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Browsing publications by Dr Brian Ford.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
Ahmed Alshawi
Professor Fiona Oakley
Professor Dina Tiniakos
et al.
Compromised chronic efficacy of a glucokinase activator AZD1656 in mouse models for common human GCKR variants2024
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Brian Ford
Hepatic glucokinase regulatory protein and carbohydrate response element binding protein attenuation reduce de novo lipogenesis but do not mitigate intrahepatic triglyceride accumulation in Aldob deficiency2024
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
Katrina Rodgers
Tabassum Moonira
Dr Ziad Al-Oanzi
et al.
The GCKR-P446L gene variant predisposes to raised blood cholesterol and lower blood glucose in the P446L mouse-a model for GCKR rs12603262023
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
Ahmed Alshawi
Alfie Brennan
Dr Suzannah Harnor
et al.
Chronic glucokinase activator treatment activates liver Carbohydrate response element binding protein and improves hepatocyte ATP homeostasis during substrate challenge2020
Tabassum Moonira
Dr Shruti Chachra
Dr Brian Ford
Ahmed Alshawi
Dr Catherine Arden
et al.
Metformin lowers glucose 6-phosphate in hepatocytes by activation of glycolysis downstream of glucose phosphorylation2020
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Brian Ford
Dr Shruti Chachra
The metformin mechanism on gluconeogenesis and AMPK activation: The metabolite perspective2020
Professor Loranne Agius
Dr Shruti Chachra
Dr Brian Ford
The Protective Role of the Carbohydrate Response Element Binding Protein in the Liver: The Metabolite Perspective2020
Dr Brian Ford
Evolutionary Ecology of the Viruses of Microorganisms2018
Dr Brian Ford
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of two carrageenan-based formulations to prevent HPV acquisition2014
Dr Brian Ford
A Potent Combination Microbicide that Targets SHIV-RT, HSV-2 and HPV2014
Dr Brian Ford
Frequency and Fitness Consequences of Bacteriophage Phi 6 Host Range Mutations2014