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Browsing publications by Professor Rob Collins.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Rob Collins
Graham Fairclough
Professor Sam Turner
Building a community of practice in a Roman heritage landscape2023
Professor Rob Collins
Dr Ian Kille
Fabric of the Frontier: Prospection, Use and Re-Use of Stone from Hadrian's Wall2023
Professor Rob Collins
Touch wood: luck, protection, power or pleasure? A wooden phallus from Vindolanda Roman fort2023
Professor Rob Collins
From MOOC to WallCAP: Engaging non-academic audiences with Hadrian’s Wall2022
Professor Rob Collins
The Culture of Command in the 4th and 5th centuries in Northern Britannia2022
Professor Rob Collins
Hadrian's Wall2020
Professor Rob Collins
The Phallus and the Frontier: The Form and Function of Phallic Imagery Along Hadrian’s Wall2020
Dr Tatiana Ivleva
Professor Rob Collins
Un-Roman Sex: Gender, Sexuality, and Lovemaking in the Roman Provinces and Frontiers2020
Professor Rob Collins
Dr Matthew Symonds
Hadrian's Wall 2009-2019: A Summary of Excavation and Research prepared for the Fourteenth Pilgrimage of Hadrian's Wall, 20-28 July 20192019
Professor Rob Collins
Landscapes of the Limitanei at the Northern Edge of Empire2018
Professor Andrea Dolfini
Professor Rob Collins
Modelling physical and digital replication: Bridging the gap between experimentation and experience2018
Professor Rob Collins
Professor Sam Turner
The Eslington Sword and the Kingdom of Northumbria2018
Professor Rob Collins
Decline, collapse, or transformation? The case for the northern frontier of Britannia2017
Professor Rob Collins
Power at the Periphery: Military Authority in Transition in Late Roman Britain2017
Professor Rob Collins
The frontier foundations of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria2017
Professor Rob Collins
Economic reduction or military reorganization? Demolition and conversion of granaries in the northern frontier of Britannia in the later 4th century2015
Professor Rob Collins
Dr Matthew Symonds
Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers: Armies and their Architecture in Late Antiquity2015
Professor Rob Collins
The nature and understanding of frontiers in the later Roman Empire2015
Professor Rob Collins
AD 410: The History and Archaeology of Late and Post-Roman Britain2014
Professor Rob Collins
Frances McIntosh
Life in the Limes: Studies of the people and objects of the Roman frontiers2014
Professor Rob Collins
Professor David Breeze
Limitanei and Comitatenses: Military Failure at the End of Roman Britain?2014
Professor Rob Collins
Lost and Found: Casual loss and (re)discovery of Roman objects from the northern frontier2014
Professor Rob Collins
Pennanular brooches from the northern granary at Birdoswald: A reappraisal2014
Professor Rob Collins
Dr Matthew Symonds
Breaking down boundaries: Hadrian's wall in the 21st century2013
Professor Rob Collins
Metal-detecting and geophysical survey at Great Whittington, Northumberland2013
Professor Rob Collins
Pleading the Fifth (Century): Patterns of Coin Use at the End of Empire2013
Professor Rob Collins
Soldiers to Warriors: Renegotiating the Roman Frontier in the Fifth Century2013
Professor Rob Collins
Hadrian's Wall and the End of Empire: The Roman Frontier in the 4th and 5th Centuries2012
Professor Rob Collins
Social Spaces at the End of Empire: The Limitanei of Hadrian's Wall2012
Professor Rob Collins
Military Communities and the Transformation of the Frontier from the 4th-6th Centuries2011
Professor Rob Collins
Brooch use in the 4th- to 5th-century frontier2010
Professor Rob Collins
Lindsay Allason-Jones
Finds from the Frontier: material culture in the 4th-5th centuries2010
Professor Rob Collins
Recent Discoveries of Early Anglian Material Culture in the North East2010
Professor Rob Collins
Professor James Gerrard
Debating Late Antiquity in Britain AD300-7002004