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Lookup NU author(s): Professor John Hesketh, Professor John MathersORCiD
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Personalised, genotype-based nutrition is a concept that links genotyping with specific nutritional advice in order to improve the prevention of nutrition-associated, chronic diseases. This review describes the current scientific basis of the concept and discusses its problems. There is convincing evidence that variant genes may indeed determine the biological response to nutrients. The effects of single-gene variants on risk or risk factor levels of a complex disease are, however, usually small and sometimes inconsistent. Thus, information on the effects of combinations of relevant gene variants appears to be required in order to improve the predictive precision of the genetic information. Furthermore, very few associations between genotype and response have been tested for causality in human intervention studies, and little is known about potential adverse effects of a genotype-derived intervention. These issues need to be addressed before genotyping can become an acceptable method to guide nutritional recommendations. © The Authors 2007.
Author(s): Joost H-G, Gibney MJ, Cashman KD, Gorman U, Hesketh JE, Mueller M, van Ommen B, Williams CM, Mathers JC
Publication type: Review
Publication status: Published
Journal: British Journal of Nutrition
Year: 2007
Volume: 98
Issue: 1
Pages: 26-31
Print publication date: 01/07/2007
ISSN (print): 0007-1145
ISSN (electronic): 1475-2662
DOI: 10.1017/S0007114507685195
PubMed id: 17381877