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Browsing publications by Professor Andrew Aplin.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Dr Tom Charlton
Professor Andrew Aplin
Assessment of the elastic response of shale using multiscale mechanical testing and homogenisation2020
Thomas Rexer
Eliza Mathia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Emeritus Professor Mark Thomas
Supercritical methane adsorption and storage in pores in shales and isolated kerogens2020
Majid Goodarzi
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Geomechanical characterisation of Posidonia shale using nanomechanical testing2019
Eliza Mathia
Emeritus Professor Mark Thomas
Professor Andrew Aplin
Influence of Clay, Calcareous Microfossils, and Organic Matter on the Nature and Diagenetic Evolution of Pore Systems in Mudstones2019
Joshua Obradors Prats
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Assessing the implications of tectonic compaction on pore pressure using a coupled geomechanical approach2017
Joshua Obradors Prats
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Hydro-mechanical modelling of stress, pore pressure and porosity evolution in fold-and-thrust belt systems2017
Ruarri Day-Stirrat
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Kuncho Kurtev
Late diagenesis of illite-smectite in the Podhale Basin, southern Poland: Chemistry, morphology, and preferred orientation2017
Majid Goodarzi
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Predicting the elastic response of organic-rich shale using nanoscale measurements and homogenisation methods2017
Majid Goodarzi
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Numerical evaluation of mean-field homogenisation methods for predicting shale elastic response2016
Joshua Obradors Prats
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Stress and pore pressure histories in complex tectonic settings predicted with coupled geomechanical-fluid flow models2016
Joshua Obradors Prats
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Stresses, Porosity and Overpressure Modelling in Tectonic Regimes2016
Joshua Obradors Prats
Professor Mohamed Rouainia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Assessing pore pressure in complex tectonic regimes: coupled 3D geomechanical-fluid flow models versus equivalent depth methods.2015
Frans Kets
Professor Andrew Aplin
Creeping behavior of thermally and chemically destabilized shale2014
Thomas Rexer
Professor Andrew Aplin
Emeritus Professor Mark Thomas
First international inter-laboratory comparison of high-pressure CH4, CO2 and C2H6 sorption isotherms on carbonaceous shales2014
Thomas Rexer
Eliza Mathia
Professor Andrew Aplin
Emeritus Professor Mark Thomas
High-Pressure Methane Adsorption and Characterization of Pores in Posidonia Shales and Isolated Kerogens2014
Professor Andrew Aplin
Eliza Mathia
FIB-SEM and TEM investigations of an organic-rich shale maturation series from the lower toarcian posidonia shale, Germany: Nanoscale pore system and fluid-rock interactions2013
Professor Andrew Aplin
Mercia Mudstone Formation caprock to carbon capture and storage sites: petrology and petrophysical characteristics2013
Thomas Rexer
Professor Andrew Aplin
Emeritus Professor Mark Thomas
Methane Adsorption on Shale under Simulated Geological Temperature and Pressure Conditions2013
Professor Andrew Aplin
Mineralogy of marine sediment systems: A geochemical framework2013
Joseph Harwood
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Claire Fialips
Quartz cementation history of sandstones revealed by high resolution SIMS oxygen isotope analysis2013
Seyedhamid Karimi
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Kuncho Kurtev
Seismic characterization of seal quality using volume attributes2013
Dr Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Adam Jarvis
Geochemical and stable isotopic constraints on the generation and passive treatment of acidic, Fe-SO4 rich waters2012
Dr Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Ben Horrocks
Dr Liadi Mudashiru
Occurrence and behaviour of dissolved, nano-particulate and micro-particulate iron in waste waters and treatment systems: new insights from electrochemical analysis2012
Professor Andrew Aplin
Single- and two-phase fluid flow properties of cataclastic fault rocks in porous sandstone2012
Ruarri Day-Stirrat
Professor Andrew Aplin
The fabric of consolidation in Gulf of Mexico mudstones2012
Professor Andrew Aplin
Experimental measurement of, and controls on, permeability and permeability anisotropy of caprocks from the CO2 storage project at the Krechba Field, Algeria2011
Professor Andrew Aplin
Mudstone diversity: Origin and implications for source, seal, and reservoir properties in petroleum systems2011
Dr Liadi Mudashiru
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Ben Horrocks
Voltammetric methods for the speciation of dissolved iron and determination of Fe-containing nanoparticles in mine-water discharge2011
Professor Andrew Aplin
A permeability-porosity relationship for mudstones2010
Professor Andrew Aplin
Diagenetic and sedimentary controls on porosity in Lower Carboniferous fine-grained lithologies, Krechba field, Algeria: A petrological study of a caprock to a carbon capture site2010
Ruarri Day-Stirrat
Professor Andrew Aplin
Fabric anisotropy induced by primary depositional variations in the silt: clay ratio in two fine-grained slope fan complexes: Texas Gulf Coast and northern North Sea2010
Ulf Boeker
Professor Andrew Aplin
Migration mechanisms and pathways in the Nile Delta fan2010
Ruarri Day-Stirrat
Professor Andrew Aplin
Open-system chemical behavior in deep Wilcox Group mudstones, Texas Gulf Coast, USA2010
Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Adam Jarvis
Performance of a passive treatment system for net-acidic coal mine drainage over five years of operation2010
Louise Duffy
Professor Andrew Aplin
Rock property analysis of Malay Basin mudrocks2010
Dr Romy Matthies
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Adam Jarvis
Tracking dominant Alkalinity Sources in a Passive Mine Water Treatment System with stable Carbon Isotopes2010
Michelle Morrison
Professor Andrew Aplin
Redox geochemistry in organic-rich sediments of a constructed wetland treating colliery spoil leachate2009
Ruarri Day-Stirrat
Professor Andrew Aplin
Diagenetic reorientation of phyllosilicate minerals in Paleogene mudstones of the Podhale Basin, southern Poland2008
Dr Liadi Mudashiru
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Aplin
Importance of colloidal iron in mine waters revealed by differential pulse voltammetry2008
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Daniel Fabian
Dr Michelle Morrison
Professor Paul Younger
Performance and key biogeochemical reactions in full-scale passive mine water treatment systems2008
Professor Andrew Aplin
Definition of a fault permeability predictor from outcrop studies of a faulted turbidite sequence, Taranaki, New Zealand2007
Dr Liadi Mudashiru
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Aplin
Emerging methods for insitu monitoring of iron speciation in polluted minewaters, NE, England2007
Dr Yuangen Yang
Professor Andrew Aplin
Permeability and petrophysical properties of 30 natural mudstones2007
Professor Andrew Aplin
Seal bypass systems2007
Dr Liadi Mudashiru
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Ben Horrocks
Towards Real-Time and Continuous Monitoring of Iron Speciation in Polluted Mine-waters, NE, UK2007
Professor Andrew Aplin
Influence of mechanical compaction and clay mineral diagenesis on the microfabric and pore-scale properties of deep-water Gulf of Mexico mudstones2006
Dr Liadi Mudashiru
Dr Ben Horrocks
Professor Andrew Aplin
Insitu Voltammetric Measurements of Iron Speciation in Polluted Mine-waters.2006
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Significance of seal risking in petroleum exploration2006
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Ian Head
Dr Barry Bennett
Professor Andrew Aplin
Biodegradation, gas destruction and methane generation in deep subsurface petroleum reservoirs2005
Kenneth Okiongbo
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Changes in type II kerogen density as a function of maturity: Evidence from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation2005
Dr Daniel Fabian
Professor Paul Younger
Professor Andrew Aplin
Constructed wetlands for the passive treatment of acid mine drainage allow a quantitative appraisal of the biogeochemical removal of iron, sulphur, and other pollutants2005
Lawrence Bowden
Professor Andrew Aplin
Patrick Orme
Mahmoud Moustafa
Professor Paul Younger
et al.
Construction of a novel permeable reactive barrier (PRB) at Shilbottle, Northumberland, U.K.: engineering design considerations and preliminary performance assessment2005
Professor Andrew Aplin
Fabric development and the smectite to illite transition in Upper Cretaceous mudstones from the North Sea: An image analysis approach2005
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Fluid Flow, Pore Pressure and Leakage in Mudstone Caprocks2005
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Fluid Flow, Pore Pressure, Wettability and Leakage in Mudstone Cap Rocks2005
Dr Daniel Fabian
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Paul Younger
Geochemical performance of a reducing and alkalinity-producing system (RAPS) for the passive treatment of acidic mine drainage at Bowden Close, United Kingdom2005
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Mathematical models of the distribution of geotracers during oil migration and accumulation2005
Dr Michelle Morrison
Professor Andrew Aplin
C-S-Fe geochemistry of an artificial wetland treating acidic colliery spoil leachate2004
Professor Andrew Aplin
Definition and practical application of mudstone porosity-effective stress relationships2004
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Gordon Love
Professor Stephen Larter
Isotopic constraints on the origin of BTEX, phenol and carboxylic acids in oilfield waters2004
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Quantitative assessment of mudstone lithology using geophysical wireline logs and artificial neural networks2004
Dr Gordon Love
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter

Determination of stable carbon (δ13C) isotope systematics for alkylphenols and light aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) in petroleum formation waters and co-produced oils

Michelle Morrison
Professor Andrew Aplin
C-S-Fe geochemistry of a wetland constructed to treat acidic mine waters2003
Professor Andrew Aplin
Fabric development and the smectite to illite transition in Gulf of Mexico mudstones: an image analysis approach2003
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Julian Moore
Dr Kuncho Kurtev
Katherine Bond
et al.
Fluid flow in fine-grained sediments: Ideas from the petroleum system2003
Professor Andrew Aplin
Influence of mechanical compaction and chemical diagenesis on the microfabric and fluid flow properties of Gulf of Mexico mudstones2003
Dr Barry Bennett
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Measurement of partition coefficients of phenol and cresols in gas-charged crude oil/water systems2003
Professor Paul Younger
Andrew Daugherty
Lawrence Bowden
Professor Andrew Aplin
Passive treatment of acidic mine waters in subsurface-flow systems: Exploring RAPS and permeable reactive barriers2003
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Ian Head
Professor Andrew Aplin
The controls on the composition of biodegraded oils in the deep subsurface - part 1: biodegradation rates in petroleum reservoirs2003
Professor Andrew Aplin
Dr Gordon Love
Dr Jason Dale
Dr Barry Bennett
Professor Stephen Larter
et al.
Alkylphenols and light aromatic hydrocarbons in oilfield waters are produced in source rocks, not from petroleum hydrolysis2002
Gregory Rock
Professor Andrew Aplin
Iron: Potential fuel of the deep biosphere?2002
Professor Paul Younger
Andrew Daugherty
Lawrence Bowden
Professor Andrew Aplin
Passive treatment of acidic mine waters in subsurface-flow systems: exploring RAPS and permeable reactive barriers2002
Professor Andrew Aplin
Role of colloids and fine particles in the transport of metals in rivers draining carbonate and silicate terrains2001
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Andrew Aplin
Bernard Bowler
A drain in my graben: an integrated study of the Heimdal area petroleum system2000
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Andrew Aplin
Biodegradation induced PVT changes in oil-rimmed gas accumulations2000
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Michael Bigge
Confocal microscopy of fluid inclusions reveals fluid-pressure histories of sediments and an unexpected origin of gas condensate2000
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Ian Head
Professor Andrew Aplin
Deep water exploration meets the largobiosphere: Biodegradation rates in petroleum reservoirs.2000
Michael Bigge
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Andrew Aplin
Integrated geochemical, PVT and modeling study of a Northern North Sea petroleum reservoir2000
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Integrated study of the Judy Field (Block 30/7a) - an overpressured Central North Sea oil/gas field2000
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Michael Bigge
PVTX history of the North Sea's Judy oilfield2000
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Combined use of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and PVT simulation for estimating the composition and physical properties of petroleum in fluid inclusions1999
Professor Andrew Aplin
Influence of clay fraction on pore-scale properties and hydraulic conductivity of experimentally compacted mudstones1999
Professor Andrew Aplin
Muds and mudstones: physical and fluid-flow properties1999
Professor Andrew Aplin
Permeability and fluid flow in natural mudstones1999
Professor Andrew Aplin
Compaction-driven evolution of porosity and permeability in natural mudstones: An experimental study1998
Michael Bigge
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy and its application to the evaluation to palaeo reservoir conditions using fluid inclusions1998
Professor Andrew Aplin
Influence of lithology and compaction on the pore size distribution and modelled permeability of some mudstones from the Norwegian margin1998
Professor Andrew Aplin
Some new developments for modelling the geological compaction of fine-grained sediments: introduction1998
Professor Andrew Aplin
A method for the disaggregation of mudstones1997
Dr Jason Dale
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Standard partial molal properties of aqueous alkylphenols at high pressures and temperatures1997
Dr Jason Dale
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Dr Barry Bennett
Controls on the distribution of alkylphenols and BTEX in oilfield waters1996
Professor Andrew Aplin
Assessment of beta, the compression coefficient of mudstones and its relationship with detailed lithology1995
Professor Andrew Aplin
Size fractionation of metals in rivers and estuaries1995
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
Characterization and quantification of DOM by analysis of Py-MS spectra using artificial neural networks1994
Dr Stuart Petch
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Andrew Aplin
Improved analysis of petroleum fluid inclusions: application to reservoir studies1994
Professor Stephen Larter
Dr Stuart Petch
Professor Andrew Aplin
Intrareservoir distributions of pyrrolic nitrogen compounds in a clastic petroleum reservoir1994
Professor Andrew Aplin
Oxygen isotopic indications of the mechanisms of silica transport and quartz cementation in deeply buried sandstones1994
Professor Andrew Aplin
What controls the sulfur content of kerogen1994
Professor Andrew Aplin
Professor Stephen Larter
What is the evidence for a role for organic sulfur in petroleum generation1994
Professor Andrew Aplin

Burial diagenisis and deep fluids: general discussion

Professor Andrew Aplin

Quantifying sedimentary geochemical processes: final discussion

Professor Andrew Aplin
C-S-Fe geochemistry of some modern and ancient anoxic marine muds and mudstones1993
Professor Andrew Aplin
Diagenesis of organic matter: General discussion1993
Dr Stuart Petch
Professor Stephen Larter
Professor Andrew Aplin
Investigations of the composition of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions1993
Professor Stephen Larter
Dr Martin Jones
Professor Andrew Aplin
Solution sorbtion sequestration partition problems with polar petroleum species1993