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Browsing publications by Dr James Newham.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr Paul Bogowicz
Dr Nick Meader
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Hayley Alderson
et al.
The association between maternal and paternal substance use and child substance use, internalizing and externalizing problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis2023
Dr James Newham
Professor Judith Rankin
Systematic review and meta-analysis of risk of gestational diabetes in women with preconception mental disorders2022
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr James Newham
Dr Michelle Addison
Professor Eileen Kaner
The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions at reducing the frequency of alcohol and drug use in parents: findings of a Cochrane Review and meta-analyses2022
Liam Spencer
Dr Darren Flynn
Dr Gregory Maniatopoulos
Dr James Newham
The implementation of whole-school approaches to transform mental health in UK schools: A realist evaluation protocol2022
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr James Newham
Dr Michelle Addison
Professor Eileen Kaner
Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for reducing parental substance misuse2021
Dr Louise Hayes
Catherine McParlin
Dr James Newham
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
The effectiveness of smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, diet and physical activity interventions in improving maternal and infant health outcomes: A systematic review of meta-analyses2021
Dr Louise Hayes
Dr James Newham
Encouraging physical activity during and after pregnancy in the COVID-19 era, and beyond2020
Dr Katherine Jackson
Debbie Smart
Dr James Newham
Professor Ruth McGovern
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
Exploring care from extended family through rural women's accounts of perinatal mental illness – a qualitative study with implications for policy and practice2020
Dr Samuel Ginja
Dr Katherine Jackson
Dr James Newham
Gladys -
Debbie Smart
et al.
Rural-urban differences in the mental health of perinatal women: a UK-based cross-sectional study2020
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
Dr Louise Hayes
Dr James Newham
Catherine McParlin
The effectiveness of smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, diet and physical activity interventions in changing behaviours during pregnancy: A systematic review of systematic reviews2020
Dr Siân Russell
Liam Spencer
Dr James Newham
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr Emily Henderson
et al.
Complicated Lives and Burdened Services: Young People's Mental Health Services in the North East of England2017
Dr James Newham
Dr Justin Presseau
Dr Siân Russell
Dr Dapo Ogunbayo
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Features of self-management interventions for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with improved health-related quality of life and reduced emergency department visits: a systematic review of reviews with meta-analysis2017
Dr James Newham
If gender matters in maternity care, does it matter in maternity care research?2017
Professor Eileen Kaner
Fiona Beyer
Dr Colin Muirhead
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Dr James Newham
et al.
Personalised digital interventions for reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in community-dwelling populations2017
Dr Dapo Ogunbayo
Dr Siân Russell
Dr James Newham
Dr Karen Marshall
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
Understanding the factors affecting self-management of COPD from the perspectives of healthcare practitioners2017
Dr James Newham
Louisa Jane Ells
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
Effectiveness of weight management, smoking cessation and alcohol reduction interventions in changing behaviors during pregnancy: an umbrella review protocol2016
Dr James Newham
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Justin Presseau
Effectivness of self-management interventions in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A meta-analysis2016
Aodhan Hickey
Dr James Newham
Dominika Kwasnicka
Dr Suzanne McDonald
Dr Silvia Del Din
et al.
Estimating cut points: a simple method for new wearables2016
Dr James Newham
Global maternal mental health: where you live matters2016
Dr James Newham
Carly Allan
Dr Debbie Carrick-Sen
Intentions Toward Physical Activity and Resting Behavior in Pregnant Women: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior Framework in a Cross‐Sectional Study2016
Dr James Newham
Dr Raghu Lingam
Professor Ruth McGovern
Liam Spencer
Shannon Robalino
et al.
Primary and secondary preventative interventions to promote mental health and resilience in young people aged 12-19 years: a systematic review of systematic reviews (protocol)2016
Dr James Newham
Dr Ryc Aquino
Supporting early family life: the importance of public health programmes2016
Dr Anna Haste
Dr James Newham
Dr Ruth Bell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Systematic Review and meta-analysis of internet-delivered interventions providing personalised feedback for weight loss in overweight and obese adults2016
Dr Justin Presseau
Dr James Newham
Professor Jeremy Grimshaw
Which behaviour change techniques are reported in trials of interventions to improve diabetes healthcare?2016
Dr James Newham
Dr Justin Presseau
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Differential responses to interventions targeting physical activity compared to sedentary time: a randomized n-of-1 design2015
Dr James Newham
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Professor John Mathers
Features of physical activity interventions associated with effectiveness in musculoskeletal disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis2015
Eoin Moloney
Dr James Newham
How we can manage the ‘cost’of perinatal mental health before it’s too late2015
Dr Justin Presseau
Dr James Newham
Dr Keegan Knittle
Professor Jeremy Grimshaw
Using a behaviour change techniques taxonomy to identify active ingredients within trials of implementation interventions for diabetes care2015
Dr James Newham
Complementary therapies in pregnancy: a means to reduce ill health and improve well-being?2014
Dr James Newham
Effects of antnatal yoga on maternal anxiety and depression: a randomized controlled trial2014
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
Dr James Newham
Dr Gregory Maniatopoulos
Shannon Robalino
Professor Judith Rankin
et al.
Implementation of pregnancy weight management and obesity guidelines: a meta-analysis of healthcare professionals' barriers and facilitators using the Theoretical Domains Framework.2014
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
Dr James Newham
Dr Gregory Maniatopoulos
Shannon Robalino
Professor Judith Rankin
et al.
Implementation of pregnancy weight management and obesity guidelines: a meta-synthesis of healthcare professionals’ barriers and facilitators using the Theoretical Domains Framework.2014
Dr James Newham
Carly Allan
Dr Debbie Carrick-Sen
Divergent intentions towards physical activity and sedentary behaviour during pregnancy2013
Dr James Newham
Dr Svetlana Glinianaia
Peter Tennant
Professor Judith Rankin
Dr Ruth Bell
et al.
Improved antenatal detection of congenital anomalies in women with pre-gestational diabetes: population-based cohort study2013
Dr James Newham
Measuring fluctuations in maternal well-being and mood across pregnancy2013
Dr James Newham
Measuring psychological health in the perinatal period: workshop consensus statement, 19 March 20132013
Anna Sherrington
Dr James Newham
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Systematic review of internet-based interventions providing individualised feedback for weight loss in overweight adults2013
Dr James Newham
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scores during pregnancy following intervention with complementary therapies2012
Peter Tennant
Dr James Newham
Dr Ruth Bell
Professor Judith Rankin
Studies of congenital anomalies should capture all cases, not just live births2011
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr James Newham
Professor Allan Young
Emeritus Professor Nicol Ferrier
Dr Paul Mackin
et al.
Antiglucocorticoid treatments for mood disorders2008
Dr James Newham
Professor Simon Thomas
Dr Karine Macritchie
Dr Patricia McElhatton
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
et al.
Birth weight of infants after maternal exposure to typical and atypical antipsychotics: Prospective comparison study2008
Professor Allan Young
Dr James Newham
Lithium in maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder2006
Professor Allan Young
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr James Newham
Dr Stephen Tyrer
Managing the aftermath of mania - Newcastle, 2 September 2005: Consensus Meeting Statement2006