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Browsing publications by Professor Neil Ross.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Stewart Jamieson
Professor Neil Ross
Extensive palaeo-surfaces beneath the Evans–Rutford region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet control modern and past ice flow2024
Professor Neil Ross
An ancient river landscape preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet2023
Professor Neil Ross
Antarctic Bedmap data: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuseable (FAIR) sharing of 60 years of ice bed, surface, and thickness data2023
Professor Bethan Davies
Professor Neil Ross
Antarctic extreme events2023
Emma Carr
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Neil Ross
Differing seasonal and interannual dynamics of Alison Glacier and Igdlugdlip Sermia Glacier, due to glacier-specific factors2023
Becky Sanderson
Dr Louise Callard
Professor Neil Ross
Englacial Architecture of Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica2023
Dr Devin Harrison
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Geophysical reconstruction of the late Holocene proximal proglacial landsystem at Skeiðarársandur, southeast Iceland2023
Becky Sanderson
Dr Louise Callard
Professor Neil Ross
Internal Layer Continuity Index returns and englacial reflectors from Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica2023
Dr Stephen Brough
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Neil Ross
Ocean-forcing and glacier-specific factors drive differing glacier response across the 69 N boundary, east Greenland.2023
Dr Will Smith
Professor Stuart Dunning
Professor Neil Ross
Dr Jon Telling
Revising supraglacial rock avalanche magnitudes and frequencies in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska2023
Professor Neil Ross
Antarctic basal environment shaped by high-pressure flow through a subglacial river system2022
Professor Neil Ross
Drainage and refill of an Antarctic Peninsula subglacial lake reveal an active subglacial hydrological network2022
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigations of a large-scale buried ice-marginal landsystem, Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland2022
Ethan Lee
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Henderson
Professor Andrew Russell
Palaeoglaciation in the low latitude, low elevation tropical Andes, northern Peru2022
Professor Neil Ross
Publisher Correction: Subglacial lakes and their changing role in a warming climate (Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, (2022), 10.1038/s43017-021-00246-9)2022
Becky Sanderson
Professor Neil Ross
Subglacial lakes and their changing role in a warming climate2022
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Neil Ross
Creag Aoil and the Lundy Channel, Spean Bridge2021
Professor Neil Ross
Geophysical evidence for deep-water ice proximal subaqueous sedimentation and up-valley, ice margin retreat, Glen Turret, Lochaber.2021
Professor Neil Ross
Re-discovering the British North Greenland Expedition 1952-542021
Professor Neil Ross
Automated detection and characterization of Antarctic basal units using radar sounding data: demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica2020
Professor Neil Ross
Basal melting over Subglacial Lake Ellsworth and its catchment: insights from englacial layering2020
Professor Neil Ross
Bed topography of Princess Elizabeth Land in East Antarctica2020
Professor Neil Ross
Englacial architecture and age-depth constraints across the West Antarctic Ice Sheet2020
Dr Will Smith
Professor Stuart Dunning
Dr Stephen Brough
Professor Neil Ross
Dr Jon Telling
et al.
GERALDINE (Google earth Engine supRaglAciaL Debris INput dEtector): A new tool for identifying and monitoring supraglacial debris inputs2020
Professor Neil Ross
Ice surface, ice base and lake bed elevation data from seismic data acquired over Subglacial Lake Ellsworth 2007-08 (Version 1.0) [Data set]2020
Professor Neil Ross
Large-scale englacial folding and deep-ice stratigraphy within the West Antarctic Ice Sheet2020
Dr Jake Collins-May
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Post-impact evolution of the southern Hale Crater ejecta, Mars2020
Professor Neil Ross
Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica2020
Professor Neil Ross
The glacial origins of relict 'pingos', Wales, UK 2020
Dr Devin Harrison
Professor Neil Ross
Brief Communication: Subglacial lake drainage beneath Isunguata Sermia, West Greenland: geomorphic and ice dynamic effects2019
Professor Neil Ross
Comparing numerical ice-sheet model output with radio-echo sounding measurements in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica2019
Dr Stephen Brough
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Neil Ross
Exceptional Retreat of Kangerlussuaq Glacier, East Greenland, Between 2016 and 20182019
Professor Neil Ross
Major ice-sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years2019
Dr Devin Harrison
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Andrew Russell
Professor Stuart Dunning
Post-jökulhlaup geomorphic evolution of the Gígjökull Basin, Iceland2019
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Stuart Dunning
Radar-detected englacial debris in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet2019
Professor Neil Ross
Subglacial geology and geomorphology of the Pensacola-Pole Basin, East Antarctica2019
Professor Neil Ross
Subglacial Lake Ellsworth,2007/08 shallow ice core for density measurements [Data set]2019
Professor Neil Ross
The role of lithospheric flexure in the landscape evolution of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica2019
Professor Neil Ross
A new bed elevation model for the Weddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet2018
Dr Stewart Jamieson
Professor Neil Ross
Bedrock erosion surfaces record former East Antarctic Ice Sheet extent2018
Professor Neil Ross
Evidence for the long-term sedimentary environment in an Antarctic subglacial lake2018
Professor Neil Ross
Hard rock landforms generate 130 km ice shelf channels through water focusing in basal corrugations 2018
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor Neil Ross
Ice front change of marine-terminating outlet glaciers in northwest and southeast Greenland during the 21st Century2018
Professor Neil Ross
Near-margin ice thickness and subglacial water routing, Leverett Glacier, Greenland2018
Professor Neil Ross
Topographic steering of enhanced ice flow at the bottleneck between East and West Antarctica2018
Professor Neil Ross
A deep subglacial embayment adjacent to the grounding line of Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica2017
Professor Neil Ross
Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) processed airborne radio-echo sounding data from the Institute and Moller ice streams, West Antarctica, 2010-112017
Professor Neil Ross
Uplift and tilting of the Shackleton Range in East Antarctica driven by glacial erosion and normal faulting2017
Professor Neil Ross
An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica2016
Professor Stuart Dunning
Professor Neil Ross
Assessing the continuity of the blue ice climate record at Patriot Hills, Horseshoe Valley, West Antarctica2016
Professor Neil Ross
Clean subglacial access: prospects for future deep hot-water drilling2016
Professor Neil Ross
Recent advances in understanding Antarctic subglacial lakes and hydrology2016
Professor Neil Ross
Subglacial controls on the flow of Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica2016
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Stuart Dunning
Airborne radar evidence for tributary flow switching in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica: implications for ice sheet configuration and dynamics2015
Professor Neil Ross
Ancient pre-glacial erosion surfaces preserved beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet2015
Professor Neil Ross
Antarctic ice rises and rumples: their properties and significance for ice-sheet dynamics and evolution2015
Professor Neil Ross
Ice-flow structure and ice-dynamic changes in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica from radar-imaged internal layering2015
Professor Neil Ross
A temperate former West Antarctic ice sheet suggested by an extensive zone of subglacial meltwater channels2014
Professor Neil Ross
An assessment of deep hot-water drilling as a means to undertake direct measurement and sampling of Antarctic subglacial lakes: experience and lessons learned from the Lake Ellsworth field season 2012-132014
Professor Neil Ross
Basal roughness of the Institute and Möller Ice Streams, West Antarctica: process determination and landscape interpretation2014
Professor Neil Ross
Boundary conditions of an active West Antarctic subglacial lake: implications for storage of water beneath the ice sheet2014
Professor Neil Ross
Erratum: Corrigendum to "Boundary conditions of an active West Antarctic subglacial lake: Implications for storage of water beneath the ice sheet" published in The Cryosphere, 8, 15-24, 20142014
Professor Neil Ross
Sensitivity of the Weddell Sea sector ice streams to sub-shelf melting and surface accumulation2014
Professor Neil Ross
The Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands: inception and retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet2014
Dr Stewart Jamieson
Professor Neil Ross
The glacial geomorphology of the Antarctic ice sheet bed2014
Professor Neil Ross
Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica2013
Professor Neil Ross
Evidence from ice shelves for channelized meltwater flow beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet2013
Professor Neil Ross
Frost Mounds: Active and Relict Forms2013
Professor Neil Ross
Inland extent of the Weddell Sea Rift imaged by new aerogeophysical data2013
Professor Neil Ross
Late Holocene ice-flow reconfiguration in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica2013
Professor Neil Ross
Clean access, measurement and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: A method for exploring deep Antarctic subglacial lake environment2012
Professor Neil Ross
Steep reverse bed slope at the grounding line of the Weddell Sea sector in West Antarctica2012
Professor Neil Ross
Ellsworth Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica: A review of its history and recent field campaigns2011
Professor Neil Ross
Holocene stability of the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, West Antarctica2011
Professor Neil Ross
Internal structure and geological context of ramparted depressions, Llanpumsaint, Wales2011
Professor Neil Ross
Lake Ellsworth2011
Professor Neil Ross
Probe technology for the direct measurement and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake2011
Professor Neil Ross
The "tipping" temperature within Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica and its implications for lake access2011
Professor Neil Ross
Professor Matt King
Location for direct access to subglacial Lake Ellsworth: An assessment of geophysical data and modeling2010
Professor Neil Ross
Permafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal, geomorphological and geotechnical responses2009
Professor Neil Ross
Internal structure of open system pingos, Adventdalen, Svalbard: The use of resistivity tomography to assess ground-ice conditions2007
Professor Neil Ross
Pingos and pingo scars2007
Professor Neil Ross
The internal structure and origins of late Devensian ramparted depressions, Llanio Fawr, Ceredigion2007
Professor Neil Ross
Ground penetrating radar investigations of open system pingos, Adventdalen, Svalbard2005