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Browsing publications by Dr Sarah Richardson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Florence Gerakios
Professor Alison Yarnall
Gemma Bate
Dr Laura Wright
Dr Daniel Davis
et al.
Delirium is more common and associated with worse outcomes in Parkinson's disease compared to older adult controls: results of two prospective longitudinal cohort studies2024
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Jonny Bunn
Dr Sarah Richardson
Susan Hillman
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Rising to the challenge of defining and operationalising multimorbidity in a UK hospital setting: the ADMISSION research collaborative2024
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
The interrelationship between multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) and delirium: A scoping review2024
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Rachael Lawson
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Challenges in diagnosis and management of delirium in Lewy body disease2023
Dr Rachel Cullinan
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Alison Yarnall
Professor David Burn
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Documentation and Diagnosis of Delirium in Parkinson’s Disease2023
Dr Sarah Richardson
Extremes of baseline cognitive function determine the severity of delirium: a population study2023
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Suzanne Spence
Availability of Healthy Food and Beverages in Hospital Outlets and Interventions in the UK and USA to Improve the Hospital Food Environment: A Systematic Narrative Literature Review2022
Dr Sarah Richardson
James Murray
Dr Louise Robinson
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Delirium and delirium severity predict the trajectory of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) in hospitalised older people: findings from the DECIDE Study2022
Dr Rachael Lawson
Dr Sarah Richardson
daisy Kershaw
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Carol Brayne
et al.
Evaluation of Bedside Tests of Attention and Arousal Assessing Delirium in Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia, and Older Adults2022
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Miles Witham
Age and frailty are independently associated with increased COVID-19 mortality and increased care needs in survivors: results of an international multi-centre study2021
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Rachael Lawson
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Fiona Matthews
et al.
Hospitalisation without delirium is not associated with cognitive decline in a population-based sample of older people – results from a nested, longitudinal cohort study2021
Dr Richard Dodds
James Murray
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Germain Uwimpuhwe
et al.
Prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test: findings from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II) and proposed Newcastle protocol for use in the assessment of sarcopenia2021
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Daniel Davis
Professor Bloss Stephan
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Carol Brayne
et al.
Recurrent delirium over 12 months predicts dementia: results of the Delirium and Cognitive Impact in Dementia (DECIDE) study2021
Dr Rachael Lawson
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Alison Yarnall
Professor David Burn
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Identifying delirium in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study2020
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor John O'Brien
Professor Lynn Rochester
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Research with older people in a world with COVID-19: identification of current and future priorities, challenges and opportunities2020
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Daniel Davis
Impairments in balance and mobility identify delirium in patients with comorbid dementia2019
Dr Sarah Richardson
The delirium and population health informatics cohort study protocol: ascertaining the determinants and outcomes from delirium in a whole population2018
Dr Sarah Richardson
Detecting delirium superimposed on dementia: diagnostic accuracy of a simple combined arousal and attention testing procedure2017
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Daniel Davis
Professor Bloss Stephan
Dr Louise Robinson
Dr Louise Allan
et al.
Protocol for the Delirium and Cognitive Impact in Dementia (DECIDE) study: A nested prospective longitudinal cohort study2017
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor John-Paul Taylor
The Diagnosis of Delirium Superimposed on Dementia: An Emerging Challenge2017
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
Dr Daniel Davis
Delirium superimposed on dementia: a survey of delirium specialists shows a lack of consensus in clinical practice and research studies2016
Dr Joseph Kane
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Louise Allan
Professor Alan Thomas
Diagnosing dementia2016
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Daniel Davis
Increasing delirium skills at the front door: results from a repeated survey on delirium knowledge and attitudes2016
Dr Sarah Richardson
Predicting outcome in older hospital patients with delirium:a systematic literature review2016
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr James Fisher
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
The Future Hospital: a blueprint for effective delirium care2016
Dr Sarah Richardson
Delirium – contemporary cultural references: A truth stranger than fiction?2015
Dr Sarah Richardson
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
Dr Louise Allan
Validation of a Consensus Method for Identifying Delirium from Hospital Records2014
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Daniel Swan
Dr Sarah Richardson
Gillian Wilson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
A CD4 T cell gene signature for early rheumatoid arthritis implicates interleukin 6-mediated STAT3 signalling, particularly anti-citrullinated peptide antibody-negative disease2012
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Sarah Richardson
Gillian Wilson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor David Young
et al.
A Transcriptional Profile Present in CD4+T-Cells of Patients with Undifferentiated Arthritis Predicts the Future Development of Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis and Implicates IL-6 in Disease Evolution2011
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Daniel Swan
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor David Young
et al.
Peripheral Blood CD4 T Cell Gene Expression Profiles as Predictive Biomarkers in Early Arthritis2010