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Browsing publications by Dr Daniel West.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Rachel Stocker
Alisha Gupta
Dr Guy Taylor
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
et al.
Adapting to compromised routines: Parental perspectives on physical activity and health for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in the UK during COVID-19 lockdown2024
Dr Kieran Smith
Dr Guy Taylor
Wouter Peeters
Professor Mark Walker
Dr Kelly Bowden Davies
et al.
Elevations in plasma glucagon are associated with reduced insulin clearance after ingestion of a mixed-macronutrient meal in people with and without type 2 diabetes2024
Alison McNeill
Dr Daniel West
High intensity interval training as a novel treatment for impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia in people with type 1 diabetes (HIT4HYPOS): a randomised parallel-group study2024
Dr Guy Taylor
Kieran Smith
Jadine Scragg
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
et al.
The metabolome as a diagnostic for maximal aerobic capacity during exercise in type 1 diabetes2024
Dr Daniel West
Dietary fat intake is associated with insulin resistance and an adverse vascular profile in patients with T1D: a pooled analysis2023
Oliver Bell
Dr Darren Flynn
Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
et al.
Identifying behavioural barriers and facilitators to engaging men in a community-based lifestyle intervention to improve physical and mental health and well-being2023
Dr Daniel West
Recommendations from Diabetes UK's 2022 diabetes and physical activity workshop2023
Dr Guy Taylor
Andy Shaw
Kieran Smith
Professor James Wason
Professor Emma Stevenson
et al.
Capturing the real-world benefit of residual β-cell function during clinically important time-periods in established Type 1 diabetes2022
Kirsten Ashley
Kieran Smith
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Daniel West
Dr Leah Avery
et al.
Identifying Behavioural Determinants to Uptake and Adherence to a Whey Protein Supplement for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: A Qualitative Interview Study2022
Tess Capper
Dr Mario Siervo
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Guy Taylor
Dr Wasim Iqbal
et al.
Pharmacokinetic Profile of Incremental Oral Doses of Dietary Nitrate in Young and Older Adults: A Crossover Randomized Clinical Trial2022
Dr Daniel West
The relative contribution of diurnal and nocturnal glucose exposures to HbA1c in type 1 diabetes males: a pooled analysis2022
Kieran Smith
Dr Guy Taylor
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Daniel West
et al.
Thrice daily consumption of a novel, premeal shot containing a low dose of whey protein increases time in euglycemia during 7 days of free-living in individuals with type 2 diabetes2022
Dr Guy Taylor
Andy Shaw
Kieran Smith
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
et al.
Type 1 diabetes patients with different residual beta-cell function but similar age, HBA1c, and cardiorespiratory fitness have differing exercise-induced angiogenic cell mobilisation2022
Dr Daniel West
Differences in Physiological Responses to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Adults With and Without Type 1 Diabetes: A Pooled Analysis2021
Dr Daniel West
Estimated glucose disposal rate as a candidate biomarker for thrombotic biomarkers in T1D: a pooled analysis2021
Dr Rachel Stocker
Professor James Shaw
Dr Guy Taylor
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Daniel West
et al.
EXercise to Prevent frailty and Loss Of independence in insulin treated older people with DiabetEs (EXPLODE): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT)2021
Kieran Smith
Dr Guy Taylor
Dr Dean Allerton
Dr Kelly Bowden Davies
Professor Emma Stevenson
et al.
The Postprandial Glycaemic and Hormonal Responses Following the Ingestion of a Novel, Ready-to-Drink Shot Containing a Low Dose of Whey Protein in Centrally Obese and Lean Adult Males: A Randomised Controlled Trial2021
Dr Guy Taylor
Andy Shaw
Kieran Smith
Tess Capper
Jadine Scragg
et al.
Type 1 diabetes patients increase CXCR4+ and CXCR7+ haematopoietic and endothelial progenitor cells with exercise, but the response is attenuated2021
Dr Dean Allerton
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Whey protein consumption following fasted exercise reduces early postprandial glycaemia in centrally obese males: a randomised controlled trial2021
Dr Daniel West
A randomised controlled study of high intensity exercise as a dishabituating stimulus to improve hypoglycaemia awareness in people with type 1 diabetes: a proof-of-concept study2020
Dr Guy Taylor
Kieran Smith
Andy Shaw
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor James Shaw
et al.
Bone turnover and metabolite responses to exercise in people with and without long-duration type 1 diabetes: a case-control study2020
Dr Guy Taylor
Kieran Smith
Tess Capper
Jadine Scragg
Dr Ayat Bashir
et al.
Postexercise Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Is Associated With Residual β-Cell Function2020
Kieran Smith
Dr Kelly Bowden Davies
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Daniel West
The Clinical Application of Mealtime Whey Protein for the Treatment of Postprandial Hyperglycaemia for People With Type 2 Diabetes: A Long Whey to Go2020
Tess Capper
Dr Dave Houghton
Professor Christopher Stewart
Dr Alasdair Blain
Dr Mario Siervo
et al.
Whole beetroot consumption reduces systolic blood pressure and modulates diversity and composition of the gut microbiota in older participants2020
Dr Dean Allerton
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
The effect of supplemental whey protein timing on postprandial glycaemia in centrally obese males2019
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Daniel West
A small dose of whey protein co-ingested with mixed-macronutrient breakfast and lunch meals improves postprandial glycemia and suppresses appetite in men with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial2018
Dr Daniel West
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids favourably modulate cardiometabolic biomarkers in type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials2018
Professor Mark Walker
Dr Daniel West
An additional bolus of rapid-acting insulin to normalise postprandial cardiovascular risk factors following a high-carbohydrate high-fat meal in patients with type 1 diabetes: A randomised controlled trial2017
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Antioxidant-rich beetroot juice does not adversely affect acute neuromuscular adaptation following eccentric exercise2017
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Beetroot juice is more beneficial than sodium nitrate for attenuating muscle pain after strenuous eccentric-bias exercise2017
Professor Christopher Stewart
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
et al.
Gut microbiota of Type 1 diabetes patients with good glycaemic control and high physical fitness is similar to people without diabetes: an observational study2017
Dr Daniel West
Heavy-resistance exercise-induced increases in jump performance are not explained by changes in neuromuscular function2017
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
The plasma bioavailability of nitrate and betanin from Beta Vulgaris Rubra in humans2017
Professor Mark Walker
Professor James Shaw
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Daniel West
Administering a small rapid-acting insulin bolus 3 h after eating a mixed macronutrient meal improves postprandial glucose control, without hypoglycaemia, in people with Type 1 diabetes2016
Dr Daniel West
Algorithm that delivers an individualized rapid-acting insulin dose after morning resistance exercise counters post-exercise hyperglycaemia in people with Type 1 diabetes2016
Professor Mark Walker
Dr Dean Allerton
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
et al.
Carbohydrate counting at meal time followed by a small secondary postprandial bolus injection at 3 hours prevents late hyperglycemia, without hypoglycemia, after a high-carbohydrate high-fat meal in Type 1 diabetes2016
Dr Dean Allerton
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Co-Ingestion of Whey Protein with a Carbohydrate-Rich Breakfast Does Not Affect Glycemia, Insulinemia or Subjective Appetite Following a Subsequent Meal in Healthy Males2016
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Consuming whey protein before or with breakfast improves postprandial glycaemia in obese men2016
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Effects of Beetroot Juice on Recovery of Muscle Function and Performance between Bouts of Repeated Sprint Exercise2016
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Physiological and performance effects of carbohydrate gels consumed prior to the extra-time period of prolonged simulated soccer match-play2016
Dr Daniel West
Post-warmup strategies to maintain body temperature and physical performance in professional rugby union players2016
Dr Melissa Fothergill
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
Practitioners' Perceptions of the Soccer Extra-Time Period: Implications for Future Research2016
Dr Daniel West
Similar magnitude of post-exercise hyperglycemia despite manipulating resistance exercise intensity in type 1 diabetes individuals2016
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
The effects of beetroot juice supplementation on indices of muscle damage following eccentric exercise2016
Dr Daniel West
The impact of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on recovery after intensive, muscle damaging, maximal speed training in professional team sports players2016
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Mike Trenell
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
A combined basal-bolus insulin dose reduction strategy for preventing exercise-induced hypoglycaemia does not cause hormonal, metabolic or inflammatory disturbances in Type 1 diabetes2015
Dr Daniel West
A passive heat maintenance strategy implemented during a simulated half-time improves lower body power output and repeated sprint ability in professional Rugby Union players2015
Professor Mark Walker
Professor James Shaw
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Daniel West
Comparison of appetite responses to high- and low-glycemic index postexercise meals under matched insulinemia and fiber in type 1 diabetes2015
Dr Daniel West
Half-time strategies to enhance second-half performance in team-sports players: a review and recommendations2015
Dr Daniel West
Impact of single and multiple sets of resistance exercise in type 1 diabetes2015
Dr Daniel West
Professor Mark Walker
Professor James Shaw
Dr Fahad Ahmed
Stephanie Wijaya
et al.
Inflammation and the acute endothelial progenitor cell response to submaximal running exercise in males with and without Type 1 diabetes2015
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
Insulin therapy and dietary adjustments to normalise glycaemia and prevent nocturnal hypoglycaemia after evening exercise in Type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial2015
Dr Daniel West
Simulated games activity vs continuous running exercise: a novel comparison of the glycemic and metabolic responses in T1DM patients2015
Professor Mark Walker
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
Subjective and hormonal appetite responses to high and low glycaemic index post-exercise meals, under matched insulinaemia and fibre in Type 1 diabetes2015
Dr Tom Clifford
Dr Daniel West
Professor Emma Stevenson
The potential benefits of red beetroot supplementation in health and disease2015
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Mike Trenell
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor James Shaw
Dr Daniel West
et al.
A Low-Glycemic Index Meal and Bedtime Snack Prevents Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Associated Rises in Inflammatory Markers, Providing Protection From Early but Not Late Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Following Evening Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes2014
Dr Daniel West
Professor Mike Trenell
Investigation of glycaemic control in elite and recreationally-active individuals with and without type 1 diabetes mellitus during multi-day ultra-distance exercise: 2014 mHealth grand tour2014
Professor Mark Walker
Professor Mike Trenell
Dr Daniel West
Metabolic Implications when Employing Heavy Pre- and Post-Exercise Rapid-Acting Insulin Reductions to Prevent Hypoglycaemia in Type 1 Diabetes Patients: A Randomised Clinical Trial2014
Dr Daniel West
Reductions in resistance exercise-induced hyperglycaemic episodes are associated with circulating interleukin-6 in Type 1 diabetes2014