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C-erbb-2 oncogene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
Retinoblastoma and P53 gene expression related to relapse and survival in human breast cancer - an immunohistochemical study
Node negative breast cancer: the prognostic value of DNA ploidy for long-term survival
C-ERBB-2 oncoprotein expression in mammary and extramammary pagets disease - an immunohistochemical study
C-ERBB-2 Oncoprotein expression in mammary and extramammary pagets disease determined by immunohistochemistry using the novel monoclonal antibody NCL-CB11
NCL-CB11 anto c-erbb-2 monoclonal antibody characterization and correlation with gene amplification
NCL-CB11, a new monoclonal antibody recognizing the internal domain of the c-erbb-2 oncogene protein effective for use on formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue