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Browsing publications by Dr Stuart Watson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Stuart Watson
Caroline Kemp
Emeritus Professor John Gibson
Lumbini Azim
Lauren Wall
et al.
Aripiprazole/Sertraline Combination: Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness in Comparison With Quetiapine for the Treatment of Bipolar Depression (ASCEnD Trial)—Protocol for a Nested Qualitative Study2024
Dr Ryan Kenny
Alex Inskip
Dr Fiona Pearson
Dr Stuart Watson
Cariprazine in the acute treatment of unipolar and bipolar depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis2024
Abi Taylor
Francesca Black
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
et al.
Autonomic dysregulation, cognition and fatigue in people with depression and in active and healthy controls: observational cohort study2023
Dr Tiago Costa
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Fai Ng
Depression in Sjögren's syndrome mediates the relationship between pain, fatigue, sleepiness, and overall quality of life2023
Dr James Clark
Dr Stuart Watson
Modelling mood updating: a proof of principle study2023
Dr Alan Bagnall
Dr Steve Murray
Dr Guy MacGowan
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Iain McKinnon
et al.
Role of autonomic dysregulation in quality of life and functional impairment in implantable cardioverter defibrillator patients2023
Dr Jessica Tarn
Emmanuella Traianos
Amy Collins
Dr Myrto Stylianou
Dr Jehill Parikh
et al.
The Effects Of Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Fatigue In Participants With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome2023
Dr Tibor Kovacs
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Douglas Turkington
Clusters, lines and webs—so does my patient have psychosis? reflections on the use of psychiatric conceptual frameworks from a clinical vantage point2022
Dr Stuart Watson
PAX-D: study protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled trial evaluating the efficacy and mechanism of pramipexole as add-on treatment for people with treatment resistant depression2022
Dr Monica Comsa
Dr Kirstie Anderson
Dr Aditya Sharma
Dr Stuart Watson
The relationship between sleep and depression and bipolar disorder in children and young people2022
Adele Elliott
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Guy Dodgson
Changing practice: Assessing attitudes toward a NICE-informed collaborative treatment pathway for bipolar disorder2021
Lumbini Azim
Paul Hindmarch
Georgiana Browne
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Emily Clare
et al.
Study protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled trial of pramipexole in addition to mood stabilisers for patients with treatment resistant bipolar depression (the PAX-BD study)2021
Dr Lucy Robinson
Dr Stuart Watson
Patient-reported and clinician-rated outcome measures: Complementary evidence from two different perspectives2020
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Dr Rajesh Nair
et al.
Associations between childhood maltreatment and inflammatory markers2019
Dr Mourad Wahba
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Authors' reply2019
Dr Derya Cokal
Dr Stuart Watson
Comprehension of Embedded Clauses in Schizophrenia With and Without Formal Thought Disorder2019
Dr Derya Cokal
Professor Douglas Turkington
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Dr Stuart Watson
Disturbing the rhythm of thought: Speech pausing patterns in schizophrenia, with and without formal thought disorder2019
Dr Lucy Robinson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Ruth Pearce
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
et al.
Impairments in cognitive performance in chronic fatigue syndrome are common, not related to co-morbid depression but do associate with autonomic dysfunction2019
Dr Beth Little
Dr Peter Gallagher
Maggie Douglas
Helen Spencer
Dr Derya Cokal
et al.
Language in schizophrenia and aphasia: the relationship with non-verbal cognition and thought disorder2019
Dr Stuart Watson
Measuring the Burden of Schizophrenia Using Clinician and Patient-Reported Measures: An Exploratory Analysis of Construct Validity2019
James Clark
Professor Fai Ng
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Stuart Watson
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
et al.
Network structure underpinning (dys) homeostasis in chronic fatigue syndrome; Preliminary findings2019
Dr Felicity Deamer
Dr Quoc Vuong
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Dr Stuart Watson
et al.
Non-literal understanding and psychosis: Metaphor comprehension in individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia2019
Professor Heinz Grunze
Dr Karine Macritchie
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Treatment-resistant and multi-therapy-resistant criteria for bipolar depression: consensus definition2019
Sam Horne
Dr Katherine Hay
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Kirstie Anderson
An evaluation of sleep disturbance on in-patient psychiatric units in the UK2018
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Dr Jiabao He
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
et al.
Grey and white matter differences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A voxel-based morphometry study2018
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Lucy Robinson
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Prevalence of cognitive impairment in major depression and bipolar disorder2018
Dr Laura Maclachlan
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
James Clark
Dr James Locke
Dr Stephen Todryk
et al.
Reduction of Glucocorticoid Receptor Function in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome2018
Laura Maclachlan
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Stuart Watson
Rethinking childhood adversity in chronic fatigue syndrome2018
Dr Derya Cokal
Dr Gabriel Sevilla
Dr William Jones
Dr Felicity Deamer
Maggie Douglas
et al.
The language profile of formal thought disorder2018
James Clark
Dr Stuart Watson
What is mood? A computational perspective2018
Laura Maclachlan
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
et al.
Are current chronic fatigue syndrome criteria diagnosing different disease phenotypes?2017
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Douglas Turkington
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Deictic and Propositional Meaning-New Perspectives on Language in schizophrenia2017
Dr Stuart Watson
Structured group psychoeducation in patients with bipolar disorder delays time to mania and time to any episode compared with a peer support group2017
James Clark
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
A simple method for optimising transformation of non-parametric data: an illustration by reference to cortisol assays2016
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Dr Peter Gallagher
Professor Heinz Grunze
Dr Adrian Lloyd
et al.
Antidepressant augmentation with metyrapone for treatment-resistant depression (the ADD study): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial2016
James Clark
Professor Fai Ng
Dr Stuart Watson
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
The aetiopathogenesis of fatigue: unpredictable, complex and persistent2016
Rachel Moss
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Dr Lucy Robinson
Jill Thompson
Dr Stuart Watson
et al.
The impact of target frequency on intra-individual variability in euthymic bipolar disorder: A comparison of two sustained attention tasks2016
Dr Kamini Vasudev
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Topiramate for acute affective episodes in bipolar disorder in adults2016
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
An exploration of testosterone levels in patients with bipolar disorder2015
Dr Chris Smart
Dr Gordon Strathdee
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Early life trauma, depression and the glucocorticoid receptor gene - an epigenetic perspective2015
Dr Stuart Watson
MR function in bipolar affective disorders2015
Dr Peter Gallagher
Jonna Nilsson
Dr Andreas Finkelmeyer
Dr Karine MacRitchie
Dr Adrian Lloyd
et al.
Neurocognitive intra-individual variability in mood disorders: effects on attentional response time distributions2015
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Richard Porter
Childhood adversity in bipolar disorder2014
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
Childhood trauma in bipolar disorder2014
Andy Bradley
Dr Kirstie Anderson
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
et al.
Cortisol awakening response and spatial working memory in man: a U-shaped relationship2014
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr John Gray
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Neurocognitive functioning in bipolar depression: a component structure analysis2014
Dr Katharine Coulthard
Dr Stuart Watson
A feasibility study of expert patient and community mental health team led bipolar psychoeducation groups: implementing an evidence based practice2013
Dr Cara Tomas
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Stuart Watson
A review of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in chronic fatigue syndrome2013
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Stuart Watson
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome2013
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Eleanor Smith
Jane Barnes
Dr Peter Gallagher
Professor Heinz Grunze
et al.
Study protocol for the randomised controlled trial: Antiglucocorticoid augmentation of anti-Depressants in Depression (The ADD Study)2013
Dr Sally Preston
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
The role of mineralocorticoid receptor dysregulation in the neurocognitive impairment of patients recovered from depression: a commentary on "Associations between cognitive performance and cortisol reaction to the DEX/CRH test in patients recovered from depression"2013
Dr Sally Preston
Dr Patrick Keown
Dr Iain McKinnon
Professor Mark Baker
Dr Yvonne Hart
et al.
A pilot study of anti-NMDA receptor antibodies in psychosis2012
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Richard Porter
Margaret Smith
Lisa Herron
et al.
A Randomized Trial to Examine the Effect of Mifepristone on Neuropsychological Performance and Mood in Patients with Bipolar Depression2012
Dr Paul Sigalas
Dr Stuart Watson
Early Adversity and Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function: Cross-Diagnostic Common Findings in Different Studies2011
Dr Stuart Watson
Samantha Bulmer
Dr Peter Gallagher
Margaret Smith
Helen Watkinson
et al.
The efficacy of mifepristone in bipolar depression - Effect on mood symptoms2011
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Margaret Smith
Helen Watkinson
Professor Allan Young
et al.
The efficacy of mifepristone in bipolar depression - Effect on spatial working memory2011
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr John Gray
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Visuo-spatial memory in bipolar depression: Neuropsychological and HPA axis correlates2011
Dr David Cousins
Dr Brian Moore
Dr Stuart Watson
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Pituitary volume and third ventricle width in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder2010
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Kate Horton
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Effect of Aspirin on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Function and on Neuropsychological Performance in Healthy Adults2009
Dr Stuart Watson
Kate Horton
Dr Peter Gallagher
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Effect of aspirin on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal function and on neuropsychological performance in healthy adults: a pilot study2009
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Richard Porter
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Efficacy of Mifepristone (RU-486) in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression2009
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Paul Mackin
HPA axis function in mood disorders2009
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Persistent effects of mifepristone (RU-486) on cortisol levels in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia2008
Dr Paul Mackin
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor following treatment with mifepristone in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia2007
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Bruce Owen
Dr Peter Gallagher
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Family history, early adversity and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis: Mediation of the vulnerability to mood disorders2007
Jill Thompson
Dr John Gray
Dr John Hughes
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Impaired working memory monitoring in euthymic bipolar patients2007
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Margaret Smith
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Lithium, arginine vasopressin and the dex/CRH test in mood disordered patients2007
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Margaret Smith
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Plasma cortisol-dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) ratios in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder2007
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Margaret Smith
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
et al.
The dex/CRH test and the DST in patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder2007
Dr Paul Mackin
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Antiglucocorticoid treatment in mood disorders: A Cochrane systematic review2006
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Whewell
Association between childhood trauma and dissociation among patients with borderline personality disorder2006
Dr Akshya Vasudev
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Adrian Lloyd
Louise Harrison
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Bipolar prescription patterns: a cohort follow-up analysis2006
Dr Stuart Watson
Cortisol/DHEA ratios in schizophrenia2006
Helen Venn
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Professor Allan Young
Facial expression perception: An objective outcome measure for treatment studies in mood disorders?2006
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Paul Mackin
HPA axis function in mood disorders2006
Dr Stuart Watson
Increased libido associated with quetiapine2006
Dr Stuart Watson
Jill Thompson
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
Neuropsychological impairment in bipolar disorder: The relationship with glucocorticoid receptor function2006
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Phenytoin, an anti-bipolar anticonvulsant: A potential anti-glucocorticoid mechanism?2006
Dr Niraj Ahuja
Dr Stuart Watson
Pilot of a group psycho-education programme in bipolar disorder2006
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Stuart Watson
Quetiapine associated with increased libido2006
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Margaret Smith
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
et al.
The dex/CRH test-Is it better than the DST?2006
Professor Allan Young
Dr Karine Macritchie
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Akshya Vasudev
Tiagabine in the treatment of acute affective episodes in bipolar disorder: efficacy and acceptability2006
Dr Kamini Vasudev
Dr Karine Macritchie
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Topiramate for acute affective episodes in bipolar disorder2006
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Margaret Smith
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Effects of adjunctive mifepristone (RU-486) administration on neurocognitive function and symptoms in schizophrenia2005
Dr Paul Mackin
Dr Stuart Watson
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Neurobiology of depression : focus on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cortisol and their interactions2005
Jill Thompson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr John Gray
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Neurocognitive impairment in euthymic patients with bipolar affective disorder2005
Professor Katy Jenkins
Dr Simon Peacock
Dr Niraj Ahuja
Dr Stuart Watson
Pilot of a group psycho-education programme in bipolar disorder2005
Dr Stuart Watson
Jill Thompson
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
Temporal stability of the dex/CRH test in patients with rapid-cycling bipolar I disorder: A pilot study2005
Dr Richard Porter
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Corticosteroid-serotonin interactions in depression: A review of the human evidence2004
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Bruce Owen
Margaret Smith
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Effect of sub-chronic hydrocortisone on responses to amphetamine in normal male volunteers2004
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Paul Mackin
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Efficacy of mifepristone (RU-486) in schizophrenia2004
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in patients with bipolar disorder2004
Professor Allan Young
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Bruce Owen
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Improvements in neurocognitive function and mood following adjunctive treatment with mifepristone (RU-486) in bipolar disorder2004
Margaret Smith
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Paul Mackin
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
et al.
Neurocognitive and neuroendocrine effects of mifepristone (RU-486) in schizophrenia2004
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Jill Thompson
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Neurocognitive function in unaffected first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder: A preliminary report2004
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Stuart Watson
Bipolar disorder ignored by the Mental Health National Service Framework but not forgotten by the British Association for Psychopharmacology2003
Dr Akshya Vasudev
Dr Stuart Watson
Louise Harrison
Dr Adrian Lloyd
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Bipolar prescription patterns2003
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Cinders, you shall go to the ball [7]2003
Dr Stuart Watson
Helen Venn
Dr Peter Whewell
Early adverse life experiences in patients with borderline personality disorder2003
Dr Richard Porter
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Stuart Watson
Margaret Smith
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Elevated prolactin responses to L-tryptophan infusion in medication-free depressed patients2003
Professor Allan Young
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Margaret Smith
Dr Bruce Owen
et al.
Mifepristone (RU-486) in the treatment of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia2003
Dr Stuart Watson
Margaret Smith
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
The cortisol response to the DEX/CRH test is stable over time in patients with rapid cycling bipolar disorder (RCBD)2003
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Professor Allan Young
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in patients with chronic depression2002
Professor Allan Young
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Bruce Owen
Dr Richard Porter
et al.
The effects of glucocorticoid antagonists in unipolar and bipolar disorders [abstract]2002
Dr Stuart Watson
The role of endogenous cortisol in neuroendocrine studies2002
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Richard Porter
The role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in the attenuated growth hormone response in adolescents with familial loading for affective disorder2002
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Bipolar disorders: New approaches to therapy2001
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Reduced dopaminergic activity in depressed suicides2001
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
The place of lithium salts in psychiatric practice 50 years on2001
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Allan Young
Dopaminergic sensitivity and prediction of antidepressant response2000
Dr Stuart Watson
Dr Richard Porter
Professor Allan Young
Effect of hydrocortisone on the pituitary response to growth hormone releasing hormone2000
Dr Stuart Watson
Serotonin, stress and corticoids2000
Dr Stuart Watson
Professor Peter Baylis
Dr Stephen Ball
Adipsic diabetes insipidus with aversion to drinking: diagnosis and combined pharmacological and psychological treatment1999