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Browsing publications by Professor John Matthews.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Heather Lambert
Shaun Hiu
Dr Malcolm Coulthard
Professor John Matthews
Dr Eva-Maria Holstein
et al.
The Infant KIdney Dialysis and Utrafiltration (I-KID) Study: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomized Study in Infants, Comparing Peritoneal Dialysis, Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration, and Newcastle Infant Dialysis Ultrafiltration System, a Novel Infant Hemodialysis Device2023
Professor Timothy Cheetham
Mike Cole
Dr Mario Abinun
Dr Sonya Carnell
Jon Prichard
et al.
Adjuvant Rituximab-Exploratory Trial in Young People With Graves Disease2022
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Jennifer Bradley
et al.
The Effect of a Product Placement Intervention on Pupil’s Food and Drink Purchases in Two Secondary Schools: An Exploratory Study2022
Dr Heather Lambert
Shriya Sharma
Professor John Matthews
I-KID study protocol: Evaluation of efficacy, outcomes and safety of a new infant haemodialysis and ultrafiltration machine in clinical use: A randomised clinical investigation using a cluster stepped-wedge design2021
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Maisie Rowland
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Implementation of Universal Infant Free School Meals: A pilot study in NE England exploring the impact on Key Stage 1 pupil's dietary intake2021
Dr Ben Pippard
Dr Mary Neal
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
Dr Holly Fisher
Professor John Matthews
et al.
Reproducibility of 19F-MR ventilation imaging in healthy volunteers2021
Professor John Matthews
Highly efficient stepped wedge designs for clusters of unequal size2020
Dr Claire Wood
Mike Cole
Ruth Wood
Professor John Matthews
Professor Simon Pearce
et al.
Randomised trial of block and replace vs dose titration thionamide in young people with thyrotoxicosis2020
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Maisie Rowland
Phoebe Orango
et al.
A natural experimental evaluation of the effect of universal infant free school meals on key stage 1 pupil’s dietary intake in northeast England: a pilot study2019
Professor John Matthews
Impact of non-uniform correlation structure on sample size and power in multiple-period cluster randomised trials2019
Dr Carlos Celis Morales
Dr Katherine Livingstone
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
Associations of vitamin D status with dietary intakes and physical activity levels among adults from seven European countries: the Food4Me study2018
Professor John Matthews
Nuri Badi
Correction to: Inconsistent treatment estimates from mis-specified logistic regression analyses of randomized trials2017
Dr Emma Foster
Adrian Hawkins
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Matthews
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Development of food photographs for use with children aged 18 months to 16 years: comparison against weighed food diaries - The Young Person's Food Atlas (UK)2017
Professor John Matthews
Stepped wedge designs: insights from a design of experiments perspective2017
Professor John Matthews
Anticoagulation in Haemodialysis in Children: A Thirty-Period Crossover Trial2016
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Emma Simpson
Ivan Poliakov
Professor John Matthews
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Comparison of INTAKE24 (an Online 24-h Dietary Recall Tool) with Interviewer-Led 24-h Recall in 11–24 Year-Old2016
Professor John Matthews
Should we play on your lawn or mine?2016
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Matthews
Does the use of passive or active consent affect consent or completion rates, or dietary data quality? Repeat cross-sectional survey among school children aged 11–12 years2015
Professor John Matthews
Nuri Badi
Inconsistent treatment estimates from mis-specified logistic regression analyses of randomized trials2015
Dr Entisar Elgmati
Rosemeire Fiaccone
Professor Robin Henderson
Professor John Matthews
Penalised logistic regression and dynamic prediction for discrete time recurrent event data2015
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
A repeat cross-sectional study examining the equitable impact of nutritional standards for school lunches in England in 2008 on the diets of 4-7y olds across the socio-economic spectrum2014
Professor John Matthews
An optimal multi-period crossover design for an application in paediatric nephrology2014
Dr Carlos Celis Morales
Dr Katherine Livingstone
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
Design and baseline characteristics of the Food4Me study: a web-based randomised controlled trial of personalised nutrition in seven European countries2014
Dr Suzanne Spence
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Did School Food and Nutrient-Based Standards in England Impact on 11–12Y Olds Nutrient Intake at Lunchtime and in Total Diet? Repeat Cross-Sectional Study2014
Dr Malcolm Coulthard
Dr Heather Lambert
Dr Sue Vernon
Dr Michael Keir
Professor John Matthews
et al.
Does prompt treatment of urinary tract infection in preschool children prevent renal scarring: mixed retrospective and prospective audits2014
Professor John Matthews
Professor Robin Henderson
Dropout in crossover and longitudinal studies: is complete case so bad?2014
Dr Malcolm Coulthard
Dr Clive Griffiths
Dr Michael Drinnan
Professor John Matthews
Emeritus Professor Paul Flecknell
et al.
Haemodialysing babies weighing <8 kg with the Newcastle infant dialysis and ultrafiltration system (Nidus): comparison with peritoneal and conventional haemodialysis2014
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
Did legislation to regulate school meals in England widen dietary inequalities in children aged 4-7 years? A repeat cross-sectional study2013
Dr Suzanne Spence
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
et al.
The Impact of Food and Nutrient-Based Standards on Primary School Children's Lunch and Total Dietary Intake: A Natural Experimental Evaluation of Government Policy in England2013
Professor John Matthews
Professor Robin Henderson
Two-period, two-treatment crossover designs subject to non-ignorable missing data2013
Weang Kee Ho
Professor John Matthews
Professor Robin Henderson
Lauren Rodgers
Dropouts in the AB/BA crossover design2012
Professor John Matthews
Dr Pete Philipson
Optimal designs for threshold-determining limiting dilution assays2012
Angela Craigie
Professor John Matthews
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Raised adolescent body mass index predicts the development of adiposity and a central distribution of body fat in adulthood: a longitudinal study2009
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Emeritus Professor Lindsay Marshall
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Children's estimates of food portion size: The development and evaluation of three portion size assessment tools for use with children2008
Dr Emma Foster
Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Children's estimates of food portion size: The effect of timing of dietary interview on the accuracy of children's portion size estimates2008
Dr Bernhard Frank
Joan Hughes
Professor John Matthews
Dr Dilip Kapur
Comparison of analgesic effects and patient tolerability of nabilone and dihydrocodeine for chronic neuropathic pain: randomised, crossover, double blind study2008
Dr James Lloyd
Emeritus Professor Brian Diffey
Professor John Matthews
Professor Peter Farr
A randomized comparison of selective broadband UVB and narrowband UVB in the treatment of psoriasis2007
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Matthews
Professor Paula Moynihan
Dr Sarah Kelly
Dr Jean Adams
et al.
Changes in consumption of sugars by English adolescents over 20 years2007
Professor John Matthews
Dr Malcolm Coulthard
Comparison of alteplase and heparin in maintaining the patency of paediatric central venous haemodialysis lines: A randomised controlled trial2007
Dr Mark Johnson
Teresa Lennon
Dr Katherine Orr
Professor John Matthews
Professor David Neal
et al.
Oral ciprofloxacin or trimethoprim reduces bacteriuria after flexible cystoscopy2007
Professor Janet Berrington
Dr Alan Fenton
Professor Andrew Cant
Dr Gavin Spickett
Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe
et al.
Reduced anti-PRP antibody response to Hib immunisation in preterm (<32 weeks) UK infants who received inactivated polio (eIPV)2007
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Professor John Matthews
Professor Ian Head
A stable isotope titration method to determine the contribution of acetate disproportionation and carbon dioxide reduction to methanogenesis2006
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Professor Julie Harris
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Accuracy of estimates of food portion size using food photographs - The importance of using age-appropriate tools2006
Professor Janet Berrington
Professor Andrew Cant
Professor John Matthews
Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe
Dr Gavin Spickett
et al.
Haemophilus influenzae type b immunization in infants in the United Kingdom: Effects of diphtheria/tetanus/acellular pertussis/Hib combination vaccine, significant prematurity, and a fourth dose2006
Professor John Matthews
Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials2006
Professor John Matthews
Professor Andrew McCaskie
Removal of acetabular bone in resurfacing arthroplasty of the hip2006
Professor John Matthews
Professor Andrew McCaskie
Removal of acetabular bone in resurfacing arthroplasty of the hip - A comparison with hybrid total hip arthroplasty2006
Mohamed Elbadawey
Dr Michael Drinnan
Professor John Matthews
Emeritus Professor John Gibson
Emerita Professor Janet Wilson
et al.
The development of a snoring symptoms inventory2006
Dr Malcolm Coulthard
Dr Michael Keir
Professor John Matthews
Professor Steve Robson
Does antenatal pelvic dilation predict renal scarring?2005
Angela Craigie
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Amelia Lake
Megan Gibbons
Professor John Matthews
et al.
Lifecourse influences on nutrient intake in adulthood2005
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Packaged food intake by children aged 0 to 16 years (g/kg body weight)2005
Professor John Matthews
Use of Optimal Design in the Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow Using the Kety-Schmidt Technique2005
Dr Patricia McElhatton
Dr Christopher Wren
Professor John Matthews
Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe
Professor Simon Thomas
et al.
A case control study to examine the pharmacological factors underlying ventricular septal defects in the North of England2004
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Matthews
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Changes over 20 years in macronutrient intake and body mass index in 11- to 12-year-old adolescents living in Northumberland2004
Professor John Matthews
Foreword: The Armitage lectures2004
Dr Alan Fenton
Professor Janet Berrington
Dr Gavin Spickett
Professor Andrew Cant
Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe
et al.
Haemaphilus influenzaeType b (Hib) antibody response following pragmatic UK immunisation with mixed regimes of acellular and/or whole cell DTPHib combination vaccines2004
Dr Jonathan Wallis
Professor John Matthews
Long-term survival after blood transfusion: a population based study in the North of England2004
Professor John Matthews
Optimal designs for Michaelis-Menten kinetic studies2004
Professor Peter Thomson
Dr Ian Fletcher
Professor John Matthews
Dr Christopher Hayward
Pain relief following oral day case surgery: A pilot study2004
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Professor Hanns Lochmuller
Professor Rita Horvath
Professor Robert Taylor
Professor John Matthews
et al.
Risk of developing a mitochondrial DNA deletion disorder2004
Professor John Matthews
Statistics in Medicine moves into online submission2004
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Professor Ashley Adamson
The development and evaluation of portion size assessment tools for use with children2004
Professor John Matthews
The effect of otitis media with effusions on balance in children2004
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Professor Hanns Lochmuller
Professor Laurence Bindoff
Professor Robert Taylor
Professor John Matthews
et al.
The risk of developing a mitochondrial DNA deletion disorder2004
Dr Malcolm Coulthard
Dr Sue Vernon
Dr Heather Lambert
Professor John Matthews
A nurse led education and direct access service for the management of urinary tract infections in children: Prospective controlled trial2003
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Leslie Carlin
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
et al.
FAST- Food Assessment in Schools Tool2003
Professor John Matthews
Dose-response relationships between individual nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NANSAIDs) and serious upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a meta-analysis based on individual patient data2002
Professor John Matthews
Statistical Methods in Medical Research2002
Professor John Matthews
Dr David Thomas
In-hospital mortality from abdominal aortic surgery in Great Britain and Ireland: Vascular Anaesthesia Society audit2001
Dr Eugene Healy
Dr Amanda Ray
Professor John Matthews
Professor Mark Birch-Machin
Professor Jonathan Rees
et al.
Melanocortin-1-receptor gene and sun sensitivity in individuals without red hair2000
Dr David Milligan
Professor John Matthews
Dr Alan Fenton
Dr Martin Ward Platt
Pumactant and poractant alfa for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in neonates born at 25-29 weeks' gestation: A randomised trial2000
Philip Keegan
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Lunec
Professor David Neal
Statistical problems with 'optimal' thresholds in studies of new prognostic factors in urology2000
Kersi Fanibunda
Professor John Matthews
The relationship between accessory foramina and tumour spread on the medial mandibular surface2000
Professor John Matthews
Effect of prior specification on Bayesian design for two-sample comparison of a binary outcome1999
Professor John Matthews
Sponsored trials do not necessarily give more-favourable results1999
Philip Keegan
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Lunec
Professor David Neal
Statistical problems with "optimal' cut-points in studies of new prognostic factors in urology.1999