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Browsing publications by Dr Shannon Flynn.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Zhengan Chen
Dr Sanem Acikalin Cartigny
Dr Shannon Flynn
Storm deposit characteristics and orbital cyclicity of the Early Devonian Xiejiawan Formation in the Longmenshan area, Sichuan Province, China2025
Dr Jon Telling
Dr Shannon Flynn
The potential for glacial flour to impact soil fertility, crop yield and nutrition in mountain regions2025
Dr Sanem Acikalin Cartigny
Dr Shannon Flynn
Dr Cees van der Land
Cross-basin Mo and U analysis of the Upper Mississippian Bowland Shale, UK2024
Dr Shannon Flynn
Rare Earth Element Adsorption to Clay Minerals: Mechanistic Insights and Implications for Recovery from Secondary Sources2024
Dr Shannon Flynn
Spatial and temporal variation in toxicity and inorganic composition of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water2023
Dr Shannon Flynn
Effects of salinity on the leaching of ionic species from hydrocarbon target formations during hydraulic fracturing2022
Dr Rachel Schwartz-Narbonne
Dr Mathew Brown
Dr Shannon Flynn
Multidisciplinary Analyses of Wastewater Reactors2020
Dr Shannon Flynn
Adsorption of biologically critical trace elements to the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002: Implications for marine trace metal cycling2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
Characterization and implications of solids associated with hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water from the Duvernay Formation, Alberta, Canada2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
Hydrogeological constraints on the formation of Palaeoproterozoic banded iron formations2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
Potentiometric titrations to characterize the reactivity of geomicrobial surfaces2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
Temporal Changes in Microbial Community Composition and Geochemistry in Flowback and Produced Water from the Duvernay Formation2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
The impact of ionic strength on the proton reactivity of clay minerals2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
The osmotic effect of hyper-saline hydraulic fracturing fluid on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
Toxicity in aquatic model species exposed to a temporal series of three different flowback and produced water samples collected from a horizontal hydraulically fractured well2019
Dr Shannon Flynn
Acid-base properties of kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite at marine ionic strength2018
Dr Shannon Flynn
Application of surface complexation modeling to trace metals uptake by biochar-amended agricultural soils2018
Dr Shannon Flynn
Biogeochemistry of U, Ni, and As in two meromictic pit lakes at the Cluff Lake uranium mine, northern Saskatchewan2018
Dr Shannon Flynn
Change of the point of zero net proton charge (pHPZNPC) of clay minerals with ionic strength2018
Dr Shannon Flynn
Thermodynamic analysis of nickle(II) and zinc (II) adsorption to biochar2018
Dr Shannon Flynn
Cadmium bioaccumulates after acute exposure but has no effect on locomotion or shelter-seeking behaviour in the invasive green shore crab (Carcinus maenas)2017
Dr Shannon Flynn
Chemical and toxicological characterizations of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water2017
Dr Shannon Flynn
Field- and Lab-Based Potentiometric Titrations of Microbial Mats from the Fairmont Hot Spring, Canada2017
Dr Shannon Flynn
Measurements of bacterial mat metal binding capacity in alkaline and carbonate-rich systems2017
Dr Shannon Flynn
Phytoplankton contributions to the trace-element composition of Precambrian banded iron formations2017
Dr Shannon Flynn
Sublethal and Reproductive Effects of Acute and Chronic Exposure to Flowback and Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing on the Water Flea Daphnia magna2017
Dr Shannon Flynn
Experimental measurements of U24Py nanocluster behavior in aqueous solution2016
Dr Shannon Flynn
Experimental measurements of U60 nanocluster stability in aqueous solution2015
Dr Shannon Flynn
Modeling bacterial metal toxicity using a surface complexation approach2014