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Browsing publications by Professor Geoff Vigar.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Geoff Vigar
Disparate goals, progressive ideals? Professional biographies of planners in the UK and their ideas of 'mission'2024
Andrew Inch
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Abigail Schoneboom
The Future for Planners: Commercialisation, Professionalism and the Public Interest in the UK2024
Professor Simin Davoudi
Dr David Webb
Professor Geoff Vigar
Professor John Pendlebury
Professor Tim Townshend
et al.
Town and Country Planning in the UK2024
Dr Abigail Schoneboom
Professor Geoff Vigar
What Town Planners Do: Exploring Planning Practices and the Public Interest through Workplace Ethnographies2024
Jennifer Manuel
Professor Geoff Vigar
Enhancing citizen engagement in planning through participatory film-making2021
Professor Geoff Vigar
The Politics of Mobility Policy2021
Daniel Mallo
Dr Abigail Schoneboom
Armelle Tardiveau
Professor Geoff Vigar
From non-place to place in post-suburbia: city-edge office parks as loci for nature-based micro-interventions2020
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Paul Cowie
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Innovation in planning: creating and securing public value2020
Dr Sebastian Weise
Dr Alexander Wilson
Professor Geoff Vigar
Reflections on Deploying Community-Driven Visualisations for Public Engagement in Urban Planning2020
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Georgiana Varna
Connecting places: towards a participatory, ordinary urbanism2019
Professor Ali Madanipour
Dr Konrad Miciukiewicz
Professor Geoff Vigar
Master plans and urban change: the case of Sheffield city centre2018
Rorie Parsons
Professor Geoff Vigar
'Resistance was futile!' Cycling's discourses of resistance to UK automobile modernism 1950-19702018
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Zan Gunn
Dr Elizabeth Brooks
Governing Our Neighbours: participation and conflict in neighbourhood planning2017
Jennifer Manuel
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Robert Comber
Participatory Media: Creating Spaces for Storytelling in Neighbourhood Planning2017
Professor Geoff Vigar
The Four Knowledges of Transport Planning: enacting a more communicative, trans-disciplinary policy and decision-making2017
Dr Paul Cowie
Professor Geoff Vigar
Prof Simin Davoudi
Professor Ali Madanipour
Hyper-local planning in England: Territorial Governance at the Neighbourhood Scale2016
Dr Paul Cowie
Professor Ali Madanipour
Professor Simin Davoudi
Professor Geoff Vigar
Maintaining stable regional territorial governance institutions in times of change: Greater Manchester Combined Authority2016
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Paulus Aditjandra
Residential Location Preferences: New Perspective2016
Professor Roberto Palacin
Professor Geoff Vigar
Sean Peacock
Transport poverty and urban mobility2016
Dr Zan Gunn
Dr Elizabeth Brooks
Professor Geoff Vigar
“The Community’s Capacity to Plan: The disproportionate requirements of the new English Neighbourhood Planning Initiative2015
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Professor Geoff Vigar
Creating a special place: The Ouseburn Valley and Trust in Newcastle2015
Professor Geoff Vigar
Infrastructure Planning2015
Professor Geoff Vigar
Making places better: institutional design for local plan-making2015
Professor Geoff Vigar
Planning, the profession and the public2015
Trevor Hart
Professor Simin Davoudi
Professor Geoff Vigar
The nature of planning2015
Trevor Hart
Professor Simin Davoudi
Professor John Pendlebury
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr David Webb
et al.
Town and Country Planning in the UK2015
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Paulus Aditjandra
Residential Location Preferences: The Significance of Socio-Cultural and Religious Attributes2014
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Paul Cowie
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Success and Innovation in Planning: Creating Public Value2014
Dr Konrad Miciukiewicz
Professor Geoff Vigar
Encounters in motion: considerations of time and social justice in urban mobility research2013
Professor Simin Davoudi
Dr Paul Cowie
Professor Ali Madanipour
Professor Geoff Vigar
ESPON TANGO - Territorial Approaches for New Governance. Final Report2013
Professor Frank Moulaert
Dr Konrad Miciukiewicz
Professor Geoff Vigar
Professor Ali Madanipour
Handboek Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit : het SPINDUS projekt ; praktische methoden voor de beoordeling, implementatie en evaluatie van ruimetelijke kwaliteit2013
Professor Geoff Vigar
Promoting Fairer Neighbourhood Planning2013
Professor Geoff Vigar
Dr Elizabeth Brooks
Dr Zan Gunn
The innovative potential of neighbourhood plan-making2013
Dr Konrad Miciukiewicz
Professor Geoff Vigar
Mobility and Social Cohesion in the Splintered City: Challenging Technocentric Transport Research and Policy-making Practices2012
Professor Geoff Vigar
Planning and Professionalism: Knowledge, Judgement and Expertise in English Planning2012
Dr Zan Gunn
Professor Geoff Vigar
Reform processes and discretionary acting space in English planning practice, 1997–20102012
Professor Geoff Vigar
Andrew Shaw
Selling sustainable mobility: The reporting of the Manchester Transport Innovation Fund bid in UK media2011
Professor Philip Allmendinger
Professor Geoff Vigar
The New Spatial Planning: Territorial Management with Soft Spaces and Fuzzy Boundaries2010
Dr Sara Gonzalez
Professor Geoff Vigar
The Ouseburn Trust in Newcastle: a struggle to innovate in the context of a weak local state2010
Professor Simin Davoudi
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Professor Geoff Vigar
The Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Planning2009
Professor Geoff Vigar
Towards an Integrated Spatial Planning?2009
Professor Geoff Vigar
Community influence and the contemporary local state: potentials and contradictions in the neo-liberal city2008
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Geoff Vigar
Devolution and the UK's new transport policy landscape2008
Professor Geoff Vigar
Sustainable Development in Post-Devolution UK and Ireland2008
Professor Geoff Vigar
Transport and mobility in the English market town2007
Professor Geoff Vigar
Deliberation, participation and learning in the development of regional strategies: Transport policy making in North East England2006
Professor Geoff Vigar
Modernising Transport Planning in the English Regions2006
Professor Geoff Vigar
Professor Stephen Graham
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
In search of the city in spatial strategies: Past legacies, future imaginings2005
Professor Geoff Vigar
Geoff Porter
Regional Governance and Strategic Transport Policy: the case of North East England2005
Dr Claire Haggett
Professor Geoff Vigar
Tilting at Windmills? Understanding Opposition to Windfarm Applications2004
Professor Geoff Vigar
Local transport planning under new Labour2003
Professor Philip Allmendinger
Professor Geoff Vigar
New Directions in UK strategic planning: from development plans to spatial development strategies2003
Professor Geoff Vigar
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Developing environmentally respectful policy programmes: Five key principles2002
Professor Geoff Vigar
The Politics of Mobility: Transport, the environment and public policy2002
Professor Geoff Vigar
Implementing transport's 'new realism'?: The dissemination of demand-management policies in UK transport planning2001
Professor Geoff Vigar
Reappraising UK transport policy 1950-99: The myth of 'mono-modality' and the nature of 'paradigm shifts'2001
Professor Geoff Vigar
Local 'Barriers' to environmentally sustainable transport planning2000
Professor Geoff Vigar
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Angela Hull
Professor Simin Davoudi
Planning, Governance and Spatial Strategy in Britain: an institutionalist analysis2000
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Professor Geoff Vigar
Angela Hull
Professor Simin Davoudi
Planning, Governance and Spatial Strategy in Britain: An Institutionalist Analysis2000
Professor Geoff Vigar
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Angela Hull
Planning, Governance and Spatial Strategy in Britain: an institutionalist analysis (Planning, Environment, Cities)2000
Professor Geoff Vigar
Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE
Territorial Integration and ‘Plan-Led’ Planning1999