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Browsing publications by Dr Ian Forrest.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Evelyn Palmer
Dr Anne-Marie Bourke
Dr Shelina Visram
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Catherine Exley
et al.
Critically examining the experience of end of life care for people with interstitial lung disease: views of patients, families and healthcare professionals2022
Dr Evelyn Palmer
Dr Emily Kavanagh
Dr Shelina Visram
Dr Anne-Marie Bourke
Dr Ian Forrest
et al.
When should palliative care be introduced for people with progressive fibrotic interstitial lung disease? A meta-ethnography of the experiences of people with end-stage interstitial lung disease and their family carers2022
Dr Prosenjit Dutta
Dr Wendy Funston
Helen Mossop
Vicky Ryan
Rhys Jones
et al.
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial of omeprazole in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis2019
Dr Hafez Al-momani
Rhys Jones
Professor Stephen Bourke
Dr Simon Doe
Dr John Perry
et al.
Nontuberculous mycobacteria in gastrostomy fed patients with cystic fibrosis2017
Dr Prosenjit Dutta
Dr Bridget Griffiths
Dr Ian Forrest
Efficacy of pulsed cyclophosphamide and methyl-prednisolone therapy in patients with progressive interstitial lung disease2015
Professor John Allen
Costanzo Di Maria
Dr Ian Forrest
Imaging assessments of patients with suspected systemic sclerosis and associated inflammatory lung disease2015
Dr Miranda Patterson
Dr Ian Forrest
Becci Sharrock
Maria Lane
Dr Angelika Kaufmann
et al.
Assessing the function of homologous recombination DNA repair in malignant pleural effusion (MPE) samples2014
Rhys Jones
Amaran Krishnan
Professor Jeffrey Pearson
Professor John Simpson
Professor Michael Griffin
et al.
Characterisation of Reflux and Aspiration in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis; An Integrated Approach2014
Professor Michael Griffin
Dr Andrew Robertson
Dr Iain Brownlee
Rachel Stovold
Dr Malcolm Brodlie
et al.
Aspiration and Allograft Injury Secondary to Gastroesophageal Reflux Occur in the Immediate Post-Lung Transplantation Period (Prospective Clinical Trial)2013
Amaran Krishnan
Dr Malcolm Brodlie
Professor Michael Griffin
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
et al.
Identical Biofilm Forming Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Occur in Lung Allograft BAL and Gastric Juice from CF Patients with Gastro Oesophageal Reflux2013
Rhys Jones
Amaran Krishnan
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Arul Immanuel
et al.
Initial Experience of an Aerodigestive Multidisciplinary Team2013
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Macrolide antibiotics and the airway: antibiotic or non-antibiotic effects?2010
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Vicky Ryan
Dr Gavin Johnson
Dr James Lordan
et al.
Bronchalveolar Lavage Neutrophilia and MMP-9 at 3 Months Post Lung Transplantation May Predict the Development of BOS2009
Dr Ian Forrest
Identifying anxiety and depression in interstitial lung disease: use of a simple outpatient screening tool2009
Dr Andrew Robertson
Professor Michael Griffin
Professor Jeffrey Pearson
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor John Dark
et al.
Targeting Allograft Injury and Inflammation in the Management of Post-Lung Transplant Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome2009
Rachel Stovold
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Professor Andrew Fisher
Professor John Dark
et al.
Temporal Patterns of Lung Pepsin Levels in Allografts Suggest Aspiration Is an Ongoing Injury, Which Can Occur Early Following Lung Transplantation2009
Dr Rachel Anderson
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Antimicrobial Peptides in Lung Transplant Recipients with Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome2008
Adillah Binti Yusof
Dr Ian Forrest
Therese Small
Debra Jones
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Azithromycin attenuates effects of lipopolysaccharide on lung allograft bronchial epithelial cells2008
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Gavin Johnson
Therese Small
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Azithromycin attenuates lipopolysaccharide-mediated release of interleukin-8 and GM-CSF from primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from stable lung transplant recipients2008
Rachel Stovold
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Professor Andrew Fisher
Professor Jeffrey Pearson
et al.
Longitudinal assessment of pepsin levels in lung allografts suggests aspiration is an ongoing injury, which can occur early following lung transplantation2008
Emeritus Professor Mike Sir Michael Rawlins
Dr Ian Forrest
Therese Small
Debra Jones
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Simvastatin attenuates release of neutrophilic and remodeling factors from primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from stable lung transplant recipients2008
Dr Ian Forrest
Therese Small
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor Christopher Ward
et al.
Simvastatin potentially decreases neutrophilic inflammation and remodelling in the transplanted airway2008
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Debra Jones
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
et al.
Effect of azithromycin on primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from stable lung allografts2007
Rachel Stovold
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor John Dark
Professor Jeffrey Pearson
Professor Christopher Ward
et al.
Pepsin, a biomarker of gastric aspiration in lung allografts: A putative association with rejection2007
Dr Rachel Anderson
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Professor Andrew Fisher
Antimicrobial peptides and airway innate immunity in the pathophysiology of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) after lung transplantation2006
Rachel Stovold
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Desmond Murphy
Professor Andrew Fisher
Professor John Dark
et al.
Evidence of increased gastric aspiration in acute lung allograft rejection2006
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Desmond Murphy
David Jones
Dr James Lordan
et al.
Hepatocyte growth factor - A link between neutrophilic inflammation and BOS?2006
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor David Jones
Dr Gary Pritchard
Rachel Stovold
et al.
The phosphodiesterase type IV (PDE IV) inhibitor cilomilast decreases pro-inflammatory cytokine production from primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from lung transplant recipients2006
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Andrew Fisher
Dr James Lordan
Azithromycin reverses airflow obstruction in established bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) following lung transplantation2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Dr Gary Pritchard
Professor David Jones
Dr Helen Robertson
et al.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in clinically stable lung transplant recipients2005
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Helen Robertson
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Denis Murphy
et al.
Hypothesis: Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition is a common cause of chronic allograft failure2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor John Dark
Professor Kate Gould
Negative association between CMV-viraemia and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome in lung transplant recipients2005
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Iain Brownlee
Professor Jeffrey Pearson
Professor John Dark
et al.
Pepsin like activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is suggestive of gastric aspiration in lung allografts2005
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Helen Robertson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor Andrew Fisher
et al.
Phenotype of airway epithelial cells suggests epithelial to mesenchymal cell transition in clinically stable lung transplant recipients2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Desmond Murphy
Professor Christopher Ward
David Jones
Professor Kate Gould
et al.
Primary airway epithelial cell culture from lung transplant recipients2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Professor Andrew Fisher
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr James Lordan
et al.
The potential role of interleukin-17 in airway inflammation and remodelling in post-transplant obliterative bronchiolitis2005
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Gavin Johnson
Dr James Lordan
et al.
The pulmonary innate immune response to pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in human lung transplant recipients2005
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Paul Crook
A study of the prevalence of systemic sclerosis in northeast England2004
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Iain Brownlee
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Thomas Ward
Dr Desmond Murphy
et al.
Clinically silent gastric aspiration is common in lung allografts2004
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr James Lordan
Dr Helen Robertson
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Professor John Dark
et al.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in clinically stable lung transplantation2004
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Peter Middleton
Genotypic risk factors for the development of the bronchiolitis oblitererans syndrome (BOS) after lung transplantation2004
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Emeritus Professor Tim Cawston
Dr James Lordan
IL-17 stimulates IL-8 release in primary epithelial cell cultures derived from lung allografts2004
Dr Iain Brownlee
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Dr Gary Pritchard
Professor John Dark
et al.
Pepsin detection in the lungs of transplant patients: Evidence of gastric refluxate2004
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Professor Andrew Fisher
Preliminary findings of quorum signal molecules in clinically stable lung allograft recipients2003
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Professor Andrew Fisher
The presence of quorum-sensing signal molecules in clinically stable lung2003
Dr Robert Allcock
Dr Ian Forrest
Prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis1999
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor James Gillespie
The isolation and characterisation of human pulmonary artery endothelial cells from whole blood at right heart catheterisation1999