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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Julie Reichelt
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Oxidative phosphorylation is the main endogenous source for the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In order to investigate the influence of enhanced ROS production on the in vitro senescence of Wi-38 fibroblasts, cells were cultivated in medium with elevated (hypertonic) NaCl concentrations. The number of active Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase molecules per cell was found to be increased. A rise in both respiration and glycolysis as evidenced by the increases in oxygen and glucose consumption and lactate production was revealed. Cells stayed alive in medium with NaCl concentrations of up to 0.30 M and could be adapted to growth under these hypertonic conditions (high-NaCl tolerant cells). These cells exhibited an increased cell size and protein content. A growing number of cells showed stress fibers and granulation. The proliferation rate and the maximum number of cumulative population doublings of these high-NaCl tolerant cultures were reduced and saturation density was decreased. Thus, these cells under energetic stress due to increased energy requirements for active ion transport expressed features typical for aging in vitro. We conclude therefore that energetic stress induces premature aging in human diploid fibroblasts.
Author(s): Reichelt J; Schachtschabel DO
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Year: 2001
Volume: 32
Issue: 3
Pages: 219-231
ISSN (print): 0167-4943
ISSN (electronic): 1872-6976
Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-4943(01)00102-9