamos2001
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Turbulent diamagnetism and Galactic Dynamo2001
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Dr Wolfgang Dobler
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Two-dimensional disk dynamos with vertical outflows into a halo2001
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Accretion and galactic dynamos2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Global magnetic structures in spiral galaxies: evidence for dynamo action2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
High-resolution maser studies of galactic nuclei - Discussion2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Jets from accretion discs - Discussion2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetic and optical spiral arms in the galaxy NGC 69462000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Magnetism in microquasars - Discussion2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Emeritus Professor Andrew Soward
Non-local effects in the mean-field disc dynamo: I. An asymptotic expansion2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Quasar jets and their fields - Discussion2000
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The regular magnetic fields of M31 and M33, from radio polarization observations2000
Professor Anvar Shukurov
A dynamic interstellar medium: recent numerical simulations.1999
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Professor Anvar Shukurov
A supernova-regulated interstellar medium: Simulations of the turbulent multiphase medium1999
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Evolution of a superbubble in a turbulent, multi-phased and magnetized ISM1999
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Galactic dynamos driven by magnetic buoyancy1999
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Galactic dynamos driven by magnetic buoyancy1999
Peter Dolukhanov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Improved radiocarbon chronology and the Neolithisation of Europe.1999
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetfelder fütten Schwarzes Loch1999
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetic field as a tracer of sheared gas flow in barred galaxies1999
Dr Vladimir Shoutenkov
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Magnetic fields as a tracer of sheared gas flow in barred galaxies1999
Dr Wolfgang Dobler
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Pressure-driven outflow and magneto-centrifugal wind from a dynamo active disc1999
Dr Andrew Fletcher
Professor Anvar Shukurov
The role of magnetic fields in Galactic hydrostatic equilibrium.1999
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Boundary effects and propagating, magnetic fronts in disc dynamos1998
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Depolarization and Faraday effects in galaxies1998
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Magnetic spiral arms in galaxies1998
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor Dmitry Sokoloff
The nature of the magnetic belt in M311998
Dr Francisco Sanchez-Salcedo
Professor Axel Brandenburg
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Turbulence and magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies1998