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Browsing publications by Dr Jim Macfarlane.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
Jonathan Scott
Professor John Simpson
Src kinase inhibition with dasatinib impairs neutrophil function and clearance of Escherichia coli infection in a murine model of acute lung injury2020
Dr Emma Pinder
Dr Anthony Rostron
Dr Tom Hellyer
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
Jonathan Scott
et al.
Randomised controlled trial of GM-CSF in critically ill patients with impaired neutrophil phagocytosis2018
Jonathan Scott
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Tom Hellyer
Dr Anthony Rostron
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
et al.
Exchange protein directly activated by cyclic AMP (EPAC) activation reverses neutrophil dysfunction induced by beta(2)-agonists, corticosteroids, and critical illness2016
Dr Emma Pinder
Dr Anthony Rostron
Gladys -
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
Jonathan Scott
et al.
Randomised Controlled Trial Of Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor In Critically Ill Patients With Impaired Neutrophil Function2016
Dr Tom Hellyer
Dr Simon Baudouin
Dr Stephen Wright
Melinda Jeffels
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
et al.
Diagnostic accuracy of pulmonary host inflammatory mediators in the exclusion of ventilator-acquired pneumonia2015
Dr Hannah Jary
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Katy Hester
Therese Small
Dr John Perry
et al.
Non cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: A longitudinal retrospective observational cohort study of Pseudomonas persistence and resistance2015
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Trainee concerns regarding the Specialty Certificate Examination: results of a British Thoracic Society national survey: MRCP (UK) response2014
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
Dr Katy Hester
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Professor John Simpson
Professor Anthony De Soyza
et al.
Effect of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor on neutrophil function in idiopathic bronchiectasis2013
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Marie-Helene Ruchaud
Jonathan Scott
Dr David Bulmer
Dr Anjam Khan
et al.
Src Kinase Inhibition Attenuates Neutrophil Degranulation Without Impairing Bacterial Killing: A Possible Therapeutic Strategy for Acute Lung Injury?2013
Dr Katy Hester
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Hannah Jary
Therese Small
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
et al.
Fatigue in bronchiectasis2012
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Hannah Jary
Dr Katy Hester
Dr Gavin Spickett
Professor Anthony De Soyza
et al.
Low serum mannose-binding lectin level is not associated with disease severity in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis2012
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Earlier onset of fatigue in bronchiectasis as compared with COPD2010
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Therese Small
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Fatigue in bronchiectasis: Its relationship to pseudomonas colonisation, dyspnoea and airflow obstruction2010
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Professor Anthony De Soyza
Longitudinal study of sputum microbiology in adult non-CF bronchiectasis2010
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Antibiotics for exacerbations of non CF bronchiectasis: when, why and what do respiratory physicians prescribe and for how long?2009
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Local guidelines for management of adult community acquired pneumonia: a survey of UK hospitals2009
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Professor Anthony De Soyza
What you need to know about bronchiectasis2009
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Doctors’ attitude towards current smokers with COPD and its impact on delivering smoking cessation advice2008
Dr Jim Macfarlane
What investigations and treatments are performed by general practitioners before referral to a respiratory physician?2008
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Pneumonia: a guide to diagnosis and management2007
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Dr Veenu Gupta
Intercostal chest drain insertion - assessing trainees' experience and confidence at seven UK hospitals2004
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Stochastic processes in the causation of rheumatic disease2002
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Stroke management in remote and rural primary care in Scotland: are national guidelines apropriate? A questionnaire and observtional study2002
Dr Jim Macfarlane
Scleroderma in South Australia: epidemiological observations of possible pathological significance2001