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Browsing publications by Dr Sam Orange.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Morven Brown
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Dr Fiona Malcomson
Professor Bernard Corfe
et al.
Co-development of a programme to improve physical activity support for women after breast cancer treatment: a pre-protocol for PURE-EX 2025
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Nicola Cresti
Effect of exercise before and/or during taxane-containing chemotherapy treatment on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms in women with breast cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis2025
Dr Sam Orange
Will Pearmain
Acute effects of using individual velocity targets to regulate resistance training load2024
Dr Sam Orange
Comparison of two popular transducers to measure sit-to-stand power in older adults2024
Anna Fretwell
Dr Christina Dobson
Dr Sam Orange
Professor Bernard Corfe
Diet and physical activity advice for colorectal cancer survivors: Critical synthesis of public-facing guidance2024
Dr Sam Orange
Effects of resistance training on quality of life, fatigue, physical function, and muscular strength during chemotherapy treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis2024
Dr Sam Orange
'I'm a failure again, I can't do it': Attitudes towards, and experiences of, exercise participation in adults with class III obesity2024
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Misti McCain
Dr Morven Brown
Dr Sam Orange
Professor Helen Reeves
et al.
Is home-based, virtually-delivered, group exercise feasible and acceptable for older patients with hepatocellular carcinoma? A non-randomised feasibility study (TELEX-Liver Cancer)2024
Anna Fretwell
Dr Bano Louca
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Fiona Malcomson
Dr Christina Dobson
et al.
Still too little evidence: the role of diet in colorectal cancer survivorship - a systematic review2024
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Adrian Holliday
The Effect of High-Fat Diet on Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression2024
Dr Sam Orange
The relationship between physical function and psychological symptoms in Parkinson's Disease: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis2024
Dr Sam Orange
Validity and Test–Retest Reliability of a Smartphone App for Measuring Rising Time, Velocity, Power, and Inter-Limb Asymmetry During Single-Leg Sit-to-Stand Test in Female-Trained Athletes2024
Dr Sam Orange
Editorial: Model organisms and experimental models: opportunities and challenges in clinical and translational physiology2023
Dr Sam Orange
Editorial: The influence of lifestyle factors on cancer biology and treatment efficacy2023
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Dr Sam Orange
Misti McCain
Professor Helen Reeves
Feasibility of a home-based, virtually-delivered, group exercise intervention in older patients with liver cancer (TELEX-Liver Cancer)2023
Dr Sam Orange
The Effect of Complex Training on Muscle Architecture in Rugby League Players2023
Dr Sam Orange
The Effect of Complex Training on Physical Performance in Rugby League Players2023
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Deb Dulson
Dr Stephen Todryk
The effect of menstrual cycle phase on immune responses to a 5km cycling time trial: An exploratory study2023
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Jack Leslie
Professor Derek Mann
The exercise IL-6 enigma in cancer2023
Dr Sam Orange
What is the optimal type and dose of physical activity for colorectal cancer prevention?2023
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Stephen Todryk
Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage2022
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Owen Jeffries
Comparison of the effects of velocity-based vs. traditional resistance training methods on adaptations in strength, power and sprint speed: a systematic review, meta-analysis and quality of evidence appraisal2022
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Stephen Todryk
Reply to “Comments on: Acute aerobic exercise-conditioned serum reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro through interleukin-6-induced regulation of DNA damage”2022
Dr Sam Orange
Test-Retest Reliability and Convergent Validity of Piezoelectric Force Plate Measures of Single-Leg Sit-to-Stand Performance in Trained Adults2022
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Dr Morven Brown
Professor Helen Reeves
The feasibility and acceptability of a home-based, virtual exercise intervention for older patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: protocol for a non-randomised feasibility study (TELEX-Liver Cancer)2022
Dr Sam Orange
Body Talk in the Digital Age: A Controlled Evaluation of a Classroom-Based Intervention to Reduce Appearance Commentary and Improve Body Image2021
Dr Sam Orange
Anti-carcinogenic effects of exercise-conditioned human serum: evidence, relevance and opportunities2021
Dr Sam Orange
Effectiveness of diet and physical activity interventions amongst adults attending colorectal and breast cancer screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis2021
Dr Sam Orange
Dr Morven Brown
Recall, perceptions and determinants of receiving physical activity advice amongst cancer survivors: a mixed‑methods survey2021
Dr Sam Orange
Effect of home‐based resistance training performed with or without a high‐speed component in adults with severe obesity2020
Dr Sam Orange
Exercise-induced attenuation of treatment side-effects in patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer beginning androgen-deprivation therapy: a randomised controlled trial2020
Dr Sam Orange
Resistance training leads to large improvements in strength and moderate improvements in physical function in adults who are overweight or obese: a systematic review2020
Dr Sam Orange
Sodium Ingestion Improves Groundstroke Performance in Nationally-Ranked Tennis Players: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial2020
Dr Sam Orange
Test-retest reliability of a commercial linear position transducer (GymAware PowerTool) to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press2020
Dr Sam Orange
The serological responses to acute exercise in humans reduce cancer cell growth in vitro: A systematic review and meta-analysis2020
Dr Sam Orange
Validity of various portable devices to measure sit-to-stand velocity and power in older adults2020
Dr Sam Orange
Can sit-to-stand muscle power explain the ability to perform functional tasks in adults with severe obesity?2019
Dr Sam Orange
Effects of In-Season Velocity-Versus Percentage-Based Training in Academy Rugby League Players2019
Dr Sam Orange
Short-Term Training and Detraining Effects of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Resistance Exercise in Aging Adults2019
Dr Sam Orange
Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press2019
Dr Sam Orange
Exercise prehabilitation in elective intra-cavity surgery: A role within the ERAS pathway? A narrative review2018
Dr Sam Orange
The determinants of physical function in adults with severe obesity2018
Dr Sam Orange
Evidence-based strength and conditioning in soccer2016