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Browsing publications by Professor Natalio Krasnogor.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Thomas Curtis
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Scaling-up Engineering Biology for Enhanced Environmental Solutions2024
Dr Yuchun Ding
Dr Gaurav Dhawan
Claire Jones
Esme Nichols
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
An open source pipeline for quantitative immunohistochemistry image analysis of inflammatory skin disease using artificial intelligence2023
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Silvia Navarro
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Co-transcriptionally folded RNA origami and DNA stack memory as potential interfaces able to operate in vivo2023
Daniel Todd
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Homebrew Photolithography for the Rapid and Low-Cost, "Do It Yourself" Prototyping of Microfluidic Devices2023
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Silvia Navarro
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Light-up split Broccoli aptamer as a versatile tool for RNA assembly monitoring in cell-free TX-TL system, hybrid RNA/DNA origami tagging and DNA biosensing2023
Dr Jichun Li
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Modified Noise-Immune Fuzzy Neural Network for Solving the Quadratic Programming With Equality Constraint Problem2023
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Jordan Connolly
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Silvia Navarro
Professor Jaume Bacardit
et al.
Reverse engineering DNA origami nanostructure designs from raw scaffold and staple sequence list2023
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Verifiable biology2023
Dr Silvia Navarro
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
INTEGRONS: natural DNA-based data structures2022
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Jordan Connolly
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Silvia Navarro
Professor Jaume Bacardit
et al.
Multi-Objective Sequence Selection for Scaffolded Origami Nanostructures2022
Dr Shouyong Jiang
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
OptDesign: Identifying Optimum Design Strategies in Strain Engineering for Biochemical Production2022
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Silvia Navarro
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Towards in vivo RNA origami self-assembly2022
Jonathan Tellechea Luzardo
Leanne Hobbs
Dr Lenka Pelechova
Emeritus Professor Simon Woods
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
Versioning biological cells for trustworthy cell engineering2022
Dr Annunziata Lopiccolo
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Harold Fellermann
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
A last-in first-out stack data structure implemented in DNA2021
Dr Birgit Koch
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Expression, Localization, and Protein Interactions of the Partitioning Proteins in the Gonococcal Type IV Secretion System2021
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
For the sake of the Bioeconomy: define what a Synthetic Biology Chassis is!2021
Dr Jordan Connolly
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Leanne Hobbs
Professor Jaume Bacardit
et al.
NAOMEE: Nucleic Acid Origami Minimal Exchange Format.2021
Jonathan Tellechea Luzardo
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Targetron-Assisted Delivery of Exogenous DNA Sequences into Pseudomonas putida through CRISPR-Aided Counterselection2021
Dr Harold Fellermann
Dr Bradley Brown
Professor Anil Wipat
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Toward Full-Stack In Silico Synthetic Biology: Integrating Model Specification, Simulation, Verification, and Biological Compilation2021
Dr Nadia Rostami
Dr Halah Ahmed
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Transcriptomic Responses to Coaggregation between Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus oralis2021
Dr Shouyong Jiang
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
A Scalable Test Suite for Continuous Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization2020
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
AREA: An adaptive reference-set based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimisation2020
Dr Maria Franco Gaviria
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Automatic Tuning of Rule-Based Evolutionary Machine Learning via Problem Structure Identification2020
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Co-transcriptional folding of a bio-orthogonal fluorescent scaffolded RNA origami2020
Dr Darin Zerti
Dr Birthe Hilgen
Majed Felemban
Dr Ali Ghareeb
Dr Min Yu
et al.
Developing a simple method to enhance the generation of cone and rod photoreceptors in pluripotent stem cell‐derived retinal organoids 2020
Dr Michael White
Dr Rashmi Maheshwari
Dr Scott Anderson
Dr Rolando Berlinguer Palmini
Claire Jones
et al.
In situ analysis reveals that CFTR is expressed in only a small minority of β-cells in normal adult human pancreas2020
Jonathan Tellechea Luzardo
Dr Charles Winterhalter
Dr Pawe? Widera
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
Linking Engineered Cells to Their Digital Twins: A Version Control System for Strain Engineering2020
Dr Shouyong Jiang
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
NIHBA: a network interdiction approach for metabolic engineering design2020
Dr Birgit Koch
Jonathan Tellechea Luzardo
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Protein interactions within and between two F-type type IV secretion systems2020
Sarah Armour
Dr Scott Anderson
Dr Yuchun Ding
Dr Christopher Carey
Dr Rashmi Maheshwari
et al.
Reduced expression of the co-regulator TLE1 in type 2 diabetes is associated with increased islet α-cell number2020
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Jordan Connolly
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
REVNANO: An Algorithm to Reverse Engineer Scaffolded DNA/RNA Origami Designs from Sequence Information Only2020
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Towards in vivo origami: bio-orthogonal scaffolded RNA nanoribbons self-assembled via co-transcriptional folding2020
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Towards in vivo origami: co-transcriptional folding of a bio-orthogonal scaffolded RNA nanoribbon2020
Majed Felemban
Dr Birthe Hilgen
Dr Darin Zerti
Dr Nicola Hunt
Dr Dean Hallam
et al.
Decellularised extracellular matrix-derived peptides from neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium enhance the expression of synaptic markers and light responsiveness of human pluripotent stem cell derived retinal organoids2019
Jonny Naylor
Dr Harold Fellermann
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Easybiotics: a GUI for 3D physical modelling of multi-species bacterial populations2019
Dr David Swan
Professor Chris Lamb
Dr Karin Engelhardt
Dr Rui Chen
Dr Yuchun Ding
et al.
Immunodeficiency, autoimmune thrombocytopenia and enterocolitis caused by autosomal recessive deficiency of PIK3CD-encoded phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ2019
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Professor Ulrich Stimming
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Switchable 2D/3D DNA origami nanodevices and light-up bio-orthogonal RNA nanoribbon2019
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Geok Yuan Annie Tan
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Transcriptional profiling of coaggregation interactions between Streptococcus gordonii and Veillonella parvula by Dual RNA-Seq2019
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Professor Ulrich Stimming
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Walk on the Origami Side: From Switchable DNA Nanodevices to Light-up Bio-orthogonal RNA Nanoribbon2019
Waleed Mohammed
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Streptococcus gordonii Challisin protease is required for sensing cell-cell contact with Actinomyces oris2018
Dr Shouyong Jiang
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
An Empirical Study of Dynamic Triobjective Optimisation Problems2018
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Automatic Selection of Verification Tools for Efficient Analysis of Biochemical Models2018
Dr Adriana Buskin
Dr Lili Zhu
Dr Valeria Chichagova
Dr David Dolan
Dr Joseph Collin
et al.
Disrupted alternative splicing for genes implicated in splicing and ciliogenesis causes PRPF31 retinitis pigmentosa2018
Majed Felemban
Dr Birthe Hilgen
Dr Nicola Hunt
Dr Dean Hallam
Dr Darin Zerti
et al.
Extracellular matrix components expression in human pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal organoids recapitulates retinogenesis in vivo and reveals an important role for IMPG1 and CD44 in the development of photoreceptors and interphotoreceptor matrix2018
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Dr Jingying Gu
Professor Ulrich Stimming
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
Isothermal folding of a light-up bio-orthogonal RNA origami nanoribbon2018
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Dr Jingying Gu
Professor Ulrich Stimming
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
Isothermal folding of a light-up bio-orthogonal RNA origami nanoribbon2018
Dr Shouyong Jiang
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Less detectable environmental changes in dynamic multiobjective optimisation2018
Jonny Naylor
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Dr Harold Fellermann
Population Dynamics of Autocatalytic Sets in a Compartmentalized Spatial World2018
Omer Markovitch
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Predicting species emergence in simulated complex pre-biotic networks2018
Dr Shouyong Jiang
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Strain design as multiobjective network interdiction problem: A preliminary approach2018
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Dr Harold Fellermann
The fittest, the common, and the dullest: Selection dynamics of exact autocatalytic replicators2018
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Geok Yuan Annie Tan
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Transcriptional Responses of Streptococcus gordonii and Fusobacterium nucleatum to Coaggregation2018
Dr Harold Fellermann
Daven Sanassy
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
An integrated in silico simulation and biomatter compilation approach to cellular computation2017
Dr Angel Goni-Moreno
Professor Anil Wipat
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
CSBB: Synthetic biology research at Newcastle University2017
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Alessandro Ceccarelli
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Annunziata Lopiccolo
Dr Jingying Gu
et al.
Designing uniquely addressable Bio-orthogonal Synthetic Scaffolds for DNA and RNA Origami2017
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
DNA origami as device at the nanoscale2017
Dr Jurek Kozyra
Dr Harold Fellermann
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Dr Annunziata Lopiccolo
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
Optimizing nucleic acid sequences for a molecular data recorder2017
Jonny Naylor
Dr Harold Fellermann
Dr Yuchun Ding
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Professor Catherine Biggs
et al.
Simbiotics: A Multiscale Integrative Platform for 3D Modeling of Bacterial Populations2017
Alessandro Ceccarelli
Dr Emanuela Torelli
Dr Annunziata Lopiccolo
Dr Harold Fellermann
Dr Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
et al.
Toward in vivo nanostructures: hybrid origami scaffolds on De Bruijn sequence2017
Dr Harold Fellermann
Nunzia Lopiccolo
Jurek Kozyra
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
In vitro implementation of a stack data structure based on DNA strand displacement2016
Nicola Lazzarini
Dr Pawe? Widera
Dr Stuart Williamson
Professor Rakesh Heer
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
et al.
Functional networks inference from machine learning models2016
Dr Birgit Koch
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Synthesis and cell-free cloning of DNA libraries using programmable microfluidics2016
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Algorithms and models for complex natural systems2015
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Complexity Measurement Based on Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity2015
Daven Sanassy
Dr Pawe? Widera
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Meta-Stochastic Simulation of Biochemical Models for Systems and Synthetic Biology2015
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Systems and Synthetic Biology Constructs using P Systems2015
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Blind optimisation problem instance classification via enhanced universal similarity metric2014
Dr Harold Fellermann
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Chemical Production and Molecular Computing in Addressable Reaction Compartments2014
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Conventional Verification for Unconventional Computing: a Genetic XOR Gate Example2014
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Executable biology for rapid model prototyping in synthetic biology: implications for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering2014
Dr Harold Fellermann
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Formalizing Modularization and Data Hiding in Synthetic Biology2014
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Dr Pawe? Widera
Dr Nicola Lazzarini
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Hard Data Analytics Problems Make for Better Data Analysis Algorithms: Bioinformatics as an Example2014
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Dr Pawe? Widera
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Heuristic for Maximizing DNA Reuse in Synthetic DNA Library Assembly2014
Dr Charles Winterhalter
Dr Pawe? Widera
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
JEPETTO: a Cytoscape plugin for gene set enrichment and topological analysis based on interaction networks2014
Dr Harold Fellermann
Daven Sanassy
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Modeling and Analysis of Genetic Boolean Gates using Infobiotics Workbench2014
Daven Sanassy
Dr Harold Fellermann
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Modelling and stochastic simulation of synthetic biological Boolean gates2014
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Photochromic molecular implementations of universal computation2014
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Bacteria clustering by polymers induces the expression of quorum-sensing-controlled phenotypes2013
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Exploring programmable self-assembly in non-DNA based molecular computing2013
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Professor Jaume Bacardit
GAssist vs. BioHEL: critical assessment of two paradigms of genetics-based machine learning2013
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Contact map prediction using a large-scale ensemble of rule sets and the fusion of multiple predicted structural features2012
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Using Rule-Based Machine Learning for Candidate Disease Gene Prioritization;Sample Classification of Cancer Gene Expression Data2012
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Automated probe microscopy via evolutionary optimization at the atomic scale2011
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Genome-wide network model capturing seed germination reveals coordinated regulation of plant cellular phase transitions2011
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Evolving cell models for systems and synthetic biology2010
Professor Jaume Bacardit
Professor Natalio Krasnogor
Automated Alphabet Reduction for Protein Datasets2009