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Browsing publications by Professor Andrew Burton.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Irene Brown
Dr Fiona Anderson
Ranti Bam
Neil Bromwich
Professor Andrew Burton
et al.
Mirror Neurons: group exhibition of all artists / staff of the Fine Art department, Newcastle University, curated by Alistair Robinson and Harriet Sutcliffe2024
Dr Rebecca Farley
Judith King
Professor Andrew Burton
Kiki Claxton
Volunteer Voices: Industry Stakeholders Report, April 20222022
Professor Andrew Burton
Lilian Nabulime
Dr Paul Richter
Making a Living through and for Visual Artists in East Africa2021
Dr Niki Black
Professor Andrew Burton
Nick Cass
Dr Rebecca Farley
Judith King
et al.
Mapping Contemporary Art in the Heritage Experience: Industry Stakeholders Report2020
Professor Andrew Burton
Judith King
Professor Vee Pollock
Mapping Contemporary Art in the Heritage Experience. North East England: National Trust Gibside, Holy Trinity Church, Sunderland; National Trust Cherryburn, Belsay Hall, 2018.2018
Professor Andrew Burton
From Without And From Within (The Auroville Project)2017
Professor Andrew Burton
Iron, Bark, Clay2016
Professor Andrew Burton
Lilian Nabulime
Banka y'Ekka2015
Professor Andrew Burton
Things Fall Apart III2015
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Andrew Burton
Things Fall Apart II2014
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Andrew Burton
Vessels and Monuments2014
Professor Andrew Burton
Sheepfold II: Let Me Enfold You in My Icy Embrace. A site-specific sculpture (40,000 glass bricks, each cut by hand, UV adhesive) commissioned by the Institute for International Research in Glass and Ceramic Arts (IIRGCA), Sunderland and the National Glass Centre (NGC) for the exhibition Kith and Kin II, 21 September - 31 December 20122012
Professor Andrew Burton
Making Bithooras2011
Professor Andrew Burton
Pen. A large-scale (8m x 8m x 2.2m) site-specific ceramic sculpture commissioned for the exhibition S’Imbriquer, Autour de la Brique, Maladrerie Saint-Lazare, Beauvais, France. 24th June - 18th September 2011. The exhibition was organised by the Ecole d’Art, Beauvais in their cycle ‘Terre/Ceramique’ and brought together twenty artists concerned with brick and architectural ceramicists, (other artists included Jacques Kaufmann, Daniel Pontoreau).2011
Professor Andrew Burton
Rolling Snowball2011
Professor Andrew Burton
The Brothers and Us2011
Professor Andrew Burton
Tierra del Fuego2011
Professor Andrew Burton
Jug II2010
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Andrew Burton
Ceramics and Architecture2009
Professor Andrew Burton
Andrew Burton2008
Professor Andrew Burton
Brickworks. An extended body of 8 sculptures made from a single, large set of miniature, hand-made fired clay bricks, each 4cm x 2m x 1cm. Most of the works are conceived as ephemeral pieces, built on-site and broken up after exhibition, the bricks salvaged and re-used in new works. Two works, Jug and Chimney have reached a final ‘resolved’ form and are now permanently sited in London and Aarhus. As such, the separate sculptures link together over time as a family of pieces, formed from the same physical material and containing residual evidence of their former states. Most sculptures take the form of simple architectural structures such as stells (sheepfolds), buttresses or chimneys.2008
Professor Andrew Burton
Enclosure with Ladders for One Thousand Smashed Cultural Artefacts (Enclosure with Ladders). A site-specific sculpture, (Qing’s red bricks, ceramic, paint, 8m x 8m x 2.25m.), made for the exhibition Redefining Old Architectural Ceramics, Clayarch Gimhae Museum, South Korea, August 8th 2008 to August 2nd 2009. The exhibition comprised works by ten international artists, all specialising in ceramic sculpture, whom the Museum invited to ‘redefine’ architectural ceramics through working with a large quantity of bricks, some dating back to the 17th century, which had been procured from demolition sites in China.2008
Professor Andrew Burton
Things Fall Apart2008
Professor Andrew Burton
Bricks. 50,000 miniature hand-made bricks constructed into sculptures of various configurations and exhibited in various venues2006
Professor Andrew Burton
New Sculpture2006
Professor Andrew Burton
New Works2006
Professor Andrew Burton
Sculpture from a Land of Ants and Bees, an installation of 8 linked sculptural elements2006
Professor Andrew Burton
The Stuff of Substance2006
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Christopher Jones
Sheila Mulhern
Evidence: James Quinn and Bernadette O Toole2005
Professor Andrew Burton
Nine Cows,2005
Professor Andrew Burton
Skyqutb: permanent site-specific sculpture2005
Professor Andrew Burton
Dixon's Bank2004
Professor Andrew Burton
Cook's Earth2003
Professor Andrew Burton
An Urbane Elephant2002
Professor Andrew Burton
Cycle, a site-specific public artwork2001
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Andrew Burton
Professor Andrew Burton
Juggernaut - sculpture by Andrew Burton2000
Professor Andrew Burton
The Walrus2000
Professor Andrew Burton