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Browsing publications by Dr Ilke Turkmendag.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Environment, epigenetics, and control of pregnant bodies
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Longevity for me, but not for thee? Longevity protocols and the ethics of healthy ageing.2023
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Exploitation and Control of Women’s Reproductive Bodies2022
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Ying-Qi Liaw
Maternal epigenetic responsibility: what can we learn from the pandemic?2022
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Blog: Epigenetics, Blaming Mothers, and the Law2021
Ying-Qi Liaw
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Reinterpreting “genetic identity” in the regulatory and ethical context of heritable genome editing2021
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Sins of ‘Women of Childbearing Age’2021
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Thinking the unthinkable: how did human germline genome editing become ethically acceptable?2021
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Body Shopping challenging convention in the donation and use of bodily materials through art practice,2020
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Genome editing: the dynamics of continuity, convergence and change in the engineering of life2020
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
What’s Law got to do with Good Science?2019
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
What's law got to do with human germline editing?2019
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Heritable genome editing ‘morally permissible’ but will require ‘international consensus’2018
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
It is just a 'battery': 'Right' to know in mitochondrial replacement2018
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
More than research intermediaries: a descriptive study of the impact and value of learned societies in the UK Social Sciences2017
Dr Kenneth Taylor
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Dr Matthias Wienroth
Emeritus Professor Simon Woods
PEALS and NLS Response to Call for Evidence held by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics on Genome editing2017
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Squeeze on academics poses threats to learned societies2017
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
The voice of silence: UK patients’ silent resistance to the assisted reproduction regulations2015
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Evaluation of Learned Societies Project 2014. May 2014, Academy of Social Sciences.2014
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Kinship: Born and Bred (But also Facilitated)? A Commentary on 'Donor Conception: Ethical Aspects of Information Sharing' (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, London 2013)2014
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
When sperm cannot travel: Experiences of UK would-be parents seeking treatment abroad2013
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Banchoff, T. Embryo Politics: Ethics and Policy in Atlantic Democracies. USA: Cornell University Press, 2011, £22.95 (hbk) viii+294pp, ISBN: 97808014495742012
Emerita Professor Erica Haimes
Dr Kenneth Taylor
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Eggs, ethics and exploitation? Investigating women's experiences of an egg sharing scheme2012
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Home and Away: The Turkish Ban on Donor Conception2012
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Review of ‘New Organs Within Us: Transplants and the Moral Economy (Experimental Futures)’. Sanal, A., Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 20112012
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
The Donor-conceived Child's `Right to Personal Identity': The Public Debate on Donor Anonymity in the United Kingdom2012
Emeritus Professor Simon Woods
Professor Jackie Leach Scully
Dr Pauline McCormack
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Response to report by Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Give and take? Human bodies in medicine and research: consultation summary.2010
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Book Review: John R. Spencer and Antje Du Bois-Pedain (eds), Freedom and Responsibility in Reproductive Choice2008
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
The Removal of Donor Anonymity in the United Kingdom: The Silencing of Claims by Would-be Parents2008