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Browsing publications by Dr Zachary Petzel.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Zachary Petzel
Leanne Sowerby
Prejudiced interactions with large language models (LLMs) reduce trustworthiness and behavioral intentions among members of stigmatized groups2025
Dr Zachary Petzel
Dr Karen Rafferty
A collective action approach to improving attitudes and self-efficacy towards gender equality among male STEM academics2024
Dr Zachary Petzel
More Than Meets the ERN: Suppression of Confrontation Moderates the Effects of Sexism on Error-Related Negativity2023
Dr Zachary Petzel
Discrimination Without Intoxication: The Role of Controlled Processes in the Promotion of Racial Bias After Viewing Alcohol-Related Cues2022
Dr Zachary Petzel
Dogs can discriminate between human baseline and psychological stress condition odours2022
Dr Zachary Petzel
Take a chance on STEM: Risk-taking buffers negative effects of stereotype threat among women2022
Dr Zachary Petzel
Don’t drink and drive, it’s a prime: Cognitive effects of priming alcohol-congruent and incongruent goals among heavy versus light drinkers2021
Dr Zachary Petzel
When you put it that way: Framing gender equality initiatives to improve engagement among STEM academics2021
Dr Zachary Petzel
Gender inequality in the academy: Problems and solutions for women faculty in STEM2020
Dr Zachary Petzel
Not by automaticity alone: The role of contextual factors, individual differences, and propositional learning in the malleability of implicit alcohol attitudes2020
Dr Zachary Petzel
A Model of Threatening Academic Environments Predicts Women STEM Majors’ Self-Esteem and Engagement in STEM2019
Dr Zachary Petzel
I’m tired and feel like drinking: Viewing alcohol cues after exerting self-control increases approach motivation among individuals lower in alcohol sensitivity2019
Dr Zachary Petzel
In the eye of the drinker: Drinking motives influence the effectiveness of conditioning implicit alcohol attitudes2019
Dr Zachary Petzel
Of two minds about alcohol: Specific effects of evaluative conditioning on implicit, but not explicit, alcohol cognitions among heavy versus light drinkers2019
Dr Zachary Petzel
Sexism predicts alcohol use and motivations among college women with stronger alcohol identity2019
Dr Zachary Petzel
Heart rate variability moderates challenge and threat reactivity to sexism among women in STEM2018
Dr Zachary Petzel