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Browsing publications by Dr Richard Thomson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr James Fisher
Dr Nony Mordi
Dr Richard Thomson
Clinical teachers' toolbox article: Harnessing narrative medicine to learn from underserved populations2024
Dr Richard Thomson
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Pathways of patients with chronic haematological malignancies: a report from the UK’s population-based HMRN2024
Dr James Fisher
Dr Emily Astles
Dr Jacobo Salvatore
Dr Richard Thomson
Question banks: credit? Or debit? A qualitative exploration of their use among medical students2024
Dr Anna Haste
Professor Linda Sharp
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Sarah Sowden
Co-design to deliver service improvement: What does this mean and how can we do it? A qualitative study with upper gastrointestinal cancer patients and professionals2023
Dr James Fisher
Dr Richard Thomson
Harnessing story-telling to learn from underserved populations: opening eyes, hearts and minds2023
Claire Marcroft
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Sally Johnson
et al.
Survey of current practice of routine neurodevelopmental follow-up in UK neonatal services2023
Michael Sykes
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Enhancing national audit through addressing the quality improvement capabilities of feedback recipients: a multi-phase intervention development study2022
David Hamilton
Dr Ben Heaven
Dr Richard Thomson
Emerita Professor Janet Wilson
Professor Catherine Exley
et al.
How do patients make decisions in the context of a multidisciplinary team: an ethnographic study of four head and neck cancer centres in the north of England2022
Rawand Jarrar
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Dr Joanne Lally
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Chris Wilkinson
et al.
Temporal changes in anticoagulant prescribing and atrial fibrillation: results of interrupted time-series analysis of openly available routine data in England2022
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr James Fisher
Twelve Tips for Small Group Teaching 2.0 – Rebooted for Remote and HyFlex Learning2022
Dr Richard Thomson
Video consultations: a potential gamechanger in clinical education2022
Dr Richard Thomson
Development and piloting of four decision aids for implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in different media formats2021
Andrew Geddis-Regan
Linda Errington
Dr Clare Abley
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Professor Catherine Exley
et al.
Enhancing shared and surrogate decision making for people living with dementia: A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions2021
Michael Sykes
Dr Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study2021
Dr Holly Standing
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Kerry Joyce
Dr Stephen Lord
Dr Janet McComb
et al.
'You can’t start a car when there’s no petrol left': A qualitative study of patient, family, and clinician perspectives on implantable cardioverter defibrillator deactivation2021
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Mark Lambert
Professor Linda Sharp
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Sarah Sowden
et al.
Patient experiences of the urgent cancer referral pathway—Can the NHS do better? Semi-structured interviews with patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer2020
Professor Gill Rowlands
Dr Anu Vaittinen
Dr Lynne Stobbart
Dr Richard Thomson
The evidence-based development of an intervention to improve clinical health literacy practice2020
Dr Sebastian Potthoff
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Marta Marques
Fiona Beyer
Dr Richard Thomson
et al.
The relationship between habit and healthcare professional behaviour in clinical practice: a systematic review and meta-analysis2019
Dr Sarah Sowden
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Richard Thomson
Professor Linda Sharp
Co-design to deliver service improvement – what does this mean and can we do it? A qualitative study with cancer patients and NHS professionals2018
Dr Sarah Sowden
Dr Anna Haste
Professor Linda Sharp
Dr Richard Thomson
Embedding patient voice in cancer service improvement: A qualitative study of patients’ experience of the NHS cancer diagnostic care pathway2018
Dr Ishaana Munjal
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Iain Goff
Dr James Fisher
Dr Jane Stewart
et al.
'Great idea', 'sounds scary', 'I'm too busy'; Identifying the barriers in developing a staff peer observation programme2017
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Jane Stewart
Revolutionising feedback: an exploration of barriers and drivers to change2017
Dr Andrew Teodorczuk
Dr Richard Thomson
When I say … resilience2017
Dr Sebastian Potthoff
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Fiona Beyer
Andrew Bryant
Dr Richard Thomson
et al.
A Systematic Review assessing the relationship between habit and healthcare professional behavior in clinical practice2016
Dr Richard Thomson
Explanation and elaboration of the SQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) Guidelines, V.2.0: Examples of SQUIRE elements in the healthcare improvement literature2016
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Amy Loveland
Dr Jane Stewart
Dr James Fisher
How to stop the runaway train of clinical training2016
Dr Richard Thomson
MH Explanation and elaboration of the SQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) Guidelines, V.2.0: examples of SQUIRE elements in the healthcare improvement literature2016
Dr Susan Moloney
Dr Jason Scott
Dr Richard Thomson
Partnering to co-design an approach to enabling black and minority ethnic inclusion in research2016
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Susan Moloney
Dr Jason Scott
Dr Lynne Stobbart
The role of person centred care for improving healthcare quality and safety2016
Dr Marilyn Clarke
Dr Vanessa Hogan
Dr Deborah Buck
Dr Jing Shen
Christine Powell
et al.
An external pilot study to test the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial comparing eye muscle surgery against active monitoring for childhood intermittent exotropia [X(T)]2015
Dr Pippa Male
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Jane Stewart
'Good Busy' vs 'Bad Busy' - How to Overcome the Challenges of Teaching in a Busy Emergency Department2015
Dr James Fisher
Dr Laura Norris
Dr Stephen Keddie
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Eleanor Grogan
et al.
'I see you're angry': actor-reported anger scores2015
Dr Aoife De Brun
Dr Darren Flynn
Professor Laura Ternent
Dr Christopher Price
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
et al.
Patient factors that influence variation in clinical decision-making about thrombolysis in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: Results of a discrete choice experiment2015
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Jane Stewart
Educator in Residence - innovation within a Trust2014
Dr Richard Thomson
Toward Minimum Standards for Certifying Patient Decision Aids: A Modified Delphi Consensus Process2014
Frances Healey
Dr Richard Thomson
To what extent are inpatient deaths preventable? The author's reply2013
Dr Ganesh Sivaji
Dr Sally Corbett
Dr Mark Welfare
Dr Janine Gray
Dr Richard Thomson
et al.
The oracle (oesophageal reflux and change in lifestyle evaluation) study2004