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Lookup NU author(s): Dr John HedleyORCiD
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This paper reports on Ag-Ge-Se solid electrolyte films which can support the rapid net displacement of metal mass from a silver source to a target location within a MEMS device at low voltage and current. This displacement of mass can be used to alter material parameters and we have demonstrated a tunable MEMS resonator using this principle. In this application, the electrodeposited mass is made to form on a suspended polycrystalline silicon beam to change both its vibrating mass and stiffness, without significantly degrading the Q-factor. The paper includes some of the initial results from the resonator work and places particular emphasis on the solid state electrodeposition process and its relationship to the electrolyte composition.
Author(s): Kozicki MN, Brown III CL, Mitkova M, Enderling S, Hedley J, Walton AJ
Editor(s): Laudon, M. and Romanowicz, B.
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (NSTI Nanotech 2005)
Year of Conference: 2005
Pages: 447-450
Publisher: Nano Science and Technology Institute
Notes: Code 66525
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item
ISBN: 0976798522