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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Richard TalbotORCiD
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Making sculpture in shallow space. I want to document briefly my journey from making drawings to making sculpture and back again, and to describe the role that drawing, and in particular, the role that Linear Perspective has played within that journey. First encountered as a phenomenon, then as something incorporated into the work, then as a device or tool used to solve problems, perspective and all its problems has continued to both fascinate and perplex me. My total immersion in the mechanics and history of perspective has led me to question many of the common assumptions about linear perspective’s nature and purpose. This in turn has given me new insights into my own practice and has helped me understand in retrospect some of the decisions that I have made and continue to make within the work. Although linear perspective is often associated with the problems of describing depth, and quite often deep space, I have come to realise that it is, in fact, as much to do with surface as it is to do with depth, and possibly more to do with shallow space than deep space. It is in this shallow space where I continue to make sculpture.
Author(s): Talbot R
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: What Drawing is Not What is Drawing
Year of Conference: 2006
Notes: Invited to speak at Conference,papers to be published later. Included speakers from several disciplines, including:- Deanna Petherbridge, Arnolfini Professor of Drawing, Bristol Michael Esson The College of Fine Arts, the University of New South Wales Phil Sawdon Loughborough University Drew Plunkett Glasgow School of Art Dr Iain Biggs University of the West of England Professor Michael Healey University of Lincoln Professor Maxine Naylor University of Lincoln Jayne Bingham University of Lincoln Paul Middleton University of Lincoln John Plowman University of Lincoln