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Browsing publications by Professor Philip Preshaw.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Marco Carrozzo
Debora Howe
Michael Nugent
James O'Hara
et al.
Is the early identification and referral of suspected head and neck cancers by community pharmacists feasible? A qualitative interview study exploring the views of patients in North East England2023
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Marco Carrozzo
Debora Howe
Michael Nugent
James O'Hara
et al.
Qualitative interview study exploring the early identification and referral of patients with suspected head and neck cancer by community pharmacists in England2023
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Susan Bissett
Ability of matrix metalloproteinase-8 biosensor, IFMA, and ELISA immunoassays to differentiate between periodontal health, gingivitis, and periodontitis2022
Dr Jing Shen
Dr Matthew Breckons
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Nawaraj Bhattarai
Dental therapists compared with general dental practitioners for undertaking check-ups in low-risk patients: pilot RCT with realist evaluation2021
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Dr Ralf Kist
Professor Philip Preshaw
Electronic Cigarettes and Oral Health2021
Professor Giles McCracken
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Dr John Taylor
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Impact of diabetes and periodontal status on life quality2021
Dr Richard Holliday
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Interventions for tobacco cessation delivered by dental professionals2021
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Levels of myeloid-related proteins in saliva for screening and monitoring of periodontal disease2021
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Richard Holliday
Kimberley Pickering
No benefit of an adjunctive phototherapy protocol in treatment of periodontitis: A split-mouth randomized controlled trial2021
Professor Philip Preshaw
A critical synthesis of the role of the pharmacist in oral healthcare and management of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw2020
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Justin Presseau
Professor Tim Rapley
A qualitative study exploring strategies to improve the inter-professional management of diabetes and periodontitis2020
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Chris Vernazza
Professor Philip Preshaw
Exploring the use of mouth guards in Muay Thai: a questionnaire survey2020
Dr Richard Holliday
Vicky Ryan
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Letter to the editor regarding “Impact of cigarette smoking and vaping on the outcome of full-mouth ultrasonic scaling among patients with gingival inflammation: a prospective study”2020
Dr Richard Holliday
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Suzanne McDonald
et al.
Perceived influences on smoking behaviour and perceptions of dentist-delivered smoking cessation advice: A qualitative interview study2020
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr Susan Bissett
Paiboon Jitprasertwong
et al.
Treatment of periodontitis reduces systemic inflammation in type 2 diabetes2020
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Tim Rapley
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Justin Presseau
Uptake of best practice recommendations in the management of patients with diabetes and periodontitis: a cross-sectional survey of healthcare professionals in primary care2020
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Vicky Ryan
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Suzanne McDonald
et al.
A feasibility study with embedded pilot randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation in patients with periodontitis2019
Dr John Taylor
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Deepan Shah
Professor Philip Preshaw
A prototype Antibody-based Biosensor for Measurement of Salivary MMP-8 in Periodontitis using Surface Acoustic Wave technology2019
Jamie Coulter
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Matthew German
An in vitro model to assess effects of a desensitising agent on bacterial biofilm formation2019
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Effect of nicotine on human gingival, periodontal ligament and oral epithelial cells. A systematic review of the literature2019
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Tracy Finch
Dr Jared Thornton
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Exploring changes in oral hygiene behaviour in patients with diabetes and periodontal disease: A feasibility study2019
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Susan Bissett
Periodontitis and diabetes2019
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Justin Presseau
Professor Tim Rapley
Professor Philip Preshaw
Uptake of best practice recommendations in the management of patients with diabetes and periodontitis: a cross-sectional survey of dental clinicians2019
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Richard Holliday
Dental professionals’ opinions and knowledge of smoking cessation and electronic cigarettes: a cross-sectional survey in the north of England2018
Dr Richard Holliday
Vicky Ryan
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Letter to the editor: RE: Comparison of periodontal parameters and self‐perceived oral symptoms among cigarette smokers, individuals vaping electronic cigarettes and never‐smokers: A pilot study2018
Professor Philip Preshaw
Mouthwash use and risk of diabetes2018
Professor Philip Preshaw
Periodontal education and assessment in the undergraduate dental curriculum - A questionnaire-based survey in European countries2018
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Smoking: Developing the evidence base2018
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Tobacco education in UK dental schools: A survey of current practice2018
Dr Nadia Rostami
Professor Alastair Hawkins
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
et al.
A Critical Role for Extracellular DNA in Dental Plaque Formation2017
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Professor Ruth Valentine
Age-related changes in immune function (immune senescence) in caries and periodontal diseases: a systematic review2017
Professor Peter Heasman
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dental caries and periodontal diseases in the ageing population: call to action to protect and enhance oral health and well-being as an essential component of healthy ageing – Consensus report of group 4 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases2017
Dr Richard Holliday
Dr Ralf Kist
Professor Philip Preshaw
E-cigarettes and oral health: a balanced viewpoint2017
Professor Philip Preshaw
Periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases and developmental and acquired conditions: Consensus report of workgroup 3 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions2017
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Smoking cessation: The role of e-cigarettes2017
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Professor Philip Preshaw
Standardized screening for periodontitis as an integral part of multidisciplinary management of adults with type 2 diabetes: An observational cross-sectional study of cohorts in the USA and UK2017
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Professor Philip Preshaw
Clinical and technical considerations in the analysis of gingival crevicular fluid2016
Professor Philip Preshaw
EFP Delphi study on the trends in Periodontology and Periodontics in Europe for the year 20252016
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
Gingival crevicular fluid and saliva2016
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Professor Giles McCracken
Professor Philip Preshaw
Inflammatory Mechanisms Linking Type 1 Diabetes and Periodontitis2016
Dr Rachel Williams
Andrew Skelton
Dr Stephen Todryk
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Leptin and Pro-Inflammatory Stimuli Synergistically Upregulate MMP-1 and MMP-3 Secretion in Human Gingival Fibroblasts2016
Professor Philip Preshaw
Psychological interventions for improving adherence to oral hygiene instructions in adults with periodontal diseases2016
Professor Philip Preshaw
Psychological interventions to improve adherence to oral hygiene instructions in adults with periodontal diseases2016
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Salivary cytokines as biomarkers of periodontal diseases2016
Professor Philip Preshaw
Detection and diagnosis of periodontal conditions amenable to prevention2015
Professor Philip Preshaw
Efficacy of standard (SLA) and modified sandblasted and acid-etched (SLActive) dental implants in promoting immediate and/or early occlusal loading protocols: a systematic review of prospective studies2015
Professor Peter Heasman
Dr Richard Holliday
Andrew Bryant
Professor Philip Preshaw
Evidence for the occurrence of gingival recession and non-carious cervical lesions as a consequence of traumatic toothbrushing2015
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Professor Philip Preshaw
Impact of periodontal status on oral health-related quality of life in patients with and without type 2 diabetes2015
Professor Peter Heasman
Professor Philip Preshaw
Periodontology in the undergraduate curriculum in UK dental schools2015
Professor Philip Preshaw
Prevention in practice - a summary2015
Professor Philip Preshaw
The subgingival microbiome of clinically healthy current and never smokers2015
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
The ultrastructure of subgingival dental plaque, revealed by high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy2015
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Clinical associations between IL-17 family cytokines and periodontitis and potential differential roles for IL-17A and IL-17E in periodontal immunity2014
Professor Philip Preshaw
Diabetes and periodontal disease: a two-way relationship2014
Radhika Desai
Professor Justin Durham
Dr Robert Wassell
Professor Philip Preshaw
Does the mode of administration of the Oral Health Impact Profile-49 affect the outcome score?2014
Professor Philip Preshaw
Effects of tobacco smoking on the survival rate of dental implants placed in areas of maxillary sinus floor augmentation: a systematic review2014
Paiboon Jitprasertwong
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr Christopher Nile
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
et al.
Leptin enhances the secretion of interleukin (IL)-18, but not IL-1B, from human monocytes via activation of caspase-12014
Professor Philip Preshaw
Manpower planning in periodontology - how many specialists do we need?2014
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
A review of the evidence for pathogenic mechanisms that may link periodontitis and diabetes2013
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
A review of the evidence for pathogenic mechanisms that may link periodontitis and diabetes (Reprinted from Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol 40, pg S113-S134, 2013)2013
Dr Susan Bissett
Kerry Stone
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Philip Preshaw
An exploratory qualitative interview study about collaboration between medicine and dentistry in relation to diabetes management2013
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Peter Heasman
Effects of smoking cessation on the outcomes of non-surgical periodontal therapy: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis2013
Professor Justin Durham
Hannah Fraser
Professor Giles McCracken
Kerry Stone
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Impact of periodontitis on oral health-related quality of life2013
Rachel Williams
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Leptin regulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression in human gingival fibroblasts2013
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr Kay Padget
Dr Stephen Todryk
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
et al.
Leptin up-regulates TLR2 in human monocytes2013
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Peter Heasman
Outcomes of non-surgical periodontal treatment by dental hygienists in training: impact of site- and patient-level factors2013
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Susan Bissett
Periodontitis: Oral Complication of Diabetes2013
Professor Philip Preshaw
Biomimetic mineralization: Long-term observations in patients with dentin sensitivity2012
Rachel Williams
Emeritus Professor Drew Rowan
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Interleukin-1 and leptin synergistically enhance matrix metallo-proteinase expression in human gingival fibroblasts2012
Claire Field
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Investigation and quantification of key periodontal pathogens in patients with type 2 diabetes2012
Professor Philip Preshaw
Periodontitis and diabetes: a two-way relationship2012
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
Validation and quality control for ELISAs for use with human saliva samples2012
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Angus Walls
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Professor Paula Moynihan
Dr Nick Jepson
et al.
Association of removable partial denture use with oral and systemic health2011
Dr Rhiannon O'Connor
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr Emma Barksby
Paiboon Jitprasertwong
Dr Rana Al-Shahwani
et al.
Do patients with aggressive periodontitis have evidence of diabetes? A pilot study2011
Professor Philip Preshaw
Host-response: understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of host-microbial interactions - Consensus of the Seventh European Workshop on Periodontology2011
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
How has research into cytokine interactions and their role in driving immune responses impacted our understanding of periodontitis?2011
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Periodontal pathogenesis2011
Professor Philip Preshaw
Biomimetic Mineralization: Effects on Human Enamel In Vivo2010
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Giles McCracken
Dr Nick Steen
Professor Peter Heasman
Compromised periodontal status in an urban Sri Lankan population with type 2 diabetes2010
Dr Christopher Nile
Paiboon Jitprasertwong
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Expression and regulation of interleukin-33 in human monocytes2010
Professor Philip Preshaw
Influence of serum on interaction of Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Y4 with an epithelial cell line2010
Professor Philip Preshaw
Oral health risks of tobacco use and effects of cessation2010
Louise O'Dowd
Professor Justin Durham
Professor Giles McCracken
Professor Philip Preshaw
Patients' experiences of the impact of periodontal disease2010
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Peter Heasman
Response of Subgingival Bacteria to Smoking Cessation2010
Professor Philip Preshaw
Definitions of periodontal disease in research2009
Dr Emma Barksby
Dr Christopher Nile
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Differential expression of immunoregulatory genes in monocytes in response to Porphyromonas gingivalis and Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide2009
Professor Peter Heasman
Professor Philip Preshaw
Does attendance of students and supervisors at meetings affect the opinions of NHS research ethics committees of student projects?2009
Professor Philip Preshaw
Neutrophils in chronic and aggressive periodontitis in interaction with Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans2009
Professor Philip Preshaw
Periodontal disease and diabetes2009
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Peter Heasman
Smoking Cessation Alters Subgingival Microbial Recolonization2009
Professor Philip Preshaw
Diabetes and periodontal disease2008
Professor Philip Preshaw
Diabetes and periodontal disease2008
Dr Emma Barksby
Dr Christopher Nile
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
Differential expression of immuno-regulatory genes in monocytes in response to Porphyromas gingivalis and Escherichia coli LPS2008
Professor Peter Heasman
Professor Philip Preshaw
Jo Gray
Does researchers’ attendance at meetings affect the initial opinions of research ethics committees?2008
Professor Philip Preshaw
Host response modulation in periodontics2008
Dr Katrin Jaedicke
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Leptin upregulates TLR expression in human monocytes2008
Professor Philip Preshaw
Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity in saliva of periodontitis patients: effect of smoking and periodontal treatment2008
Professor Philip Preshaw
Modified-release subantimicrobial dose doxycycline enhances scaling and root planing in subjects with periodontal disease2008
Hannah Fraser
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Roy Taylor
Dr Jolanta Weaver
Dr Rebecca Wassall
et al.
Oral Hygiene and Periodontal Health in Type 1 Diabetes Patients2008
Dr Christopher Nile
Dr Emma Barksby
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
The expression and regulation of IL-33 in human monocytes2008
Professor Philip Preshaw
The use of a linear oscillating device in periodontal treatment: a review2008
Dr Geoffrey Sharpe
Professor Justin Durham
Professor Philip Preshaw
Attitudes regarding specialist referrals in periodontics2007
Professor Janice Ellis
Dr Paul Averley
Professor Philip Preshaw
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
Emeritus Professor Robin Seymour
et al.
Change in cardiovascular risk status after dental clearance2007
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Neil Foster
Dr John Taylor
Cross-susceptibility between periodontal disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: an immunobiological perspective2007
Professor Philip Preshaw
Efficacy of a new oral lubricant solution in the management of psychotropic drug-induced xerostomia: A randomized controlled trial2007
Professor Philip Preshaw
Management of xerostomia in older patients: A randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a new oral lubricant solution2007
Dr Neil Foster
Simon Lea
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Pivotal advance: Vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibits up-regulation of human monocyte TLR2 and TLR4 by LPS and differentiation of monocytes to macrophages2007
Professor Philip Preshaw
Paula Grainger
Dr Anita Nolan
Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline in the treatment of recurrent oral aphthous ulceration: A pilot study2007
Dr Emma Barksby
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
The expanding family of interleukin-1 cytokines and their role in destructive inflammatory disorders2007
Dr Neil Foster
Katerina Andreadou
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
VIP inhibits P. gingivalis LPS-induced IL-18 and IL-18BPa in monocytes2007
Professor Philip Preshaw
Comparison of two topical treatments for dentine sensitivity2006
Professor Philip Preshaw
Effect of smoking on crevicular polymorphonuclear neutrophil function in periodontally healthy subjects2006
Sembukuttige De Silva
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Don Jayamanne
Professor Peter Heasman
et al.
Periodontitis: A complication of type 2 diabetes in Sri Lankans2006
Professor Philip Preshaw
Fiona Stacey
Lynne Heasman
Moira Swan
Professor Peter Heasman
et al.
Smoking cessation advice for patients with chronic periodontitis2006
Professor Philip Preshaw
Fiona Stacey
Lynne Heasman
Moira Swan
Professor Peter Heasman
et al.
Smoking cessation advice for patients with chronic periodontitis (vol 200, pg 272, 2006)2006
Fiona Stacey
Professor Peter Heasman
Lynne Heasman
Professor Giles McCracken
Professor Philip Preshaw
et al.
Smoking cessation as a dental intervention - Views of the profession2006
Lynne Heasman
Fiona Stacey
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Giles McCracken
Professor Peter Heasman
et al.
The effect of smoking on periodontal treatment response: A review of clinical evidence2006
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Professor Philip Preshaw
Type 2 diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for periodontal disease2006
Stewart Barclay
Dr Nick Steen
Professor Philip Preshaw
A double-blind, crossover study of Biotène Oralbalance and BioXtra systems as salivary substitutes in patients with post-radiotherapy xerostomia2005
Professor John Whitworth
Professor Philip Preshaw
A pilot study of treatment of periodontal-endodontic lesions2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
A vision in periodontal research: predicting disease2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxycycline in smokers and non-smokers with chronic periodontitis2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxycycline in the management of institutionalised geriatric patients with chronic periodontitis2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Geriatric dentistry education in European dental schools2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Is osteoporosis linked to periodontal disease2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Is osteoporosis linked to periodontal disease?2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Long-term treatment with sub-antimicrobial dose doxycycline has no antibacterial effect on intestinal flora2005
Yi Cui
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr John Taylor
Novel IL-1 family cytokines stimulate IL-6 production in a human keratinocyte cell line2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Peter Heasman
Periodontal maintenance in a specialist periodontal clinic and in general dental practice2005
Professor Giles McCracken
Dr Nick Steen
Professor Philip Preshaw
Lynne Heasman
Fiona Stacey
et al.
The crossover design to evaluate the efficacy of plaque removal in tooth-brushing studies2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Lynne Heasman
Fiona Stacey
Dr Nick Steen
Professor Giles McCracken
et al.
The effect of quitting smoking on chronic periodontitis2005
Dr Neil Foster
Jill Cheetham
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
VIP inhibits Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS-induced immune responses in human monocytes2005
Professor Philip Preshaw
Antibiotics in the Treatment of Periodontitis2004
Professor Philip Preshaw
Clinical and microbiological efficacy of chlorine dioxide in the management of chronic atrophic candidiasis: an open study2004
Professor Philip Preshaw
Emeritus Professor Robin Seymour
Professor Peter Heasman
Current concepts in periodontal pathogenesis2004
Dr John Taylor
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Peter Donaldson
Cytokine gene polymorphism and immunoregulation in periodontal disease2004
Professor Giles McCracken
Professor Philip Preshaw
Lynne Heasman
Fiona Stacey
Dr Nick Steen
et al.
Efficacy of plaque removal of the Sonicare Elite versus the Sonicare Advance from hard-to-reach sites2004
Professor Philip Preshaw
Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline as adjunctive treatment for periodontitis: A review2004
Professor Philip Preshaw
Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline enhances the efficacy of scaling and root planning in chronic periodontitis: A multicenter trial2004
Professor Philip Preshaw
Systemic antibiotics in the management of chronic periodontitis2004
Professor Philip Preshaw
An investigation of the relationship between systemic bone density and clinical periodontal status in post-menopausal Asian-American women2003
Emeritus Professor Robin Seymour
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Mark Thomason
Professor Janice Ellis
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
et al.
Cardiovascular diseases and periodontology2003
Professor Philip Preshaw
Current status of predoctoral geriatric education in U.S. dental schools2003
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor John Whitworth
Evaluation of a standardized treatment protocol for periodontal-endodontic lesions2003
Professor Philip Preshaw
Subantimicrobial-dose doxycycline for treatment of periodontitis in an institutionalized geriatric population2003
Emeritus Professor Robin Seymour
Professor Philip Preshaw
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
Oral health and heart disease2002
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Peter Heasman
Prostaglandin E2 concentrations in gingival crevicular fluid: Observations in untreated chronic periodontitis2002
Professor Philip Preshaw
Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline enhances scaling and root planing2002
Professor Philip Preshaw
Experimental gingivitis in women using oral contraceptives2001
Professor Peter Heasman
Professor Philip Preshaw
Longitudinal variations in GCF PGE(2) cocentrations in untreated adult periodontitis2000
Professor Philip Preshaw
Measurement of clinical attachment levels using a constant-force periodontal probe modified to detect the cemento-enamel junction1999
Professor Philip Preshaw
Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide delays human polymorphonuclear leukocyte apoptosis in vitro1999
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Peter Heasman
Progression and Treatment of Chronic Adult Periodontitis1999
Professor Peter Heasman
Professor Philip Preshaw
Crevicular fluid prostaglandin E2 levels in periodontitis-resistant and periodontitis-susceptible adults1998