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Browsing publications by Dr Steph Scott.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Mark Adley
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Dr Steph Scott
How LGBTQ + adults’ experiences of multiple disadvantage impact upon their health and social care service pathways in the UK & Ireland: a scoping review2025
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Clare Bambra
Stigma and the Inverse Care Law: Why are marginalised people still underserved by good quality healthcare services?2025
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Vic McGowan
Dr Josephine Wildman
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr Sarah Sowden
et al.
"I’ll meet you at our bench": adaptation, innovation and resilience among VCSE organisations who supported marginalised and minoritised communities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Northern England – a qualitative focus group study2024
Dr Naomi Griffin
Dr Steph Scott
Pip Kyle
‘It depends on where you were born…here in the North East, there’s not really many job opportunities compared to in the South’: young people’s perspectives on a North-South health divide and its drivers in England, UK2024
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Ruth McGovern
A national evaluation of Project Cautioning And Relationship Abuse (‘CARA’) awareness raising workshops for first time offenders of domestic violence and abuse: protocol for a concurrent mixed-methods evaluation design2024
Zoe Bell
Dr Gina Nguyen
Dr Steph Scott
Letitia Sermin-Reed
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
et al.
Associations between food insecurity in high-income countries and pregnancy outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis2024
Dr Gina Nguyen
Zoe Bell
Dr Steph Scott
Letitia Sermin-Reed
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
et al.
Food insecurity during pregnancy in high-income countries, and maternal weight and diet: A systematic review and meta-analysis2024
Joanne Smith
Dr Grant McGeechan
Amy Lake
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Emma Giles
et al.
Food insecurity in adults with severe mental illness living in Northern England: A co-produced cross-sectional study2024
Dr Steph Scott
Food insecurity in adults with severe mental illness living in Northern England: Peer research interview findings2024
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Rachele Salvatelli
Hannah Davies
Professor Clare Bambra
Navigating the Long Haul: Understanding Long Covid in Northern England2024
Dr Steph Scott
The impact of COVID-19 on young people’s mental health, wellbeing and routine from a European perspective: A co-produced qualitative systematic review2024
Dr Naomi Griffin
Pip Kyle
Dr Steph Scott
Young people's experiences of physical activity insecurity: a qualitative study highlighting intersectional disadvantage in the UK2024
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Vic McGowan
Aoife Bradley
Dr Shelina Visram
How I'm feeling today, I probably won't be feeling tomorrow’. Using I-Poems to explore young people's changing emotions during the Covid-19 pandemic – A qualitative, longitudinal study2023
Liam Spencer
Dr Hayley Alderson
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Eileen Kaner
‘The Addiction Was Making Things Harder for My Mental Health’: A Qualitative Exploration of the Views of Adults and Adolescents Accessing a Substance Misuse Treatment Service2023
Dr Naomi Griffin
Pip Kyle
Dr Steph Scott
'Bigotry is all around us, and we have to deal with that': Exploring LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences and understandings of health inequalities in Northern England2023
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Graham McClelland
I don't want to put myself in harm’s way trying to help somebody: Public knowledge and attitudes towards bystander CPR in North East England–findings from a qualitative interview study2023
Zoe Bell
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Shelina Visram
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
Children's nutritional health and wellbeing in food insecure households in Europe: A qualitative meta-ethnography2023
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Measurement Instruments for Integration within Children and Young People Healthcare Systems and Networks: A Rapid Review of the International Literature2023
Dr Mackenzie Fong
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Viviana Albani
The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions and Changes to Takeaway Regulations in England on Consumers’ Intake and Methods of Accessing Out-of-Home Foods: A Longitudinal, Mixed-Methods Study2023
Dr Evgenia Stepanova
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Dr Steph Scott
This needs to be a journey that we’re actually on together’—the introduction of integrated care systems for children and young people in England: a qualitative study of the views of local system stakeholders during winter 2021/222023
Dr Emma Giles
Dr Grant McGeechan
Dr Steph Scott
Use of co-production to explore food insecurity in adults with severe mental illness living in Northern England: a mixed-methods study2023
Dr Steph Scott
'I enjoy having someone to rant to, I feel like someone is listening to me': Exploring participant and researcher emotion in the use of qualitative, longitudinal diary-based methods2022
Zoe Bell
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Shelina Visram
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
Experiences and perceptions of nutritional health and wellbeing amongst food insecure women in Europe: A qualitative meta-ethnography2022
Zoe Bell
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Shelina Visram
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
Family's experiences of their children's nutritional health and wellbeing among food-insecure households in Europe: a qualitative systematic review and meta-ethnography2022
Zoe Bell
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Shelina Visram
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
Food insecure women's experiences of their nutritional health and wellbeing in Europe: a qualitative systematic review and meta-ethnography2022
Dr Naomi Griffin
Dr Steph Scott
Pip Kyle
'It All Kind of Links Really': Young People’s Perspectives on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Circumstances and Health2022
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Graham McClelland
Public attitudes towards bystander CPR and their association with social deprivation: findings from a cross sectional study in North England2022
Dr Emma Giles
Dr Grant McGeechan
Denise Howel
Professor Eileen Kaner
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Young People in the High School Setting: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (SIPS JR-HIGH)2022
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Vic McGowan
Dr Shelina Visram
‘I’m Gonna Tell You about How Mrs Rona Has Affected Me’. Exploring Young People’s Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in North East England: A Qualitative Diary-Based Study2021
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Vic McGowan
Dr Josephine Wildman
Dr Claire Sullivan
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
COVID-19 and the role of Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprises in northern England in responding to the needs of marginalised communities: a qualitative focus group study2021
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Gina Nguyen
Zoe Bell
Letitia Sermin-Reed
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
et al.
Food insecurity among pregnant women living in high-income countries: a systematic review2021
Zoe Bell
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Shelina Visram
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
Food insecurity and the nutritional health and well-being of women and children in high-income countries: Protocol for a qualitative systematic review2021
Dr Steph Scott
Frequent callers to UK ambulance services in the COVID-19 pandemic: managing mental health, social isolation and loneliness.2021
Dr Mackenzie Fong
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Viviana Albani
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
'Joining the Dots': Individual, sociocultural and environmental links between alcohol consumption, dietary intake and body weight—A narrative review2021
Dr Hayley Alderson
Liam Spencer
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Eileen Kaner
Using behavioural insights to improve the uptake of services for drug and alcohol misuse2021
Dr Grant McGeechan
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Ruth McGovern
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
et al.
A qualitative account of young people's experiences of alcohol screening and brief interventions in schools: SIPS Jr-HIGH trial findings2020
Dr Grant McGeechan
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Ruth McGovern
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
A qualitative exploration of school-based staff's experiences of delivering an alcohol screening and brief intervention in the high school setting: findings from the SIPS JR-HIGH trial2019
Dr Grant McGeechan
Denise Howel
Professor Eileen Kaner
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Ruth McGovern
et al.
Brief alcohol intervention for risky drinking in young people aged 14 15 years in secondary schools: the SIPS JR-HIGH RCT2019
Dr Steph Scott
Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Exploring the links between unhealthy eating behaviour and heavy alcohol use in the social, emotional and cultural lives of young adults (age 18-25): A qualitative research study2019
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Natalie Connor
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Louisa Jane Ells
et al.
Socio-ecological influences on adolescent (Aged 10–17) alcohol use and unhealthy eating behaviours: A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies2019
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
The variability of outcomes used in efficacy and effectiveness trials of alcohol brief interventions: A systematic review2019
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Dr Steph Scott
Cassey Muir
et al.
Examining Associations between Body Mass Index in 18–25 Year-Olds and Energy Intake from Alcohol: Findings from the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey2018
Dr Steph Scott
Fiona Beyer
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18-25 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis2018
Dr Steph Scott
Fiona Beyer
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Reduce Unhealthy Eating and Risky Drinking in Young Adults Aged 18-25 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2018
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Eileen Kaner
‘Hidden Habitus’: A Qualitative Study of Socio-Ecological Influences on Drinking Practices and Social Identity in Mid-Adolescence2017
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Colin Muirhead
Dr Rachel Tyrrell
Professor Eileen Kaner
Does Industry-Driven Alcohol Marketing Influence Adolescent Drinking Behaviour? A Systematic Review2017
Dr Katie Haighton
Joel Halligan
Dr Steph Scott
Is popular radio a source of exposure to alcohol references in mid to later life? A content analysis2017
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Eileen Kaner
Shannon Robalino
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18–25 years: a systematic review protocol2017
Dr Steph Scott
Jessica Reilly
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Socio-ecological influences on adolescent (aged 10-17) alcohol use and linked unhealthy eating behaviours: Protocol for a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies2017
Denise Howel
Professor Eileen Kaner
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr Steph Scott
et al.
Multicentre individual randomised controlled trial of screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent risky drinking in young people aged 14-15 in a high school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH): study protocol2016
Jen Birch
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
et al.
A pilot feasibility trial of alcohol screening and brief intervention in the police custody setting (ACCEPT): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial2015
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Eileen Kaner
Brief Alcohol Interventions2015
Dr Steph Scott
Erin Graybill
Denise Howel
Professor Eileen Kaner
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Development of a multicentre randomised controlled trial of screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent risky drinking in young people in a high-school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH)2015
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Denise Howel
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
A pilot feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent hazardous drinking in young people aged 14-15 in a high school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH)2014
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Amy O'Donnell
Denise Howel
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
A pilot feasiblity c-RCT of screening and brief alcohol intervention in young people aged 14–15 in a high school setting: sips jr-high2014
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Eileen Kaner
Alcohol and Public Health: Heavy drinking is a heavy price to pay for populations2014
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Rachel Baker
Professor Eileen Kaner
Autonomy, special offers and routines: a Q methodological study of industry-driven marketing influences on young people's drinking behaviour2014
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Denise Howel
Elaine Stamp
et al.
A feasibility trial of alcohol screening and brief interventions for risky drinking in young people in a high school setting in the UK: SIPS JR-HIGH2013
Dr Steph Scott
Professor Eileen Kaner
Examining industry driven marketing influences on young people who drink alcohol: a mixed method exploration2013
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Mark Deverill
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Erin Graybill
Christine Harle
et al.
Brief intervention to prevent hazardous drinking in young people aged 14–15 in a high school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial2012
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Mark Deverill
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Erin Graybill
Christine Harle
et al.
Screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent hazardous drinking in adolescents aged 14-15 years in a high school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH): a feasibility pilot trial2012