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Browsing publications by Dr James Guest.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Liam Lachs
Professor Aileen Mill
et al.
Evaluating the role of moonlight-darkness dynamics as proximate spawning cues in an Acropora coral2025
Dr Liam Lachs
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Higher spatial resolution is not always better: evaluating satellite-sensed sea surface temperature products for a west Pacific coral reef system2025
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr James Guest
Assisted sexual coral recruits show high thermal tolerance to the 2023 Caribbean mass bleaching event2024
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Professor John Bythell
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Ruben De La Torre Cerro
et al.
High coral heat tolerance at local-scale thermal refugia2024
Dr Liam Lachs
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
et al.
Natural selection could determine whether Acropora corals persist under expected climate change2024
Dr James Guest
Rapid seagrass meadow expansion in an Indian Ocean bright spot2024
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Rehabilitating coral reefs in the Anthropocene2024
Dr James Guest
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Restoration as a meaningful aid to ecological recovery of coral reefs2024
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Liam Lachs
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
et al.
Selective breeding enhances coral heat tolerance to marine heatwaves2024
Dr James Guest
The critical role of coral reef restoration in a changing world2024
Dr James Guest
Contrasting reproductive strategies between stress-tolerant and competitive coral taxa2023
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Peter Mumby
Professor John Bythell
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr James Guest
et al.
Emergent increase in coral thermal tolerance reduces mass bleaching under climate change2023
Emi Husband
Dr James Guest
Honduran Reef Island Shoreline Change and Planform Evolution over the Last 15 Years: Implications for Reef Island Monitoring and Futures2023
Dr James Guest
Live slow, die old: larval propagation of slow-growing, stress-tolerant corals for reef restoration2023
Dr James Guest
Macroalgae exhibit diverse responses to human disturbances on coral reefs2023
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Professor John Bythell
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
et al.
No apparent trade-offs associated with heat tolerance in a reef-building coral2023
Dr Assia Crawford
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Gary Caldwell
Dr James Guest
Architecture for coral restoration: Using clay-based digital fabrication to overcome bottlenecks to coral larval propagation2022
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Dr Liam Lachs
Coral spawning calendar for Sesoko Station, Okinawa, Japan.2022
Dr James Guest
Scale dependence of coral reef oases and their environmental correlates2022
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr James Guest
SizeExtractR: A workflow for rapid reproducible extraction of object size metrics from scaled images2022
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Liam Lachs
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
et al.
Within-population variability in coral heat tolerance indicates climate adaptation potential2022
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr Liam Lachs
et al.
An Experimental Framework for Selectively Breeding Corals for Assisted Evolution2021
Dr James Guest
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
An Indo-Pacific coral spawning database2021
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Correction to: Latitudinal variation in monthly-scale reproductive synchrony among Acropora coral assemblages in the Indo-Pacific (Coral Reefs, (2021), 10.1007/s00338-021-02129-3)2021
Dr Liam Lachs
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Fine-tuning heat stress algorithms to optimise global predictions of mass coral bleaching.2021
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Latitudinal variation in monthly-scale reproductive synchrony among Acropora coral assemblages in the Indo-Pacific2021
Dr James Guest
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr Romeo Dizon
Linear extension, skeletal density, and calcification rates of the blue coral Heliopora coerulea2021
Dr James Guest
Onset of sexual maturity of sexually propagated and wild colonies of the massive coral Favites abdita in northwestern Philippines2021
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Professor John Bythell
Dr James Guest
et al.
Photogrammetry as a tool to improve ecosystem restoration.2021
Dr James Guest
Disturbances drive changes in coral community assemblages and coral calcification capacity2020
Dr James Guest
Social–environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene2019
Dr James Guest
A framework for identifying and characterising coral reef “oases” against a backdrop of degradation2018
Dr James Guest
Effect of coral-algal interactions on early life history processes in Pocillopora acuta in a highly disturbed coral reef system2018
Dr James Guest
Inducing broadcast coral spawning ex situ: Closed system mesocosm design and husbandry protocol2017
Dr James Guest
New Seeding Approach Reduces Costs and Time to Outplant Sexually Propagated Corals for Reef Restoration2017
Dr James Guest
27 years of benthic and coral community dynamics on turbid, highly urbanised reefs off Singapore2016
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Coral mass spawning predicted by rapid seasonal rise in ocean temperature2016
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Direct seeding of mass-cultured coral larvae is not an effective option for reef rehabilitation2015
Dr James Guest
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Closing the circle: is it feasible to rehabilitate reefs with sexually propagated corals?2014
Dr James Guest
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Contrasting Patterns of Coral Bleaching Susceptibility in 2010 Suggest an Adaptive Response to Thermal Stress2012
Dr James Guest
Dr Romeo Dizon
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
How quickly do fragments of coral ‘self-attach’ after transplantation?2011
Dr James Guest
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Caging enhances post-settlement survival of juveniles of the scleractinian coral Acropora tenuis2010
Dr James Guest
Spawning synchrony in scleractinian corals: Comment on Mangubhai & Harrison (2008)2009
Dr James Guest
Can giant clam (Tridacna squamosa) populations be restored on Singapore's heavily impacted coral reefs?2008
Dr James Guest
Ecology: How reefs respond to mass coral spawning2008
Dr James Guest
Dr Romeo Dizon
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Multi-species spawning of corals in north-western Philippines2008
Dr James Guest
Movement and aggregation in the fluted giant clam (Tridacna squamosa L.)2007
Dr James Guest
The effect of transplantation on reproduction in clonal ramets of Goniopora columna on Singapore's coral reefs2007
Dr James Guest
Retrospective analysis of sperm banking as an option in child and adolescent treatments2005
Dr James Guest
Seasonal reproduction in equatorial reef corals2005
Professor John Bythell
Dr Michael Barer
Dr Rory Cooney
Dr James Guest
Professor Anthony O'Donnell
et al.
Histopathological methods for the investigation of microbial communities associated with disease lesions in reef corals2002