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Lookup NU author(s): Emerita Professor Máire Cross
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This innovative study analyses Flora Tristan's correspondence with militant republicans, socialists and democrats active in the July Monarchy. It examines the role of the letter in fostering links at a time of a significasnt growth of literacy and search for citizenship by the disenfranchised. Combining a gendered analysis of socialist movements with a textual analysis of letters, it illustrates the vitality of political tensions in Tristan's communications and the sophistication of political networks on the eve of the 1848 revolution.
Author(s): Cross M
Publication type: Authored Book
Publication status: Published
Year: 2004
Number of Pages: 201
Publisher: Palgrave
Place Published: Basingstoke
Notes: This is the first ever study devoted to Tristan's correspondence.
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item
ISBN: 9780333772645