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Browsing publications by Vishnu Mohan.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Distributions of wall heat flux and wall shear stress and their interrelation during head-on quenching of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers2025
Vishnu Mohan
Freddie Young
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of equivalence ratio on the statistics of the invariants of velocity gradient tensor and flow topologies in turbulent premixed lean H2-air flames2025
Vishnu Mohan
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Performance of flame surface density and scalar dissipation rate based mean reaction rate closures for fuel-rich ammonia-air turbulent premixed flames2024
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of wall shear stress during head-on flame-wall interaction2024
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of turbulent burning velocity parametrizations for non-unity Lewis numbers2023
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Proper orthogonal decomposition of wall heat flux for head-on premixed flame wall-interaction across turbulent boundary layers2023