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Browsing publications by Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Kinder Justice: Communicating Legitimacy to Children in the Sentencing Courts2024
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Child First in the Criminal Courts2023
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Future-Proofing Children's Rights Protections for Young Foreign National Offenders: Blurring the Bright Lines2022
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Genera-relational Justice in the Covid Recovery Period: Children in the Criminal Justice System2021
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Protecting Vulnerable Child Defendants in England and Wales: A House of Cards2021
Ying-Qi Liaw
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Reinterpreting “genetic identity” in the regulatory and ethical context of heritable genome editing2021
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
"This case is about you and your future": Towards Judgments for Children2020
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Children and Juvenile Justice Law: The Possibilities of a Relational-Rights Approach2020
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
”This is a story about you and your future”: Towards Judgements for Children2018
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Judging Parental Child Abduction: What does it mean to adopt a children's rights approach?2018
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Towards a Children’s Rights Based Approach to Judging Child’ Objections Cases’2018
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Towards a Children’s Rights Judgment: Five Factors that Judges Might Wish to Consider2018
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Sharon Gilmore
Introducing Children's Rights Judgments2017
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Judging Children's Rights: Tendencies, Tensions, Constraints and Opportunities2017
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
R v JTB: Commentary2017
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Rewriting Children's Rights Judgments: From Academic Vision to New Practice2017
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Towards Children's Rights Judgments2017
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
The Utility and Futility of International Rights Standards for Children in Conflict with the Law: The Case of England2016
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Judging Children's Rights and the Benefits Cap: R (SG and others) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions2015
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Assuming Responsibilty for Incarcerated Children: A Rights Case for Care-Based Homes2014
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Bright lines and best interests: children, age and rights in police detention: R (HC) v Secretary of State for the Home Department2014
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Re-imagining Justice for Children: A new Rights-based Approach to Youth Justice2014
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Children and the Criminal Law2013
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Securing responsibility, achieving parity? The legal support for children leaving custody2013
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Theorising Children's Rights in Youth Justice: The Significance of Autonomy and Foundational Rights2013
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Youth justice reform in the 'big society'2012
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Breaking the Cycle: Future Reform of the Youth Justice System in England and Wales2011
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Children's Rights and the Developing Law by Jane Fortin and Children's Rights in Scotland edited by Elaine E. Sutherland and Alison Cleland2010
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Accommodating Children in Need: R (M) v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council2008
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Protecting Rights at the Margins of Youth Justice in England and Wales: Intensive Fostering, Custody and Leaving Custody2008
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Judicial Approaches to Children's Rights in Youth Crime2007
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Protecting the rights of children leaving custody: R (on the application of K) v Parole Board and R (on the application of K) v Manchester City Council2007
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
'Responsibility and Rights: Children and their Parents in the Youth Justice System’2007
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
R (on the Application of W) v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis; the London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames – interpreting child curfews: a question of rights?2006
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction2005
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Speaking Loudly and Carrying a Small Stick? The New Zealand Commissioner for Children2004
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Creating a children’s champion for Wales? The Care Standards Act 2000 (Part V) and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales Act 20012002
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Regional Committees of the National Assembly for Wales –finding a role?2002
Professor Kathryn Hollingsworth
Environmental Monitoring of Government: The Case for an Environmental Auditor2000