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Browsing publications by Dr Gemma Frances Spiers.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Melanie Stowell
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
Fiona Beyer
Catherine Richmond
et al.
Caring for Older People As a Social Determinant of Health: Findings from a Scoping Review of Observational Studies2024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr David Sinclair
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Characteristics of older unpaid carers in England: A study of social patterning from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2024
Dr Michelle Tan
Eugenie Johnson
Claire Eastaugh
Fiona Beyer
Professor Dawn Craig
et al.
Interventions for cold homes: a rapid review of the health impacts2024
Eugenie Johnson
Dr Ben Searle
Dr Robert Barker
Kelly Brotherhood
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
et al.
Interventions to Prevent Hospital Admissions in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Rapid Review of Economic Evidence2024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr David Sinclair
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Is it possible to identify populations experiencing material disadvantage in primary care? A feasibility study using the Clinical Practice Research Database2024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
The Co-Occurrence of Polypharmacy and Unmet Needs for Social Care in Older People: A Systematic Review2024
Kelly Brotherhood
Dr Ben Searle
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Variations in older people's emergency care use by social care setting: a systematic review of international evidence2024
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Michelle Tan
Kate Lanyi
Oleta Williams
Fiona Beyer
et al.
What works to support carers of older people and older carers? an international evidence map of interventions and outcomes2024
Patience Kunonga
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Catherine Richmond
Fiona Beyer
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Health interventions and the unseen impact on equality2023
Patience Kunonga
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Catherine Richmond
Fiona Beyer
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Health Interventions and the Unseen Impact on Equality in Disability Free Life Expectancy: A Rapid Evidence Synthesis2023
Melanie Stowell
Dr Stephanie Warwick
Catherine Richmond
Claire Eastaugh
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Promoting sexual health in older adults: Findings from two rapid reviews2023
Dr Orla Whitehead
Emerita Professor Suzanne Moffatt
Dr Stephanie Warwick
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
et al.
Systematic review of the relationship between burn-out and spiritual health in doctors2023
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Lynne Corner
Professor Dawn Craig
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
What matters to people with multiple long-term conditions and their carers?2023
Dr Ben Searle
Dr Robert Barker
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Fiona Pearson
et al.
Which interventions are effective at decreasing or increasing emergency department attendances or hospital admissions from long-term care facilities? A systematic review2023
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Constructions of childlessness and ageing: legitimising dependency on unpaid care?2022
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Andrew Kingston
Oleta Williams
et al.
Factors associated with unmet need for support to maintain independence in later life: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence2022
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Jenny Liddle
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Ben Searle
Dr Orla Whitehead
et al.
Measuring older people's socioeconomic position: a scoping review of studies of self-rated health, health service and social care use2022
Patience Kunonga
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Fiona Beyer
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Professor Dawn Craig
et al.
Effects of Digital Technologies on Older People's Access to Health and Social Care: Umbrella Review2021
Dr Holly Bennett
Dr Andrew Kingston
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Louise Robinson
Dr Lynne Corner
et al.
Healthy ageing for all? Comparisons of socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancies over two decades in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II2021
Patience Kunonga
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Fiona Beyer
Professor Dawn Craig
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Identifying older adults with frailty approaching end-of-life: A systematic review2021
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
Fiona Beyer
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Professor Dawn Craig
et al.
Measuring frailty in younger populations: a rapid review of evidence2021
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
Fiona Beyer
Professor Dawn Craig
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Trends in health expectancies: A systematic review of international evidence2021
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Jenny Liddle
Patience Kunonga
Dr Orla Whitehead
Fiona Beyer
et al.
What are the consequences of caring for older people and what interventions are effective for supporting unpaid carers? A rapid review of systematic reviews2021
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Joy Adamson
et al.
Adverse Outcomes of Polypharmacy in Older People: Systematic Review of Reviews2020
Patience Kunonga
Fiona Beyer
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Dawn Craig
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Does health and social care provision for the community dwelling older population help to reduce unplanned secondary care, support timely discharge and improve patient well-being? A mixed-method meta review of systematic reviews2020
Helen Jarvis
Professor Dawn Craig
Dr Robert Barker
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Daniel Stow
et al.
Metabolic risk factors and incident advanced liver disease in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A systematic review and meta-analysis of population based observational studies2020
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Fiona Matthews
Professor Suzanne Moffatt
Dr Robert Barker
Helen Jarvis
et al.
Does older adults’ use of social care influence their healthcare utilisation? A systematic review of international evidence2019
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Fiona Matthews
Professor Suzanne Moffatt
Dr Robert Barker
Helen Jarvis
et al.
Impact of social care supply on healthcare utilisation by older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis2019
Dr Daniel Stow
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Professor Fiona Matthews
Professor Barbara Hanratty
What is the evidence that people with frailty have needs for palliative care at the end of life? A systematic review and narrative synthesis2019
Dr Robert Barker
Professor Dawn Craig
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Patience Kunonga
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Who Should Deliver Primary Care in Long-term Care Facilities to Optimize Resident Outcomes? A Systematic Review2018