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Browsing publications by Dr Colin Muirhead.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Louise Hayes
Professor Timothy Cheetham
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Richard McNally
Type 1 diabetes in North East England and North Cumbria: patterns and time trends in 0-14-year-olds from 2012 to 20202023
Dr Louise Hayes
Nermine Basta
Dr Colin Muirhead
Paul Gibson
Professor Deborah Tweddle
et al.
Temporal clustering of neuroblastic tumours in children and young adults from Ontario, Canada2022
Fiona Beyer
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Eileen Kaner
The Cochrane 2018 Review on Brief Interventions in Primary Care for Hazardous and Harmful Alcohol Consumption: A Distillation for Clinicians and Policy Makers2019
Dr Michelle Addison
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr Frauke Becker
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Lisa Crowe
et al.
Alcohol screening and brief intervention in police Custody suites: Pilot cluster randomized controlled Trial (AcCePT)2018
Professor Eileen Kaner
Fiona Beyer
Dr Colin Muirhead
Behavior Change Techniques Used in Digital Behavior Change Interventions to Reduce Excessive Alcohol Consumption: A Meta-regression2018
Professor Eileen Kaner
Fiona Beyer
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Fiona Campbell
Effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary care populations2018
Professor Eileen Kaner
Fiona Beyer
Dr Colin Muirhead
Reported Theory Use by Digital Interventions for Hazardous and Harmful Alcohol Consumption, and Association With Effectiveness: Meta-Regression2018
Samuel Azubuike
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Louise Hayes
Dr Richard McNally
Rising global burden of breast cancer: the case of sub-Saharan Africa (with emphasis on Nigeria) and implications for regional development: a review2018
Dr Colin Muirhead
A restatement of the natural science evidence base concerning the health effects of low-level ionizing radiation2017
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Rachel Tyrrell
Professor Eileen Kaner
Does Industry-Driven Alcohol Marketing Influence Adolescent Drinking Behaviour? A Systematic Review2017
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Nick Reynolds
et al.
High prevalence of alcohol use disorders in patients with inflammatory skin diseases2017
Professor Eileen Kaner
Fiona Beyer
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Dr James Newham
et al.
Personalised digital interventions for reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in community-dwelling populations2017
Catherine McParlin
Dr Ruth Bell
Professor Steve Robson
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
What helps or hinders midwives to implement physical activity guidelines for obese pregnant women? A questionnaire survey using the Theoretical Domains Framework2017
Dr Colin Muirhead
Association between an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant dietary pattern and diabetes in British adults: Results from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme Years 1-42016
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Critical care admission trends and outcomes in individuals with bronchiectasis in the UK2016
Dr Philip Hampton
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Examining the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in patients with skin disease2016
Dr Carlos Echevarria
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr John Steer
Professor John Simpson
Dr Grant Gibson
et al.
Hot decaf: a rct comparing home treatment and inpatient care in copd exacerbations selected by low risk decaf score2016
James O'Hara
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Joanne Patterson
One-year swallowing outcomes following Transoral Laser Microsurgery +/- Adjuvant Therapy versus Primary Chemoradiotherapy for Advanced Stage Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma2016
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Timothy Cheetham
Dr Richard McNally
Re: Ambient air pollution and early manifestation of type 1 diabetes2016
Catherine McParlin
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Professor Steve Robson
Fiona Beyer
Eoin Moloney
et al.
Treatments for Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review2016
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Catherine McParlin
Professor Steve Robson
Fiona Beyer
Eoin Moloney
et al.
Treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: a systematic review and economic assessment2016
Dr Colin Muirhead
Using Bayes Factors for testing hypotheses about intervention effectiveness in addictions research2016
Jen Birch
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
et al.
A pilot feasibility trial of alcohol screening and brief intervention in the police custody setting (ACCEPT): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial2015
Catherine McParlin
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Professor Steve Robson
Fiona Beyer
Eoin Moloney
et al.
A systematic review of the clinical-effectiveness of interventions for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Admission trends and outcomes of individuals with bronchiectasis admitted to adult general critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Calculation of lifetime lung cancer risks associated with radon exposure, based on various models and exposure scenarios2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Emeritus Professor Oliver James
Samantha Ducker
Dr Richard McNally
Does primary biliary cirrhosis cluster in time?2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Examining the prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) in patients with skin disease, a cross-sectional study2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Response to 'Are the studies on cancer risk from CT scans biased by indication? Elements of answer from a large-scale cohort study in France'2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Deborah Tweddle
Nermine Basta
Dr Richard McNally
Temporal clustering of neuroblastic tumours in children and young adults from Northern England2015
James O'Hara
Benjamin Cosway
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Joanne Patterson
Transoral laser microsurgery +/- adjuvant therapy versus chemoradiotherapy for stage III and IVA oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: Preliminary comparison of early swallowing outcomes2015
Dr Colin Muirhead
Re: Occupation and thyroid cancer2014
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Deborah Tweddle
Dr Richard McNally
Temporal Clustering of Neuroblastoma in Children and Young People from Northern England2014
Dr Colin Muirhead
Childhood leukaemia near nuclear power plants2013
Dr Colin Muirhead
Comments on "Background stratified Poisson regression analysis of cohort data" by Richardson and Langholz, Radiat Environ Biophys 51(1): 15-222013
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Timothy Cheetham
Dr Simon Court
Dr Richard McNally
How do childhood diagnoses of type 1 diabetes cluster in time?2013
Dr Colin Muirhead
Joint analysis of three European nested case-control studies of lung cancer among radon exposed miners: exposure restricted to below 300 WLM2013
Dr Colin Muirhead
Development of a decision framework for establishing a health register following a major incident2012
Dr Colin Muirhead
ICRP PUBLICATION 118: ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions and Early and Late Effects of Radiation in Normal Tissues and Organs - Threshold Doses for Tissue Reactions in a Radiation Protection Context2012
Dr Colin Muirhead
Ionising radiation and occupational cancer in Britain.2012
Dr Colin Muirhead
Ischemic heart disease in nuclear workers first employed at the Mayak PA in 1948-19722012
Dr Colin Muirhead
Region of treatment in radiotherapy and second malignancies in breast cancer patients.2012
Dr Colin Muirhead
Risk of cerebrovascular disease incidence in the cohort of Mayak production association workers first employed during 1948-1958 [Article in Russian]2012
Dr Colin Muirhead
Cerebrovascular diseases in nuclear workers first employed at the Mayak PA in 1948-19722011
Dr Colin Muirhead
Risks from ionising radiation: an HPA viewpoint paper for Safegrounds2011
Dr Colin Muirhead
Second malignancies in breast cancer patients following radiotherapy: a study in Florence, Italy2011
Dr Colin Muirhead
Two error components model for measurement error: application to radon in homes2011
Dr Colin Muirhead
Cardiovascular diseases in the cohort of workers first employed at Mayak PA in 1948-19582010
Dr Colin Muirhead
Cerebrovascular diseases in the cohort of workers first employed at Mayak PA in 1948-19582010
Dr Colin Muirhead
Cancer in the offspring of female radiation workers: a record linkage study2009
Dr Colin Muirhead
Mortality and cancer incidence following occupational radiation exposure: third analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers2009
Dr Colin Muirhead
Radiation cataractogenesis: a review of recent studies.2009
Dr Colin Muirhead
Review of relative biological effectiveness dependence on linear energy transfer for low-LET radiations2009
Dr Colin Muirhead
Uncertainties in radon related to house-specific factors and proximity to geological boundaries in England.2009
Dr Colin Muirhead
Exposure assessment: implications for epidemiological studies of ionizing radiation.2008
Dr Colin Muirhead
Ionizing radiation and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the 15-country study of nuclear industry workers2008
Dr Colin Muirhead
New models for evaluation of radiation-induced lifetime cancer risk and its uncertainty employed in the UNSCEAR 2006 report2008
Dr Colin Muirhead
Studies of occupational radiation exposure and health: experience from the UK National Registry for Radiation Workers2008
Dr Colin Muirhead
The "Clinic" medical-dosimetric database of Mayak production association workers: structure, characteristics and prospects of utilization2008
Dr Colin Muirhead
Mortality from diseases other than cancer following low doses of ionizing radiation: results from the 15-Country Study of nuclear industry workers2007
Dr Colin Muirhead
The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk Among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: design, epidemiological methods and descriptive results.2007
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Mark Pearce
The 15-country collaborative study of cancer risk among radiation workers in the nuclear industry: Estimates of radiation-related cancer risks2007
Dr Colin Muirhead
Methods for detecting disease clustering, with consideration of childhood leukaemia.2006
Dr Colin Muirhead
Possible selection effects for radiation risk estimates in Japanese A-bomb survivors: reanalysis of acute radiation symptoms data2006
Dr Colin Muirhead
Residential radon and lung cancer--detailed results of a collaborative analysis of individual data on 7148 persons with lung cancer and 14,208 persons without lung cancer from 13 epidemiologic studies in Europe2006
Dr Colin Muirhead
What are the risks from medical X-rays and other low dose radiation?2006
Dr Colin Muirhead
Age-at-exposure effects on risk estimates for non-cancer mortality in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.2005
Dr Colin Muirhead
Radon in homes and risk of lung cancer: collaborative analysis of individual data from 13 European case-control studies2005
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Mark Pearce
Risk of cancer following low doses of ionising radiation: retrospective cohort study in 15 countries2005
Dr Colin Muirhead
Absence of evidence for threshold departures from linear-quadratic curvature in the Japanese A-bomb cancer incidence and mortality data2004
Dr Colin Muirhead
Derivation of low-dose extrapolation factors from analysis of curvature in the cancer incidence dose response in Japanese A-bomb survivors2004
Dr Colin Muirhead
Epidemiological studies of UK test veterans: I. General description2004
Dr Colin Muirhead
Epidemiological studies of UK test veterans: II. Mortality and cancer incidence2004
Dr Colin Muirhead
Fitting the two-stage model of carcinogenesis to nested case-control data on the Colorado Plateau uranium miners: dependence on data assumptions2004
Dr Colin Muirhead
Cancer in the offspring of radiation workers: an investigation of employment timing and a reanalysis using updated dose information2003
Dr Colin Muirhead
Follow up of mortality and incidence of cancer 1952-98 in men from the UK who participated in the UK's atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and experimental programmes2003
Dr Colin Muirhead
Quantitative comparisons of cancer induction in humans by internally deposited radionuclides and external radiation2003
Dr Colin Muirhead
Studies on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors, and their use in estimating radiation risks2003
Dr Colin Muirhead
Modelling lung tumour risk in radon-exposed uranium miners using generalizations of the two-mutation model of Moolgavkar, Venzon and Knudson2002
Dr Colin Muirhead
Cancer after nuclear incidents2001
Dr Colin Muirhead
Derivation of low-dose extrapolation factors from analysis of curvature in the cancer incidence dose response in Japanese atomic bomb survivors2000
Dr Colin Muirhead
A comparison of some simple methods to identify geographical areas with excess incidence of a rare disease such as childhood leukaemia.1999
Dr Colin Muirhead
Describing time and age variations in the risk of radiation-induced solid tumour incidence in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors using generalized relative and absolute risk models.1999
Dr Colin Muirhead
Jane Thomas
Occupational radiation exposure and mortality: second analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers.1999
Dr Colin Muirhead
An Investigation in the United Kingdom of the Risks of Occupational Exposure to Radiation1993