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Artist(s): Talbot R; Rooney P; MacKintosh D; Houlding M; The Little Artists
Publication type: Artefact
Publication status: Published
Year: 2003
Venue: Comme Ca Art Gallery
Location: Manchester, UK
Type of Work: Drawings
Notes: The five artists were selected by leading international curators: Lewis Biggs, Liverpool Biennial and Tate North; Sune Nordgren, Baltic; Stephen Snoddy, Cornerhouse and Milton Keynes Gallery; Carol Maund, Site Gallery. The purpose of this show, the first of its kind and of which Chris Ofili was the patron, was to find the best contemporary art being made in the north of England. Five artists were short-listed from over 300 nominations for a £10,000 award in an exhibition that was billed as the ‘Turner Prize of the North‘. I was nominated by Pippa Coles, a selector of British Art Show 5. The show included installation, sculpture, video and painting, as well as my five large (1.2m x 1.8m) drawings on paper for which I also obtained production funding from Arts Council England. The drawings were part of a series developing complex spatial structures using both traditional methods of perspective construction as well as methods devised by myself in response to extensive historical research into those traditional methods. These methods allow for a more intuitive approach to building spaces using geometry, allowing for ideas and imagery to develop organically, as opposed to the more utilitarian approach to perspective expounded within art education and by art history. There was national and local media coverage including an hour-long TV programme made by Granada television, incorporating interviews and profiles of the individual artists, as well as footage from the opening event in Manchester. A profile and interview was published in the Newcastle Journal and I took part in a live interview on BBC Radio Newcastle. Simple catalogue available +DVD.