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Lookup NU author(s): Robin Ashby, Dr Andrew Metcalfe, Dr David SwailesORCiD
Full text for this publication is not currently held within this repository. Alternative links are provided below where available.
Regression type methods for analysing proportions, known as probit and logit analyses, are compared with the British Standard BS 3518 (part 5) recommendations for analysis of staircase designs. All these methods are found to give similar results. Different experimental strategies, involving fixed sample sizes for load levels chosen in advance, are compared with staircase designs. Recommendations for practice are made. Finally, the versatility of the logit analysis for investigating the effects of additional variables, such as additional treatments during manufacture, is demonstrated through a case study. © IMechE 1999.
Author(s): Metcalfe AV; Ashby R; Swailes DC; Ahmad-Shariff A
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
Year: 1999
Volume: 213
Issue: 3
Pages: 291-301
Print publication date: 01/03/1999
ISSN (print): 0954-4062
ISSN (electronic): 2041-2983
Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd.
DOI: 10.1243/0954406991522653
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