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Lookup NU author(s): Colleen Cummings, Lucy TipladyORCiD, Professor Liz ToddORCiD
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This report presents the findings of the national evaluation of full service extended schools (FSES), part of the Governments overall vision for all schools to offer a core set of extended activities by 2010. The FSES initiative sought to support the development in every local authority (LA) area of one or more schools which provide a comprehensive range of services on a single site, including access to health services, adult learning and community activities, as well as study support and 8am to 6pm wrap-around childcare.
Author(s): Cummings C, Dyson A, Muijs D, Papps I, Pearson P, Raffo C, Tiplady L, Todd L
Publication type: Report
Publication status: Published
Series Title:
Type: Research Report
Year: 2007
Pages: 198
Print publication date: 25/06/2007
Source Publication Date: 25 June 2007
Report Number: RR852/RB852
Institution: DfES
Place Published: London