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Browsing publications by Dr Lorenzo Chiesa.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Agnostischer Atheismus : Psychoanalyse und die Zukunft der Religion2025
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Das Trojanische Schloss : Lacan und Kafka über Wissen, Bürokratie und Kapitalismus2025
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
God Is Undead: Psychoanalysis for Unbelievers2025
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Badiou/Lacan-Badiou: Beyond Anti-Philosophy2024
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
On Some Questions Prior to Any Possible Treatment of Lacan's Theory of Discourses as Political2022
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Öznelik ve Ötekilik: Lacan'ın Felsefi Bir Okuması2022
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Subjektivität und Andersheit. Eine philosophische Lektüre Lacans (mit einem neuen Vorwort des Autors)2022
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Anthropie: Poleg načela ugodja2021
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Bredvid Lustprincipen2021
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Il primo grammo di godimento: Lacan lettore di Genet2021
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Insomnia@Work: Between Neo-Workerism and Psychoanalysis2021
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Subjektivnost' i inakovost'2021
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
¿Cristianismo o comunismo? El hegelianismo marxiano y el marxismo hegeliano de Žižek2020
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Anthropie: Beside the Pleasure Principle2020
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Lenin and the Transitional-Revolutionary State2020
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Zhelanie i Naslazdenie2020
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Author, Subject, Structure: Lacan Contra Foucault2019
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Çiftleşmeden Bütünleşmeye: Lacan'ın Tanrı, Mantık ve Cinsellik İddiaları Üzerine2019
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Contro il discorso della liberta'. Saggi su politica, estetica e religione2019
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Notes on Revolution and the Southern Question: Gramsci with Lenin2019
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Obsessional Desire in Seminar V: The Exploits of Tantalus2019
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The Trojan Castle: Lacan and Kafka on Knowledge, Enjoyment, and the Big Other2019
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Lacan with Evo-Devo?2018
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Superpolitically Apolitical: On Agamben's Use of Bodies2018
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Exalted Obscenity and the Lawyer of God: Lacan, Deleuze, and the Baroque2017
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Lenin and the State of the Revolution2017
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The State of Communism: Badiou, Stalin, Lenin2017
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Introduction. Italian Biopolitical Theory and Beyond: Genealogy, Psychoanalysis, and Biology2016
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The Absence of the Sexual Relationship: A Transcendental Invariant of the Species?2016
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The Not-Two: Logic and God in Lacan2016
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The Virtual Point of Freedom: Essays on Politics, Aesthetics, and Religion2016
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Jouissance in Lacan's Seminar XX: Prolegomena to a New Reading2015
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Psychoanalysis, Religion, Love2015
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The First Gram of Jouissance: Lacan on Genet's Le Balcon2015
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Italian Thought Today: Bio-economy, Human Nature, Christianity2014
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
Lacan and Philosophy: The New Generation2014
Dr Lorenzo Chiesa
The Body of Structural Dialectic: Badiou, Lacan, and the ‘Human Animal’2014