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Browsing publications by Dr Colin Gillespie.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Dennis Prangle
Sophie Harbisher
Dr Colin Gillespie
Bayesian Experimental Design Without Posterior Calculations: An Adversarial Approach2023
Amar Rajgor
Dr Christopher Kui
Dr Josh Cowley
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Aileen Mill
et al.
CT-based radiomic markers are independent prognosticators of survival in advanced laryngeal cancer: A pilot study.2023
Amar Rajgor
Dr Josh Cowley
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Chang Lee
James O'Hara
et al.
Outcomes of the contemporary management approach for locally advanced (T3-T4) laryngeal cancer: a retrospective cohort study.2022
Dr Holly Fisher
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Andrew Golightly
Parameter inference for a stochastic kinetic model of expanded polyglutamine proteins2022
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Allyson Lister
Dr Carole Proctor
SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models2020
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 3 Package: Distributions, Version 1, Release 12020
Dr Hannah Paish
Dr Colin Gillespie
Alicia Del Carpio Pons
Professor Derek Mann
Professor David Deehan
et al.
Chronic, Active Inflammation in Patients with Failed Total Knee Replacements Undergoing Revision Surgery2019
Dr Andrew Golightly
Dr Tom Lowe
Dr Colin Gillespie
Correlated pseudo-marginal schemes for time-discretised stochastic kinetic models2019
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Richard Boys
Efficient construction of Bayes optimal designs for stochastic process models2019
Dr Colin Gillespie
Extension of the gambin model to multimodal species abundance distributions2019
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Andrew Golightly
Guided proposals for efficient weighted stochastic simulation2019
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Bayesian inference for a partially observed birth-death process using data on proportions2018
Dr Katherine James
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Jennifer Hallinan
Dr Francesca Barone
et al.
B-cell activity markers are associated with different disease activity domains in primary Sjögren's syndrome2018
Ayman Albanna
Martin Sim
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Phillip Aldridge
Driving the expression of the Salmonella enterica sv Typhimurium flagellum using flhDC from Escherichia coli results in key regulatory and cellular differences2018
Dr Colin Gillespie
Estimating the number of casualties in the American Indian war: a Bayesian analysis using the power law distribution2017
Dr Martin Sim
David Picton
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Phillip Aldridge
et al.
Growth rate control of flagellar assembly in Escherichai coli strain RP4372017
Anders Andreasson
Danai Karamanou
Dr Colin Gillespie
Kasim Jiwa
Dr Nicola Green
et al.
Profiling inflammation and tissue injury markers in perfusate and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid during human ex vivo lung perfusion2017
Anders Andreasson
Dr Lee Borthwick
Dr Colin Gillespie
Kasim Jiwa
Jonathan Scott
et al.
The role of interleukin-1β as a predictive biomarker and potential therapeutic target during clinical ex vivo lung perfusion2017
Dr Lee Borthwick
Wona Suwara
Dr Sonya Carnell
Dr Nicola Green
Dr Rahul Mahida
et al.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced Airway Epithelial Injury Drives Fibroblast Activation: A Mechanism in Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction2016
Dr Nadia Howard-Tripp
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Bridget Griffiths
et al.
A Cytokine-Mediated Biological Basis for Fatigue in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome2016
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Andrew Golightly
Diagnostics for assessing the linear noise and moment closure approximations2016
Dr Anders Andreasson
Danai Karamanou
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Lee Borthwick
Kasim Jiwa
et al.
Treating Donor Lung Inflammation by Blocking Interleukin-1B-An In Vitro Therapy Testing Platform for Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion2016
Dr Katherine James
Shereen Al-Ali
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
et al.
A Transcriptional Signature of Fatigue Derived from Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome2015
Jessica Tarn
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Professor Anil Wipat
et al.
A Transcriptional Signature of Fatigue Derived from Patients with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome2015
Dr Colin Gillespie
Fitting Heavy Tailed Distributions: The poweRlaw Package2015
Shereen Al-Ali
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Across Multiple Expression Studies Reveals a Core Subset of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome-Related Genes2015
Jamie Owen
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Colin Gillespie
Likelihood free inference for Markov processes: a comparison2015
Dr Jessica Tarn
Dr Dennis Lendrem
Dr Colin Gillespie
Shereen Al-Ali
Dr Bridget Griffiths
et al.
Patient Sub-Phenotyping in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome2015
Jamie Owen
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Colin Gillespie
Scalable inference for Markov processes with intractable likelihoods2015
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Fai Ng
Serum Free Light Chains are Associated with Clinical Disease Activity of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome in the Cutaneous, Biological and Renal Domains2015
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Fai Ng
Baff and B2m, but not Free Light Chains, Correlate with Disease Activity in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome (PSS)2014
Dr Andrew Golightly
Dr Colin Gillespie
Bayesian inference for hybrid discrete-continuous stochastic kinetic models2014
Dr Simon Cockell
Dr Matthew Bashton
Dr Colin Gillespie
Bioconductor tools for microarray data analysis2014
Peter Milner
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Moment closure based parameter inference of stochastic kinetic models2013
Dr Andrew Golightly
Dr Colin Gillespie
Simulation of stochastic kinetic models2013
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Diana Jurk
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Gabriele Saretzki
et al.
A Stochastic Step Model of Replicative Senescence Explains ROS Production Rate in Ageing Cell Populations2012
Dr Michael Bell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Phillip Lord
An approach to describing and analysing bulk annotation quality: a case study using UniprotKB2012
Dr Michael Bell
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Phillip Lord
An approach to describing and analysing bulk biological annotation quality: A case study using UniProtKB2012
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Andrew Golightly
Bayesian inference for the chemical master equation using approximate models2012
Dr Colin Gillespie
Stochastic simulation of chemically reacting systems using multi-core processors2012
Dr Guiyuan Lei
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Amanda Greenall
Professor Darren Wilkinson
et al.
Bayesian inference for sparse VAR(1) models, with application to time course microarray data2011
Dr Susanne Pohl
Dr Phillip Aldridge
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Ulrike Mader
Professor Colin Harwood
et al.
Combined proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of the response of Bacillus anthracis to oxidative stress2011
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Moment closure approximations for stochastic kinetic models with rational rate laws2011
Dr Gary Caldwell
Susan Fitzer
Dr Colin Gillespie
Emeritus Professor Matt Bentley
Ocean acidification takes sperm back in time2011
Dr Rebecca Wockenforth
Dr Colin Gillespie
Bruce Jaffray
Survival of children following Nissen fundoplication2011
Dr Colin Gillespie
Ten Simple Rules for Getting Help from Online Scientific Communities2011
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Guiyuan Lei
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Amanda Greenall
Professor Darren Wilkinson
et al.
Analysing time course microarray data using Bioconductor: a case study using yeast2 Affymetrix arrays2010
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Andrew Golightly
Bayesian inference for generalized stochastic population growth models with application to aphids2010
Dr Yuhui Chen
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Jingyi Wu
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
CaliBayes and BASIS: integrated tools for the calibration, simulation and storage of biological simulation models2010
Dr Colin Gillespie
Moment-closure approximations for mass-action models2009
Dr Min Hong
Professor Andrew Gennery
Professor Andrew Cant
Dr Mario Abinun
Professor David Young
et al.
Pattern recognition receptor expression is not impaired in patients with chronic mucocutanous candidiasis with or without autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy2009
Dr Colin Gillespie
The evolution of a single-paired immigration death process2008
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
The SBML discrete stochastic models test suite2008
Dr Colin Gillespie
An improved saddlepoint approximation2007
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor David Lydall
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Modelling the checkpoint response to telomere uncapping in budding yeast2007
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Daryl Shanley
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
BASIS: an internet resource for network modelling.2006
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr John Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Computer modeling in the study of aging2006
Dr Colin Gillespie
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
Tools for the SBML community2006
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr John Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Computer Modeling in the Study of Aging2005
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Darren Wilkinson
et al.
Modelling the actions of chaperones and their role in ageing2005
Dr Colin Gillespie
The evolution of a batch-immigration death process subject to counts2005
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Darren Wilkinson
Professor Richard Boys
et al.
Web-services for the biology community: the BASIS project2005
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Carole Proctor
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Daryl Shanley
Professor Darren Wilkinson
et al.
A mathematical model of ageing in yeast2004
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Richard Boys
Dr Colin Gillespie
Dr Carole Proctor
Dr Daryl Shanley
et al.
Towards an e-biology of ageing: Integrating theory and data2003