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Browsing publications by Professor Andrea Whittle.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
A dramaturgical framework for strategy as practice2024
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Stefanie Reissner
Making knowledge claims from qualitative interviews: A typology of epistemological modes2024
Professor Chris Carter
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Richard Badham
Sam Clegg
Reconstituting the centrality of power in management and organization studies2024
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
The role of cunning misrepresentations in entrepreneurial impression management2024
Dr Kristina Humonen
Professor Andrea Whittle
"Just relax and ram it in": Dimensions of power in workplace sexual humour2023
Professor Darren Kelsey
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Artyom Golossenko
The (Army) Hero with a thousand faces: A Discourse-Mythological Approach to theorizing archetypal blending in contemporary advertising2023
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Accounting for the “harms” of social media firms: Dialogic accountability and discursive contestation in public hearings2023
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Susan Addison
Official truth, applied deconstruction and post-inquiry sensemaking in the Mull of Kintyre helicopter crash2023
Professor Andrea Whittle
The role of language in organizational sensemaking: an integrative theoretical framework and an agenda for future2023
Professor Andrea Whittle
Using Membership Categorisation Analysis to Study Identities in Talk and Text2023
Professor Andrea Whittle
Common Sense, New Sense or Non-Sense? A Critical Discursive Perspective on Power in Collective Sensemaking2022
Dr Stefanie Reissner
Professor Andrea Whittle
Interview-based research in management and organisation studies: making sense of the plurality of methodological practices and presentational styles2022
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Membership Categorisation Analysis: Developing Awareness of Categories and their Consequences2022
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Chris Carter
Authenticity and political leadership2021
Professor Andrea Whittle
Making sense of the rise and fall of Jeremy Corbyn: Towards an ambiguity-centred perspective on authentic leadership2021
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
The art of stage-craft: A dramaturgical perspective on strategic change2021
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Chris Carter
Making strategy critical? Part II: Strategy redux – Macro perspectives2020
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Membership Categorisation Analysis: Studying Identities in Talk and Text 'In Situ, In Vivo'2020
Professor Darren Kelsey
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Payday loans in the press: a discourse-mythological analysis of British newspaper coverage of the payday loan industry2020
Bella Reichard
Professor Mark Reed
Professor Andrea Whittle
Writing impact case studies: a comparative study of high-scoring and low-scoring case studies from REF20142020
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Harold Garfinkel and ethnomethodology2019
Professor Andrea Whittle
Lies, defeasibility and morality-in-action: The interactional architecture of false claims in sales, telemarketing and debt collection work2019
Professor Darren Kelsey
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Metaphor, morality and legitimacy: A critical discourse analysis of the media framing of the payday loan industry2019
Professor Andrea Whittle
Gyuzel Gadelshina
Professor Frank Mueller
The 'Corbyn Phenomenon': Media Representations of Authentic Leadership and the Discourse of Ethics Versus Effectiveness2019
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Gyuzel Gadelshina
The discursive construction of authenticity: The case of Jeremy Corbyn2019
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Allanah Johnston
Professor Andrea Whittle
Faculty Responses to Business School Branding: A Discursive Approach2018
Professor Andrea Whittle
Garfinkel on strategy: Using ethnomethodology to make sense of “rubbish strategy”2018
Professor Chris Carter
Professor Andrea Whittle
Making strategy critical?2018
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Darren Kelsey
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Majid Khosravinik
The Discourse of Financial Crisis and Austerity : critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines2017
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Accounting for the banking crisis: Repertoires of agency and structure2016
Professor Darren Kelsey
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Majid Khosravinik
Financial crisis and austerity: Interdisciplinary concerns in critical discourse studies2016
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Sensemaking, Sense-censoring and Strategic Inaction: The Discursive Enactment of Power and Politics in a Multinational Corporation2016
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Chris Carter
The ‘Big Four’ in the spotlight: Accountability and professional legitimacy in the UK audit market2016
Professor Darren Kelsey
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Dr Majid Khosravinik
The discourse of crisis and austerity: Critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines2016
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Chris Carter
Professor Andrea Whittle
Can Audit (Still) Be Trusted?2015
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Category predication work, discursive leadership and strategic sensemaking2015
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor John Wilson
Ethnomethodology and the production of history: Studying ‘history-in-action’2015
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
'Above the fray': Interests, discourse and legitimacy in the audit field2014
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Interest‐Talk as Access‐Talk: How Interests are Displayed, Made and Down‐played in Management Research2014
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Power, Politics and Organizational Communication: An Ethnomethodological Perspective2014
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Politics and Strategy Practice: An Ethnomethodologically-informed Discourse Analysis Perspective2013
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Bankers in the Dock: Moral Storytelling in Action2012
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Villains, Victims and the Financial Crisis: Positioning Identities through Descriptions2012
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Dialogue and distributed agency in institutional transmission2011
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
The Language of Interests: The Contribution of Discursive Psychology2011
Professor Frank Mueller
Professor Andrea Whittle
Translating Management Ideas: A Discursive Devices Analysis2011
Professor Andrea Whittle
Understanding Identity and Organisations2011
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Funnel of interests: The discursive translation of organizational change2010
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Strategy, enrolment and accounting: The politics of strategic ideas2010
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
'I could be dead for two weeks and my boss would never know': Telework and the politics of representation2009
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Storytelling and 'character': Victims, villains and heroes in a case of technological change2009
Professor Andrea Whittle
From flexibility to work-life balance: Exploring the changing discourses of management consultants2008
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
In search of subtlety: Discursive devices and rhetorical competence2008
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
Intra-preneurship and enrolment: Building networks of ideas2008
Professor Andrea Whittle
Is Actor Network Theory Critique?2008
Professor Andrea Whittle
The paradoxical repertoires of management consultancy2006
Professor Andrea Whittle
Preaching and practising 'flexibility': Implications for theories of subjectivity at work2005