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Browsing publications by Dr David Greenwood.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Matthew Deakin
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Janusz Bialek
Professor Sara Walker
et al.
Comparative analysis of services from soft open points using cost–benefit analysis2023
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Haris Patsios
Professor Sara Walker
Primary frequency response from hydrogen-based bidirectional vector coupling storage: modelling and demonstration using power-hardware-in-the-loop simulation2023
Dr Wojciech Mrozik
Professor Paul Christensen
Dr Simon Lambert
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Prodip Das
et al.
Roadmap for a sustainable circular economy in lithium-ion and future battery technologies2023
Dr Susan Scholes
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Professor Sara Walker
System stress with expanded use of interconnectors in the transition to net-zero2023
Dr Natalia Zografou-Barredo
Dr Meltem Peker Sarhan
Dr David Greenwood
The Shuffled Conic Power Flow Equations: An Improved Angle-Inclusive Conic Model2023
Dr Marcos Santos
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
A reliability-aware chance-constrained battery sizing method for island microgrid2022
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr Meltem Peker Sarhan
Dr Natalia Zografou-Barredo
Dr Matthew Deakin
Professor Haris Patsios
et al.
A Robust Mixed-Integer Convex Model for Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Energy Storage – Soft Open Point Devices2022
Dr Adib Allahham
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Haris Patsios
Adaptive Receding Horizon Control for Battery Energy Storage Management with age-and-operation-dependent Efficiency and Degradation2022
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Matthew Deakin
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr Hannah Bloomfield
Capacity Value of Interconnectors for Resource Adequacy Assessment in Multi-Region Systems2022
Dr Hannah Bloomfield
Dr Matthew Deakin
Dr David Greenwood
Hourly historical and near-future weather and climate variables for energy system modelling2022
Dr Matthew Deakin
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Janusz Bialek
Hybrid Open Points: an Efficient Tool for Increasing Network Capacity in Distribution Systems2022
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Mohamad Kassem
Object-centred automated compliance checking: a novel, bottom-up approach2022
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Chuan Cheng
Roadmap on Li-ion battery manufacturing research2022
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr Natalia Zografou-Barredo
Da Huo
Dr David Greenwood
A Reliability-Based Method to Quantify the Capacity Value of Soft Open Points in Distribution Networks2021
Dr Matthew Deakin
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Phil Taylor
Professor Sara Walker
Analysis of Network Impacts of Frequency Containment provided by Domestic-Scale Devices using Matrix Factorization2021
Da Huo
Dr David Greenwood
Chance-Constrained Optimization for Integrated Local EnergySystems Operation considering Correlated Wind Generation2021
Da Huo
Dr Marcos Santos
Jim McGrath
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
et al.
Flexibility Scheduling for Distribution Systems: A Case Study in Austria2021
Dr Matthew Deakin
Dr Hannah Bloomfield
Dr David Greenwood
Sarah Sheehy
Professor Sara Walker
et al.
Impacts of Heat Decarbonization on System Adequacy Considering Increased Meteorological Sensitivity2021
Da Huo
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
Local distribution network management through optimal flexibility scheduling: the Austrian pilot of the Horizon 2020 MERLON project2021
Tiong Teck Teo
Dr Thillainathan Logenthiran
Dr Wai Lok Woo
Dr Khalid Abidi
Dr Neal Wade
et al.
Optimization of Fuzzy Energy Management System for Grid-Connected Microgrid Using NSGA-II2021
Dr Marcos Santos
Da Huo
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
et al.
Reliability assessment of island multi-energy microgrids2021
Dr Marcos Santos
Da Huo
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
Very Short to Medium-term Demand and Generation Forecast: A Study Case in Austria2021
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
A Pragmatic Method for Assessing Security of Supply in Future Smart Distribution Networks2020
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Natalia Zografou-Barredo
Dr Vahid Vahidinasab
Professor Phil Taylor
et al.
A probabilistic method to quantify the capacity value of load transfer2020
Dr Matthew Deakin
Sarah Sheehy
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Sara Walker
Professor Phil Taylor
et al.
Calculations of System Adequacy Considering Heat Transition Pathways2020
Dr Timur Saifutdinov
Professor Haris Patsios
Professor Petr Vorobev
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Janusz Bialek
et al.
Degradation and Operation-Aware Framework for the Optimal Siting, Sizing and Technology Selection of Battery Storage2020
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Peter Davison
Professor Haris Patsios
Enhanced Understanding of Network Losses: Network Modelling and Initial Results2020
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Haris Patsios
Enhanced Understanding of Network Losses: WP3-5 Report2020
Dr Thomas John
Professor Haris Patsios
Dr David Greenwood
Non-local harmonic current and reactive power compensation for a multi-microgrid system using a series–shunt network device2020
Da Huo
Dr Marcos Santos
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Optimal Battery Sizing for a Distribution Network in Austria to Maximise Profits and Reliability2020
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Jialiang Yi
Dr Simon Blake
Professor Phil Taylor
et al.
A method to include component condition and substation reliability into distribution system reconfiguration2019
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Phil Taylor
Deadbands, Droop and Inertia Impact on Power System Frequency Distribution2019
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr Peter Davison
Professor Haris Patsios
Enhancing the Understanding of Distribution Network Losses2019
Dr Adib Allahham
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Haris Patsios
Incorporating Ageing Parameters into Optimal Energy Management of Distribution Connected Energy Storage2019
Dr Ilias Sarantakos
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Peter Davison
Professor Haris Patsios
Investigating the sensitivity of network loss estimation to data accuracy and fidelity issues2019
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
Forecasting and optimisation for multi-purpose application of energy storage systems to deliver grid services: case study of the smarter network storage project2018
Dr Timur Saifutdinov
Professor Haris Patsios
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Phil Taylor
Incorporating variable lifetime and self-discharge into optimal sizing and technology selection of energy storage systems2018
Dr David Greenwood
A novel approach to frequency support in a wind integrated power system2017
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Professor Phil Taylor
A Probabilistic Method combining Electrical Energy Storage and Real-Time Thermal Ratings to defer Network Reinforcement2017
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Grant Ingram
Professor Phil Taylor
Applying wind simulations for planning and operation of Real-Time Thermal Ratings2017
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Dr Peter Davison
Combining Energy Storage and Real-Time Thermal Ratings to Solve Distribution Network Problems: Benefits and Challenges2017
Dr Neal Wade
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Peter Davison
ESCoBox: A Set of Tools for Mini-Grid Sustainability in the Developing World2017
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Haris Patsios
Dr Padraig Lyons
Professor Phil Taylor
Frequency Response Services Designed for Energy Storage2017
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Professor Phil Taylor
A Forecasting, Optimization and Scheduling System for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Networks2016
Dr Peter Davison
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Data mining of remote monitored stand–alone Solar PV Systems for State of Health Estimation2016
Professor Phil Taylor
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Energy Storage Integration2016
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Peter Davison
Dr Neal Wade
Methods and Applications for Electricity Demand Disaggregation in Developing Countries2016
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Recent work contributed by Newcastle University for SDRC9.8 of the Smarter Network Storage Project2016
Dr Simon Blake
Dr Peter Davison
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Climate change risks in electricity networks2015
Dr David Greenwood
Dr Neal Wade
Professor Phil Taylor
Scheduling power and energy resources in the Smarter Network Storage project2015
Dr David Greenwood
Peter Davison
Dr Grant Ingram
A Comparison of Real-Time Thermal Rating Systems in the U.S. and the U.K.2014
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Phil Taylor
Unlocking the Benefits of Real-Time Thermal Ratings through Probabilistic Power Network Planning2014
Dr David Greenwood
Professor Phil Taylor
Network Planning Case Study Utilising Real-Time Thermal Ratings and Computational Fluid Dynamics2013