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Browsing publications by Dr Yongliang Yan.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Yongliang Yan
Exergy analysis in intensification of sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming for clean hydrogen production: Comparative study and efficiency optimisation2024
Chris de Leeuwe
Dr Yongliang Yan
Matteo Fella
Dr Wenting Hu
Professor Ian Metcalfe
et al.
Experimental investigation of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 -δ pellets as oxygen carriers for chemical-looping applications2024
Dr Yongliang Yan
Reinaldo Lee Pereira
Matteo Fella
Dr Wenting Hu
Professor Ian Metcalfe
et al.
Experimental investigation of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ pellets as oxygen carriers in a counter-current packed-bed reactor for efficient chemical looping CO2 splitting2024
Dr Yongliang Yan
The role of water vapour on CO2 mobility on calcite surface during carbonation process for calcium looping: A DFT study2024
Dr Yongliang Yan
Process Simulations of High-Purity and Renewable Clean H2 Production by Sorption Enhanced Steam Reforming of Biogas2023
Dr Yongliang Yan
Dynamic Transformations of Metals in the Burning Solid Matter during Combustion of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Biomass2021
Dr Yongliang Yan
Harnessing the power of machine learning for carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)-a state-of-the-art review2021
Dr Yongliang Yan
Applying machine learning algorithms in estimating the performance of heterogeneous, multi-component materials as oxygen carriers for chemical-looping processes2020
Dr Yongliang Yan
Developments in calcium/chemical looping and metal oxide redox cycles for high-temperature thermochemical energy storage: A review2020
Dr Yongliang Yan
Investigation of the apparent kinetics of air and oxy-fuel biomass combustion in a spout fluidised-bed reactor2020
Dr Yongliang Yan
Machine Learning Applications in Chemical Engineering2020
Dr Yongliang Yan
Prediction of sorption enhanced steam methane reforming products from machine learning based soft-sensor models2020
Dr Yongliang Yan
Process simulations of blue hydrogen production by upgraded sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) processes2020
Dr Yongliang Yan
Techno-economic analysis of low-carbon hydrogen production by sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) processes2020